®Ije F o r tia n i» © b s e r u e r -------------- F o c u s --------------------------------- Apni 25, zoo,___ rage? The Focus entertainm ent ( ■HNMMHMMNBMMINMMMMNSMnNBMBNMMMKflViNHB&fWWnMMVfóVriMMI Ascending the Cosmic Mountain Jewelry & Metal Design Show & Sale Through Wednesday, June3 Thursday, May 3 The P ortland A rt M useum , lo­ catedat 1219SW . Park A venue will be offering an exhibition o f a selec­ tion o f T ibetan religious art and artifacts from P ortland private col­ lections. T he event is part o f the “ T ibetan A rts and C ulture F esti­ val,” w hich w ill run p rior and con­ currently to the Dalai L am a’s visit in m id-M ay and includes Tibetan film, visual arts, m usic and dance. For m ore inform ation on the art show ­ ing, call 503/226-2811. T he Creative M etal Arts guild presents the 13'h A nnual Jew elry & M etal D esign Show & Sale. This show continues the tradition o f show casing som e o f the m ost tal­ ented and creativejew elry and metal artists and sculptors from across the Pacific N orthwest. G ala opening is M ay 3, 6-9 p.m . at the W orld F orestry C enter, M iller Hall, 4033 S W. Canyon Rd. Call 503/640-3971, 503/620- 1499or503/233-6919. Our Dream Gallery Through T uesday, June 9 O ur D ream G allery w ill present Ron Sm ith and The A rthur W right, two outstanding artists from N orth­ ern C alifornia w ith the show ing o f “This & T hat," w hich w ill run through June 9 Ron S m ith’s w ork ranges from im ages o f the A frican savannah to his Jazz series. A rthur W right also paints im ages o f A fri­ can w ildlife using a secret tech­ nique involving bleach and black paper. The gallery is located at 2209 N.E. Alberta St. Call 503/288-3024. The Language of W estern Art Through Sunday, June 24 Mountain Writers Series Thursday, May 3 T he M ountain W riters Series is pleased to announce the N orthw est R egional R esid en cy o f H eath er McHugh. On Thursday, M ay 3, there w ill be a poetry reading w ith open­ ing music by bassist G len M oore. D oors open at 7 p.m. A dvance tick­ ets can be purchased at M W S, lo- catedat3624 S.E. MilwaukieorLook- ing G lass Bookstore. C all 503/236- 4854. C elebrate Cinco de M ayo Fridav, May 4 & Saturday, May 5 Join the Portland A rt M useum , located at 1219 SW . Park A venue, for a fascinating look at A m erica’s two m ost celebrated W estern art­ ists, F re d e ric R e m in g to n an d C harles Russell. T heir depictions ofbro n co s and buffaloes, cow boys and A m erican Indians helped shape our view o f the A m erican W est o f the late 19th century. T he exhibition runs from T hursday, A pril 26 until Sunday, June 24. It consists o f an exceptional group o fo v er 100 paint­ ings, sculptures, w atercolors, draw ­ ings, book illustrations and photo­ graphs. C elebrate C inco de M ayo w ith the unique sound o f Los Lobos, playing at C hinook W inds. They w ill perform on Friday, M ay 4 and Saturday, M ay 5 every night at 8 p.m. D o n ’t m iss the opportunity to see this exciting, groundbreaking band w ithout traveling to E ast L. A. Experience the flavor o f M exico on theOregonCoast.Call 1-888-MA1N- A C T ,orF astixxat 1-800-992-T1XX (8499). Here Comes the Bride... T he O regon Potters A ssociation wi 11 be having their 19'h Annual Show and Sale on Friday, M ay 4, Satur­ day, M ay 5 and Sunday, M ay 6 from 10 a .m .- 5 p.m. at the O regon C on­ vention Center. There will be over 200 artists show ing, clay dem on­ strations and a ch ild ren 's clay ac­ tivity area. Sunday, April 29 Love is in the air. W ith spring and sum m er w edding planning in full sw ing, P ortland’s C hart House, locatedat 5700S. W. Terw illigerRd. is doing its part by holding a pre­ m ier Bridal S how case on Sunday, A pril 29, from 11 a .m .- 3 p.m . This free event is ideal for all new or soon-to-be engaged couples. W on­ derful door prizes will be aw arded. T o R SV P and be eligible for the draw ings, please pre-register by calling 503/203-3032. 19th Annual Ceramic Showcase May 4, 5 & 6 Singing for Our Lives Saturday, May 5 A urora C horus returns to the A rlene S chnitzerC oncert Hall fora concert benefiting the Susan G. K om en B reast C ancer Foundation. "The centerpiece o f the evening will be A urora’s perform ance o f“ W here I Live, A Breast Cancer O ratorio” by M inneapolis com poser D iane B en­ jam in . Call the A urora C horus at 503/721-0262. 98 Degrees at the Memorial Coliseum Thursday, May 10 Tickets forthe May 10,98 Degrees show is currently on sale Friday, M arch 3 0 at5 p .m . Joining this must- see, hubbub band are top-notch acts including Debelah Morgan, and Baha Men, with their hit song “W ho Let the D ogs O ut.” Tickets are available at the Rose Q uarter Ticket O ffice or on the w eb at ww w.roseauarter.com o r w w w .ticketm aster.com . Call 503/ 2244400. A teapot display fo r the 19"' Annual Ceramic Showcase and Sale. Sunday Book Group Festival & Parade Poems Over Broadway Sunday, May 20 Friday, June 22 The Sunday Book G roup is a Friday, May 11 m onthly book group held at the Poems Over Broadway, held at the Barnes & N oble Booksellers at the Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Lloyd Lloyd Center. They discuss titles o f Center is a regular, non-confronta- interest to African Americans. This tional, intimate open-m ike for poets month, the group will be looking at ofany age, style and skill level to read the new novel by Mary Burnett Smith their poetry. It starts Friday, M ay 11 called“Ms. Ophelia.” Form ore infor­ at 7 p.m. For m ore information, call mation, call 503/335-0201. 503/335-0201. The “Good in the Hood” Festival and Parade begins Friday, June 22 through Sunday, June 24, 2001. The festival is locatedon the Holy Redeemer AreaSchool Campus at 127NorthPort- land Blvd. The parade route is east on Russell St. to Martin Luther King Jr. , Boulevard, north to Portland Blvd.. then west to Holy Redeemer Area School Campus. Call Paul Knauls at 503/285- 1159oremailhimatpaulsnu.genevasjiet. PCC Community Fair Good in the Hood Saturday, May 12 Portland Com m unity Col­ lege will be having another Com m unity Fair at their PCC Rock Creek campus, located at SW. 185th and Springville Rd., from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Along with displays about PCC pro­ grams, activities include dog agility dem onstrations, horse- drawn wagon rides, a helicop­ ter drop w ith prizes for kids, clow ns, facepainters and ju g ­ glers. The headline act this y ear is the N .W . A frikan A m erican Ballet presenting two free perform ances in the Forum Theatre at 12:30 a.m. and2:30p.m . Duncan Sheik at Roseland Theatre Thursday, May 17 M usic artist D uncan Sheik o f the hit single “Barely Breath­ ing” will be perform ing at the Roseland Theatre on T hurs­ day, M ay 17 at 8 p.m. The event is for adults only, 21 and over. Tickets are avail­ able at Safew ay Fastixx ticket centers. M usic M illennium East & W est and the Rose and G rill. For m ore inform a­ tion. Call D ouble Tee Prom o­ tions at 503/221 -0288 or online at w w w .doubletree.com . a b ir th d a y t r ib u t e to ella T h u r sd a y , A p r il 26, 7pm performance by L ily W ild e and T h e J u m p in ’ J u b ile e O r c h e s tr a w ith B r y a n D ic k e r s o n 21 and over $7 admission “ M cM enanuns 5736 N E 33rd P o r tla n d . O r e g o n (503) 249-3983 www.mcmcnaminscom