Page 6 April 25,2001 ------------------------ Focus in P r in f------------ ®ifjï jßortlauh fObavrUvr Temptations of a Rising Star BkJALULtLlis_lH«MAi! W arner B ooks ; 2001 D eb o rah A n n e P e te rso n is grateful for her loving fam ily, loyal friends, and the peaceful Georgia town that has sheltered her since childhood. But most o f all, she gives thanks to God for giving her a phenomenal voice. Every time D eborah sings her heart out in church, sh e’s trans­ ported by spiritual jo y and a se­ cret dream o f superstardom that glorifies God before people all over the world. Her dream seems hopeless... until handsom e rap­ p er and hom etow n-boy-m ade- good Triage Blue hears her sing. W ith Triage’s help, D eborah’s dem o tape lands on the desk o f Lavelle Roberts, one o f the R& B industry's biggest stars. Before she knows it, Deborah is hired as o n e o f L a v e lle ’s g la m o ro u s backup singers and is plunged into a lifestyle far beyond her sm a ll-to w n w ays. U n d e r the guidance o f sultry singer Phoebe iffN N EDY SCH oq , I** MeMenamins G arland, D eborah finds h e rse lf at the hottest p arties, w earing in c re d ib ly fan cy c lo th e s, and m aking m ore m oney than sh e ’d ev er th ought p o ssib le . In the m idst o f all the ex citem en t, she discovers th at her gratitu d e and affection for the d o w n -to-earth T riage is b lossom ing into so m e­ thing m ore. Y et in a w orld w here having it all is n ev er enough and m e g a -ta le n t c a n ’t sh ie ld you fro m l o n e lin e s s a n d p a in , D eborah is about to face c h a l­ le n g e s sh e n e v e r im a g in e d . T hrough the sheer, b a c k b re a k ­ ing w ork o f to u rin g - and d e a l­ ing w ith out-o f-co n tro l egos she m ust w ork harder than ever to put aside tim e for personal prayer and w orship. T ested by the tem ptations o f the road, and o fT ria g e him self, D eborah m ust struggle to h o ld fast to her faith. Paul Robeson A Legendary Black Renaissance Man CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am Sunday: 7am to 11:30am 5736 NE 33r