Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 25, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    April 25, 2001
Page A2
(Tiiv ^lortlanò (ßbseruer
Police News/Vancouver
Fugitive to Finish Life
Sentence for 1963 Murder
April 24 through May 8, 2001
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E U G EN E— Though commending
him fora law-abiding life out ofprison
for 27 years, a ju d g e Friday sent a 70-
year-oldO regon m an back toC alifor-
nia to finish his life sentence for a
1963 murder.
Lane C ounty Circuit Judge B ryan
Hodges said the legal issues facing
Robert Lee B um s should properly be
settled in C alifornia, w here he was
convicted o f m urder after his partner
in a 1963 bank robbery killed a high­
w ay patrolm an.
Fam ily m em bers sobbed and cried
out “bye Bob. I love you,” as d epu­
ties took B um s by the elbows, helped
decision and com m ended B um s for
the upstanding life he has led w hile
“ From your ow n testim ony on all
these events, you very clearly had to
know you had unfinished business
in C alifornia,” H udges told B um s.
B um s was arrested Jan. 4 after his
nam e p o p p ed up on a co m p u ter
w anted list. He w as sentenced to life
in 1964 after one o f his partners in a
Sacramento, Calif., bank robbery shot
and killed a C alifornia highw ay p a­
trolm an outside Truckee, Cal if., dur­
ing the getaw ay.
T he tw o others involved in the
slaying have since been released from
prison, and one o f them has died.
him up from his chair, and led him out
o f the courtroom into custody.
Representatives o f the C alifornia
D epartm ent o f C orrections w ere in
the courtroom to take Bum s back to
D efense attorney Dave Phillips
im plored the ju d g e to grant a stay o f
ex trad itio n , arg u in g that sending
B um s back to prison in C alifornia
am ounted to a death sentence b e­
cause he suffers from cancer and
heart disease.
Prosecutor Erik H asselm an coun­
tered thaf it w as tim e for B um s to
com plete his legal obligations toC ali-
fom ia. Judge H odges said he had not
been looking forw ard to m aking this
B um s served only 4 1/2 years in
C alifornia before he w as transferred
to O regon to serve out the rem ainder
o f the robbery sentence. O regon au ­
thorities deem ed him fully rehabili­
tated. Then-G ov. Robert S traub re­
fused in 1974 to send him back to
C alifornia to finish his m urder sen­
Phillips argued that California failed
to follow through on extradition at­
tem pts in 1982 and 1983 w hen B um s
w as arrested on a C alifornia fugitive
w arrant w hile doing business in N e­
vada and Alaska.
A U.S. Suprem e C ourt ruling has
since elim inated the right o f gover­
nors to grant sanctuary.
Enforcement Curbs Tobacco Sales To Minors
Ille g a l to b a c c o sa le s to m in o rs
a re d o w n a fte r th e sta te e x p a n d e d
u n d e r c o v e r in s p e c tio n s to i n ­
c lu d e m o st O re g o n re ta ile rs.
“ E n fo rc e m e n t a n d e d u c a tio n
are th e k e y to d e c re a s in g illeg a l
sa le s ,” sa y s J e f f R u sc o e o f the
O ffice o f A lco h o l and D rug A buse
P rogram s in the D ept. o f H um an
S erv ice s. “ T h is y e a r w e ’v e fo ­
cused our effo rts in b oth areas and
now w e ’re startin g to see the re ­
su lts.”
S in ce 1994, O reg o n has c o n ­
ducted annual unannounced inspec-
tions at up to 750 random ly chosen
stores across the state. D uring the
visits, an underage teen ac co m p a­
nied by a retired state p olice o fficer
attem pts to buy tobacco.
T h e state recently expan d ed the
p ro g ram to include m ost retailers,
an estim ated 2 ,950 stores.
“N ow every m erchant expects
at least one v isit a year and it’s
m ak in g a d ifferen ce,” says R uscoe.
O fficials say th eir en forcem ent
effo rts show that m inors are able
to b u y to b acco 17.5 p ercen t o f the
tim e, d ow n from 23.2 p ercen t in
Police Look for
Date Rape Suspect
Police believe a man drugged a
w om an he took on a date in Tualatin
and possibly raped her before leav­
ing w ithout a trace.
T hey su sp ect the m an slipped
drugs into the 17-year-old Tualatin
g irl’s drink on A pril 11th. Investiga­
tors said the m an kidnapped the teen
after the drug ’ s effects m ade her help­
less. The suspect is described about
six feet tall and 170 to 180 pounds.
Investigators think his nam e m ay be
David. H e is in his m id-tw enties with
brow n hair and drives a green car.
D ate rape suspect
the p rev io u s year.
A lth o u g h the rate o f sales w as
the lo w est in the seven years O r­
eg o n has in sp ected tobacco reta il­
e rs, o ffic ia ls say th e re rem a in s
p le n ty o f room for im provem ent.
“ U n d er-ag e y o u th are still able to
b u y to b acco on e o u t o f six tim es,”
say s R uscoe.
H e say s that in creased ed u ca­
tional effo rts are also helping re­
d u ce the illegal sales.
“ E arlier th is y ear w e sent m e r­
ch an ts a letter an d o th er m aterials
ab o u t in sp ectio n s, local com m u-
n ity reso u rces, an d the state law.
L ater this spring w e ’ll launch a
m u ltim ed ia cam p aig n for retailers
on h o w to prev en t sales to m inors.
T h e federal g o v ern m en t w an ts O r­
egon to red u ce the p ercen tag e o f
illegal sales to 25 p ercen t in 2001
an d to 2 0 p ercen t b y 2 003. T o
av o id a $6.4 m illio n p en a lty for
failing to reach an earlier goal, state
le g is la to r s la s t y e a r a p p r o v e d
$ 9 4 5 ,0 0 0 fo r e x p a n d e d in s p e c ­
tio n s a n d e d u c a tio n . C le rk s w h o
se ll to b a c c o to m in o r c a n b e fin ed
u p to $ 500.
Stalker Proposes to Victim
(A P) - An alleged stalker retrieved
a diam ond engagem ent ring from evi­
dence and proposed to the victim as
she sat on the w itness stand.
“ M arry me. Y ou m ean everything
to m e!” John K. Flora, 46, told the
w om an in C lark C ounty Superior
Court. T he w om an, w ho dated Flora
for eight m onths in 1976 and 1977,
ju m p ed up and fled after his outburst
last w eek. Flora had been acting as
his ow n law yer and w as handed the
$4,995 diam ond and am ethyst ring by
the court clerk at his request w hile he
w as questioning the w om an. H e was
tackled, handcuffed and shackled by
officers, and the ju d g e later convicted
him o f tw o counts o f burglary and
one o f attem pted kidnapping. He
could face six to eight years in jail.
“Y ou ’re the worst kind o f stalker,”
Judge Edwin L. P oyfairsaid.”Y o u ’re
the kind that d o esn ’t understand
w hen y o u ’re not w anted. Mr. Flora,
you are a danger.” Flora adm itted he
spied on the w om an, follow ed her
hom e from w ork and w ent through
her trash H e said he only had a “ro­
m antic m otivation” w hen he alleg­
edly broke into her hom e Aug. 27 and
then tried to abduct her on Sept. 2.
H er m other ordered him to leave both
tim es, grabbing a rifle to get him to
leave the second time. The ju d g e said
that if he had any idea F lora was
going to propose, he w ould have
confined him to his chair. “It w as my
last hurrah, your honor,” Flora said.
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Call before you dig.
North Portland
D ig g in g in to u n d e rg ro u n d p o w e r lin es ca n b e
ju st as d a n g e ro u s as co n tac tin g an o v e rh e a d
line. Before y o u p la n t a tree, d ig h o les fo r fence
p o sts o r install u n d e rg ro u n d sp rin k le rs, call u s
a n d w e'll g iv e y o u th e n u m b e r of th e free lo cate
se rv ice in y o u r area.
Northminster Pres. Church
2823 N. Portland Blvd.
4:45 P.M.
Legacy Emanuel Prof. Office Bldg.
2800 N. Vancouver Suite 105
12:00 noon
Never touch or approach a downed
power line or anything it’s touching.
Northeast Portland
Tillamook Park Building
2108 N.E. 41 St. Ave.
Temple Baptist Church
Fireside Room
W h e n a p o w e r lin e is d o w n , y o u c a n 't tell if it's
d e a d o r live. D o n 't to u ch o r a p p ro a c h it! E ven if
it's ju st ly in g there. T h at line m a y look h arm less,
b u t it a n d th e g ro u n d a ro u n d it can a c tu a lly be
en e rg iz e d w ith th o u sa n d s of v o lts o f electricity.
M o re th a n e n o u g h to kill. If y o u see a d o w n e d
p o w e r line, k ee p ev ery o n e, in c lu d in g p ets, o u t
o f th e area, th e n call u s im m ediately.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M..
9:30 A.M .- 12:00* 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.*
9:30 A.M.* 5:00 P.M.* 7:00 P.M.*
9:30 A.M.
9:30 A.M.*
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12:00 noon
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12:00 noon
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