Committed to Cultural Diversity April 25, 2001 ^lortlanh (Dhserln'r S SECTION - M vunm u n i t y a l c n b a r YMCA Day Camp The YM C A o fC olum bia - W illam ette is currently holding open registration for D ay C am ps for youth entering I s' - 8,h grades. W eekly cam ps begin June 18th and run through A ugust 31s'. Program s run from 6:30a.m . t o 6 p m . are conveniently located at over 30 sites. For E astside C am p loca­ tions contact 503/287-4069. For W estside locations, call 503/641 -3345, ext. 105. N aturescaping for Clean R ivers A free “N aturescaping for Clean R ivers” w orkshop w ill be held on Saturday, M ay 5 at the Portland Parks N atural Resource O f­ fice. T he w orkshop focuses on natural land­ scapes and w ater-friendly gardening prac­ tices. A naturescaped yard protects w ater quality, conserves w ater and prevents ero­ sion. T he w orkshop w ill be held on Satur­ day, M ay 5, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the P ortland P arks, N atural Resource O ffice, located at 5701 SE. 86lh. A dm ission is free. Call 503/797-1842. The God Connection T he G od C onnection invites you to their A nnual Live C oncert and Silent A uction on S aturday, A pril 28, from 6 p.m . - 10 p.m . at 4828 NE. 33rd. This y e a r’s L ive C oncert is headlined by T heresa “ K eiko’s D ream ” D em arest, and w ill feature other talented Portland singer-songw riters including Juliet W yers, A llyn R oberts, and C asey Chaney. C a ll 5 0 3 /4 8 1 - 7 5 9 1 , or e - m a il: co n c ertfeg o d c o n n ec tio n .o rg . Pet Adoption 2001 T he O regon H um ane Society jo in s with hundreds o f anim al w elfare organizations around the country for the M ay 5-6 “ Pet A doption 2001.” O ver 140 hom eless pets are expected to find loving hom es from the O regon H um ane Society during the m ara­ thon adoption w eekend. V isit the society, located at 1067 NE. C olum bia Blvd. in Port­ land, on Saturday, M ay 5 from 10 a m. and Sunday, M ay 6 from 12 noon until 7 p.m. Call 503/285-7722, Medicare Planning “ M edicare P lan n in g ... M aking Sense o f S upplem ental Insurance O ptions” is a two hour u nbiased class for people ages 55 through 64 w ho are thinking o f returning or for those approaching M edicare eligibility age. P re-registration is required by calling 503/413-8795 The next class is on Tuesday, M ay 1, from 6:30 p .m .- 9 p.m. on the G ood S am aritan H ospital Cam pus. Alexander Marcs joins other supporters of the group Friends of Trees for an Earth Day celebration and tree planting event Saturday at the Trade Show Puts Minority Business Out Front The Oregon Association of Minor­ ity Entrepreneurs holds its annual luncheon trade show with over 120 businesses, government agencies and business developm ent resources, Les Femmes* 50th A nniversary Tea In honor o f their 50”’ anniversary, the Les Femmes requests the presence o f all past Debu­ tante andCavilers, years 1951 to2000totheir50<’ Anniversary Tea on Saturday, April 28 at Im­ maculate Heart Catholic Church Parish Hall, located at 2926N. Williams Ave., from 2:3 0 -4 p.m. Call Betty Stephensat503/255-8645. Vietnam Veterans of America The V ietnam V eterans ofAmerica, Francis C. Sollers C hapter392 invites you to com e to our m onthly m eetings the 2nd W ednesday o f every m onth at 7:30 p.m. at the VA Hospital, 2nd Floor, follow the signs. Call Kristin Kidd at 503/777-9787 for more info or questions. C areer Fest to Fill PCC C ascade Gym M ore than 70 em ployers will take part in thePortlandComm unityCollege2001 Spring C areer Fest, providing netw orking oppor­ tunities for people seeking career options and anybody w ishing to see a m ultitude o f em ploym ent opportunities. The festival will be held Tuesday, M ay 1 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the gym nasium on the Cascade Cam- pus, 705 N. Kilhngsworth. Parking and admis­ sion are free. Businesses attending include: K aiser Perm anente. Southwest W ashington M edical Center, Electro Scientific Industries. Xerox, A-dec, Inc., Stream International. O r­ egon State Police, U.S. Customs, American M edical Response, Portland F ire Bureau and Mt. Hood N ational Forest. Professional re­ cruiters will offer em ploym ent workshops and job coaching, covering the topics o f resum e writing, interviewing and career tran­ sitions . For more in formation, contact C oryell at503-978-5290. Thursday, May 3 at the Oregon Con­ vention Center. “The OAME logo symbolizes our diversity as Oregonians working to­ gether for business success,” said Sam Brooks, OAME president and chairman of the board. “In 1994, we celebrated Hispanic American owned businesses. In 1995, we celebrated African American owned businesses. In 1996, we cel­ ebrated Asian American owned busi­ nesses. In 1997, we celebrated Na­ tive American businesses. In 1998, we celebrated European American businesses. In 1999, we held a joint celebration of Oregon businesses. In 2000, OAME members voted to con­ tinue the name and repeat the cel­ ebration of each ethnic group. So we began the new millennium with a focus on Oregon's Hispanic Ameri­ can owned businesses and this year. OAME celebrates African Ameri­ can owned businesses,” Brooks said. The keynote speaker for this year’s show is John Bryant, selected by Time Magazine as “One o f America’s 50 Most Promising Leaders of the Future.” Bryant is the founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO o f Operation HOPE, Inc., America’s first non­ profit investment banking organiza­ tion. He also serves as Chairman and CEO of the growing network of Operation HOPE for-profit banking centers and inner city cyber cafes. Brooks said OAME is pleased to work w ith all Oregon businesses and service providers to produce this year's luncheon and trade show. Area residents and business people are encouraged to join OAME in celebrating and honoring Oregon’s minority and small businesses. For registration and exhibit and luncheon information and reservations, con­ tact OAME at 503-249-7744 or at John Bryant County Stops Sending Patients to Psychiatric Hospital (A P) — M ultnom ah C ounty officials an ­ nounced T hursday it w ill stop sending p sy ­ chiatric patients to B H C -Pacific G atew ay hospital w hile it continues to investigate the death o f a M exican patient shot there by p o lice. C o u n ty o ffic ia ls c ritic iz e d the h o sp ital’s policy o f relying on police to co n ­ trol unruly and violent patients and allow ing arm ed police officers into care units. Inspec­ tors said they co u ld n ’t think o f a situation w here arm ed personnel should m ake contact w ith patients. “ T he use o f police in term s o f bringing firearm s into the unit needs to be d isco n tin ­ ued immediately," said Dr. Larry Marx, a m em ­ ber o f the co u n ty ’s investigative team. C ounty m ental health officials began an investigation after Jose Santos V ictor M ejia I Poot was shot to death by police A prif 1. two days after he was admitted. O fficers had twice been called to the hos­ pital to deal with Mejia. D uring the first visit, he allegedly threatened hospital staff and officers w ith pencils before he w as placed in a secure room. Less than an hour later, police w ere called again after M ejia had escaped from the room Police say three officers were unable to control M ejia and used pepper spray on him. then fired nonlethal beanbags. W hen Mejia came at them w ith a m etal rod ripped from a door, an officer shot him in the chest and head, police say M ejia, 29. died at the scene. M ejia had been arrested tw o days earlier on charges o f harassment and resisting arrest after he boarded a Tri-M et bus and couldn't pay his fare He w as released from jail that evening, but another officer found him disori­ ented and crying outside the dow ntow n po­ lice building. H e was taken to the co u n ty ’s crisis triage center, and eventually, to Pacific Gateway. The 66-bed hospital has called police 72 times since January 2000 to handle unruly patients and o th er security problem s, records show . On T hursday, the county ordered the hos­ pital to m ove its eight patients out o f Pacific G atew ay until the hospital develops a plan to com ply w ith county-ordered changes in poli­ cies and procedures The hospital has until April 26 to subm it a corrective action plan Marx said only if it does so by then will the county consider new adm issions. The county wants the hospital, the only privately run m ental institution in the state, to hire its ow n secun ty staff and determ ine w hen it is appropriate for arm ed police officers to help control patients. The hospital issued a statem ent Thursday acknow ledging that it has “som e very serious deficiencies to correct.” John van M ol, a spokesm an for B H C -Pa­ cific G atew ay 's parent com pany. B ehavioral H ealthcare C orp . said the hospital w ill work as sw iftly as possible to m ake the required fixes. In addition to addressing the co u n ty 's concerns, he said, the hospital also has agreed to halt adm issions until state licensing offi­ cials arc satisfied with the rem edies