Cinco De Mayo Festival Starts Thursday New PGE Park Opens See Metro Section for full story See Page A6 ___ PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 1610 Volume XXXI Number 18 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 ■■■■■M M M M M M i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■fl W ed n esd a y May 2,2001 50c ■M M No Fault Found in Police Shooting A series o f new reports are clearing police and sh e riff s deputies o f any w rong­ doing in the arTest and subsequent shoot­ ing death o f a Mexican immigrant. A n in te rn a l in v e s tig a tio n by th e M ultnomah County S h eriffs Office finds that deputies acted properly w hen they struggled with Jose Santos V ictor Mejia Poot to place him in an isolation cell at the downtown Portland Justice Center. Two days later, he was shot and killed by Portland police during a confrontation at BHC-Pacific Gateway Hospital. A M ultnomah County Grand Jury last week cleared Portland police officers o f any criminal wrongdoing in M ejia’s arrest or shooting. • A Portland police internal affairs inves­ tigation is continuing into allegations that Portland officers used excessive force at the time o f M ejia’s arrest. All the investigative reports on M ejia’s case, including the jail reports, have been turned over to the FBI, which is reviewing w hether to conduct a civil rights investiga­ tion. Mejia, 29, was arrested March 30 on allegations o f resisting arrest and harass­ ment after he boarded a Tri-Met bus and couldn’t pay his fare. W hile being booked, he refused at least two direct orders to remove his watch and place it on the booking counter, a routine step, officials said. They said Mejia pushed him self free, clinched his fists and began swinging his Russian Rocket Lifts Off Carrying U.S. Space Tourist BAIKONUR, Kazakstan — A Russian ‘ rocket lifted o ff flawlessly, carrying the first space tourist, American Dennis Tito, and two cosmonauts. The Soyuz rocket blasted " off from the barren steppes o f Central Asia under sunny, blue skies, headed toward the International Space Station. “ It’s for real," said Tito’s girlfriend, who cried as she watched the launch. “I just can’t believe it.” U.S. Team Arrives in China for Look at Spy Plane BEIJING — A team o f U.S. technicians arrived in China to figure out how to get a damaged Navy spy plane back to the United States. The technicians from Lockheed Mar­ tin, a Pentagon contractor, are expected to meet with Chinese officials in Hainan Island. Bush Gets Less Press, Positive Reports President Bush has gotten less positive news coverage at the start o f his term than Bill Clinton did, according to a media watch­ dog group. O f newspaper, newsmagazine and TV stories about Bush in the first two months o f his term, 22% were positive versus 27% for Clinton in his first two months. The amount ofreporting has plum­ meted: TV and print coverage o f Bush fell 41 % from the same period during Clinton’s administration. Evenflo to Recall 3.4M Baby Car Seats About 3.4 million infant car seat/carriers will be recalled because a faulty handle can cause the seat to flip forward, federal offi­ cial say. At least 97 infants have suffered skull fractures, concussions, a broken leg or other injuries in the Evenflo Joyride. China Accuses Bush of Violating Commitments A BEIJING — China’s Foreign Ministry accused President Bush o f violating commit­ ments to China when he said that the United States was willing to defend Taiwan in the event ofaChinese invasion. Ministry spokes­ woman Zhang Qiyue expressed “serious concern” over what she called Bush’s “ex­ tremely mistaken position.” Bush’s remarks ventured far beyond U.S. policy, which was strategically vague and avoided specifically describing what America would do if China invaded Taiwan. A grand ju r y ’s decision clearing police o f wrongdoing in the shooting death o f a Mexican immigrant ignites a strong protest downtown. . (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) Rainfall Good For Bull Run Supply Achievement (AP)- April produced near-normal precipi­ tation — about one-third o f the average for winter months — but the rainfall was espe­ cially good news for the city ofPortland’s Bull Run watershed, about five miles west o f the summit o f Mount Hood. W ater supplies for the summer should be normal, thanks to the recent rain, said Ross Walker, a spokeswoman for the Portland W ater Bureau. “We still wan, people to conserve,” Walker said. “W ater use doubles in the summer, so we want to urge customers to use the water wisely.” Jon Lea, a hydrologist for the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service in Portland, said Monday the snowpack on Mount Hood stood at 88 inches, about 1 'A inches more than where it stood April 1. “That’s about 59 percent o f average for that site at this time o f year,” Lea said. “The rain and snow right now certainly helps, but these are the kinds o f storms we should have been having back in January and February.” Tom Herrett, a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Portland, said stream flows statewide have rebounded in the past two months but still are far below normal. Herrett estimated that stream flows are about 30 percent to 40 percent o f normal on the west side and about 60 percent to 70 percent o f normal for the east side. In southwest Oregon, the Rogue River at Agness is about 27 percent ofnormal, and the Umpqua River is 24 percent o f average, he said. The W illamette River at Salem is only about 37 percent o f normal. D ancers o f the H eart M ississippi C rests at Near-record Level DAVENPORT, Iowa— City workers kept watch on sandbag levees as the bloated Mississippi River hovered at its crest, not quite as high as predicted and short o f a record. At mid-moming, the river was at 22.30 feet, its third highest on record at Davenport, the largest urban area on the upper Missis­ sippi without a permanent flood wall. More G irls G oing to Jail, Study Says WASHINGTON— Young girls are being arrested and jailed in record numbers, ac­ cording to an American Bar Association study released that says the juvenile justice system isn't equipped to handle the special needs o f troubled girls. Whileju venile crime has dropped overall and the problems o f young male offenders tend to get more atten­ tion, girls under the age of 18 have become the fastest growing segment of the juvenile justice population, said the ABA report, which is an amalgamation ofmany studies on girls and crime. Scientists Unearth Dinosaur Fossil Scientists have found the well-preserved fossil o f a down and feather-covered dino­ saur, providing powerful new evidence that feathers evolved in dinosaurs before they evolved in birds, a Chinese and Ameri­ can team reports in today’s Mature. The fossil is believed to be the first discovered with its entire body covering intact. « S tory C ontinued on P age B8 Aztec dancers. Itotianitzayolltl (Dancers o f the Heart), perform at St Andrews Church in northeast Portland Saturday. Inadditionto celebrating Latino culture, the program called for awareness o f the poor living and working conditions o f farm workers, raising money for the National Walk for Farmworker Justice, to be held across Oregon June 18-24 (P hotoba M ark W ashington /T he P o k ii . and O bserver ) Gap Separates White and Minority Students (AP) — The achievement gap in reading between Oregon's white and minority stu­ dents is decreasing in elementary school but growing among middle and high school stu­ dents, state education officials said. The achievement gap in math is either static or increasing, according to test scores from 1996-2000. Although education officials knew Afri­ can-American, Latino and otherminority stu­ dents don’t perform as well on state assess­ ments as white students, Thursday’s report was the first formal look at the problem. State School Superintendent Stan Bunn said three initiatives in Gov. John Kitzhaber’s proposed budget should begin to address the problem: • A $2.7 million program to cut the high-school dropout rate by 20 percent in the next two years. • A $3.4 million proposal would pro­ vide help for schools with low-performing students. • A $ 1.5 million proposal to provide mentors for new teachers to help keep them in the profession and improve their teaching techniques. The report showed that achievement in math and reading improved for all groups in third- and fifth-grade. In math, minorities made no gains on white students. African-Ameri­ can third-graders made a dramatic gam on whites in reading. In eighth grade, all groups improved in reading, but the gap did not narrow. In math, white eighth-graders im­ proved faster than minorities, thus widening the achievement gap. The same held true in 1 Oth-grade reading and math. Sen. Avel Gordly, D-Portland, who had pushed the department to separate test scores, applauded the release o f the data. "W e should look at it as a diagnostic tool, to tell us where to focus our efforts," she said. Gordly said the Legislature should approve the dropout, mentoring and school aid pro­ posals in the governor’s budget.