Page 4 April 25, 2001 Along Came a Spider S y n o p sis: W ashing­ ton, D.C. hom icide detective A lex C ross is th rough p lay ­ ing m ind gam es w ith c rim i­ n als— that is u n til a m eth o d i­ cal predator, G ary Soneji kid­ naps the young d a u g h ter o f a U nited States sen ato r from ® h e (ßbam ur Focus On Movies an e lite sc h o o l and lu res C ross in to th e c a s e . S o n e ji’s not out fo r ra n s o m , he w ants som ething m uch b ig g e r— a place in the h is­ tory books. His e v e ry m o v e is planned w ith the precision o f a spi­ der spinning his w eb, and C ross and secret s e r v ic e agent J e z z ie Flannigan are in a race against tim e to stop him. • G enre: adaptation / crim e / th rille r / sequel • R a t­ ing: R ated R for violence and language. p a t t i a n i ! ( © b s c r u c r INVITE YOU AND A GUEST TO A SPECIAL SCREENING The Claim S y n o p sis: In 1867 D aniel D illon is lord o f the Sierra N evada m ining tow n he built, K ingdom C om e, w here his w ord is law. He shares his bed w ith the Lucia, the young P o rtu g u e se m adam o f the local saloon and brothel. But his life is about to be turned upside dow n by the arriv al o f Elena, an ailing Polish im m i­ grant, her teen -ag ed d au g h ­ ter, H ope, and D a lg le ish , c h ie f en g in e e r o f the C entral P acific. D algleish has com e w ith a team o f m en to m ap out a rail route that w ill c re ­ Crocodile Dundee in L.A. Synopsis: Crocodile hunter Mick Dundee re­ turns, this time to Holly­ wood, where he gets en­ tangled in a murder mys­ tery involving stolen art masterpieces from East­ ern Europe. G enre: Comedy / Ac­ tion / Sequel Rating: Rated R for sexuality, and some language and vio­ lence. Kingdom Come Pick up a complimentary pass for Two at (The P n rtla n it (Observer 4747 NE MLK Blvd (One Block South o f Alberta) T h u rsd a y A p r il 26 7:0(1 pm (a Fox lo w e r 10 S46 S\V Park Avenue. Portland A K n ig h t's Tale Opens N ationally Fridas. Mas 11 Synopsis: W hen Raynelle Slocum ’s husband dies o f a stroke, family members come together in the small tow n o f Lulu for his funeral. To some family m em bers, how ever, Woodrow “ Bud” Slocum was not an agreeable man. They even consider engraving the words “M ean and Surly” on his tom bstone. Their differ­ ences eventually bring them to blows and they argue, con­ descend, wrestle and pull guns on one another. Peppered throughout the insanity are some touching story lines that unfortunately get lost in the mess. The com ing together o f this dysfunctional clan is suppose to be the funny part o f the film, only it m isses by a long shot. Instead o f a laugh-a- minute, knee-slapping comedy, Kingdom Come is 94 minutes o f constant bickering between lowbrow kinfolk. G e n re : Drama / Com edy Rating: Rated MPAA PG. ate A m e ric a ’s first transcontinental rail­ road, but it is the a r­ rival o f the women and the secret they harbor that threatens to un­ derm ine everything Dillon has achieved. Genre: Adaptation / Drama / Western / Romance Rating: Rated R for sex u al­ ity, and som e language and violence. Freddy Got Fingered Synopsis: A financially strapped, not-so-young man moves back home and discovers that it’s a slacker’s paradise. When his father finally tells him he must get a real job, their fued escalates to the point where the entire world is threatened with nuclear annihilation. Genre: Comedy Rating: Rated R for crude sexual and bizarre humor, and for strong language. The Luzhin Defense Synopsis: Set in the late 1920s, Luzhin is a chess Grand Master who arrives in the Italian Lakes to play the match of a lifetime, and unexpectedly finds the love of his life. His boyhood prodigious tal­ ent overshadowed his parents’ failing marriage, making Luzhin’s lyrical passion for chess his ref­ uge, rendering the real world an illusion. He meets Natalia, who despite having been matched up by her family to Comte de Stassard, is drawn to Luzhin and offers him a glimpse outside the world of chess. But it is a world he is not equipped to deal with, and the two sides collide to tragic effect. Genre: Adaptation / Period / Romance / Drama Rating: Rated PG-13 for some sensuality and thematic elements.