Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 25, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    April 25, 2001
Page B5
(Tfye IJortktnh (Obevruer
B Classifieds/Bids
Portland State Uni versiti'
CareOregon is a progressive Med­
icaid managed care health plan
committed to the values o f diver­
sity, empowerment, and open com­
munication. Team m em bers work
in an environm ent that encour­
ages decision-making, initiative,
flexibility, and creativity in meeting
the needs of our plan members
and their communities.
CareOregon is recruiting for a Re­
search Analyst to analyze statisti­
cal data to assist in the opening
efforts to improve the services
and care delivered to members.
The person in this position will
participate in and direct the gath­
ering, compiling, analyzing and re­
porting of quantitative information
and statistical data, and present
this inform ation in narrative or
schematic form. Major duties may
include: Planning and carrying out
data analysis projects formats for
results; designing data collection
instruments for special projects to
collect raw data and generate re­
ports; analyzing administrative and
research data and assessin g its
quality, validity and reliability; us­
ing SPSS, SQL and/or other sta­
tistical software to retrieve, edit
and tabulate data from various da­
tabases and files; studying and
a n a lyzin g ta b le s , g ra p h s and
charts and other statistics and
reporting results in a variety of for­
mats; writing reports such as sta­
tistical studies, narrative reports
articles for publication an summa­
rizing reports by explaining the sig­
nificance of trends; preparing and
delivering presentations to the
Board of Directors, com mittees of
the Board, community groups and
regulatory agencies; participating
with data processing staff in plan­
ning, designing, and implementing
new data system s.
M inim um o f three years o f re-
search/data analysis experience
including: independently gathering,
com piling, and analyzing data us­
ing statistical methods (inferential,
multivariate analysis, etc); using
statistical software packages such
as SPSS and/or SAS to manipu­
late and analyzing data; preparing
narrative and statistical reports;
experience in health-related pro­
gram or prior managed care expe­
rience preferred. Successful in
health-related program or prior
m anaged care experience pre­
ferred. Successful candidate will
have Bachelor's degree or equiva­
lent training/experience and col­
lege-level courses in statistics (at
le a s t n in e q u a r t e r h o u rs ).
Master's degree in a health related
field preferred. Norm al hiring
range $52,724 - $70,388.
Please submit cover letter and re­
sume to CareOregon-HR-RA, 522
SW 5(h Ave., Suite 200, Portland,
OR 97204, or fax to (503) 416-
1462. Position will close in one
Community Organizer
O re g o n A c tio n , a s ta te w id e ,
grassroots community organiza­
tion working for economic justice,
seeks bilingual, bicultural orga­
nizer for Portland chapter. Orga­
nizer works for membership to re­
cruit new members, identify, train
and develop leaders, develop strat­
egy and plan issue cam paigns,
coordinate actions and assist with
fundraising. Send cover and re­
sume by May 15: Oregon Action,
3009 NE E m e rson , P o rtla n d ,
missy@oregonaction.org. (503)
Executive Director for feminist so­
cial service/social change non­
profit. Running 24-hour crisis line
and outreach programs. Must un­
derstand the dynamics of oppres­
sion and be committed to ending
violence. Looking for a self-starter
with vision and agency supervision
experience. Salaried, .75 FTE, full
benefits. Send resume to PWCL,
P.0. Box 42610, Portland, OR
97242 Closing 4/30/2001.
M etro
Providing regional services Creating
livable communities
Executive Administrative
Assistant II,
E x e c u tiv e O f fic e . $ 1 1 .6 7 -
$11.63/hour, FT,
Limited duration appointm ent of
approximately 18 m onths, Dead­
line 5/4/01. Provides direct ad­
m inistrative support for confer­
ence p la n n in g/sch e d u lin g, re­
quests for proposal, scheduling
table talks/events, sponsorship,
and ta kin g/p ro d u cin g m eeting
Screens callers and visitors, refer­
ring them to appropriate s ta ff
m em bers or d e p a rtm e n ts; re­
ceives, sorts, and distributes mail;
responds to the public regarding
standardized inform ation about
Metro and its programs; acts as
departm ent contact to receive,
communicate, exchange, correct
or verify information. Please sub­
mit a resume with a cover letter
which details your related experi­
ence to: Metro Human Resources,
600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland,
OR 97232; or fax to (503) 797-
1 7 9 8 ; o r e m a il to jo b s
Hazardous W asteTechnician
$15.38 - $20.64/hour, 1 FT po­
sition, deadline 5/18/01.
Participates in the handling of in­
coming hazardous waste loads at
M etro's Hazardous Waste Facili­
ties and collection sites, including
receiving, identifying, sorting and
preparation for disposal of hazard­
ous waste. Minorities and women
encouraged to apply.
Operations Secretary
Portland Center for the Performing
A rts. $12.30 - $15.72/hour,
FT, Deadline 4/30/01. Perform s
a wide variety of responsible sec­
retarial and clerical duties and pro­
vides general information and as­
sistance to the public. Duties in­
clude arranging m eetings, adjust­
ing schedules, organizing data or
documents, typing and proofread­
ing a wide variety of docum ents,
answering phones, m aintaining
office supplies.
Required application m aterials
available at: Metro Human Re­
sources, 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR. Resum es are not
accepted. Please call (503) 797-
1570 if you would like application
materials mailed to you. Web ad­
dress: w w w jnetro-region.org
AA/EEO Employer
The M ultnom ah County Health
Department is currently recruiting
for the following position:
Application m aterials and formal
job announcements are available
at: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o n u s /
johs/, in person or by mailing a
self-addressed stamped envelope
requesting forms to: Multnomah
County Human Resources Divi­
sion, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, First
Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Port­
land OR, 97293-0700. Assisted
access to Multnomah County job
information and web site is avail­
able at Multnomah County Librar­
Multnomah County Health Depart­
ment is actively recruiting persons
from various ethnic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse communities. Bilin-
gual/bicultural candidates are en­
couraged to apply. An Equal Op­
portunity Employer
Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C.
Sheet M etal/Husband of Crissy,
Dick Weber
Your Welding/Dixer Brother would
love to see you.
M essage (360) 892-8730
Admissions Counselor
Portland State University invites
applications for the position of
A d m is s io n s
C o u n s e lo r.
Responsibilites include: (1) repre­
senting the University to prospec­
tive students and the general pub­
lic through outreach vis its; (2)
meeting with prospective and cur­
rent students; (3) assisting with
planning and im plem entation of
recruitment events; (4) other du­
ties as assigned. Minimum quali­
fications for the position include a
Baccalaureate degree; one year of
experience in student services at
the college level; excellent written
and oral com m unication sk ills;
strong interpersonal, presentation
and organizational skills; creative
problem -solving ability and cus­
tomer-service orientation. Position
requires frequ ent evening and
weekend hours plus travel several
weeks per year The position is
renewable and based on a full
tim e , fix e d te rm 1 2 -m o n th ,
unranked academic professional
appointment. Com plete applica­
tions will be reviewed beginning
May 7th, 2001. Position will re­
main open till filled. To apply:
Submit a letter of interest, resume,
one-page custom er service phi­
losophy statem ent and name, ad­
dress and telephone number of at
least three (3) references to:
Heather Gallup
Office of Adm issions and Records
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Portland State University is an Af­
firmative Action/Equal Opportunity
ClarkCounty, Washington
Job Opportunities
We are seeking qualified candidates
tobe part of our dynamic public
service organization.
GISTechnician Intern
$13.00 - $15.00/hr. DOQ
Human Resources Specialist
$2,986-$4,218/m o. DOQ
Mental Health Program
$3,918-$5,535/m o. DOQ
Jo b in fo rm a tio n , a p p lic a tio n s ,
and b e n e fits in fo rm a tio n are
a va ila b le from :
Clark County Human Resources
1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018
TDD: (360) 397-6032
www.co.clark.wa. us
Equal Opportunity Employer
Marketing Manager
Columbia Credit Union is looking
for a hands-on marketing innova-
tor-an organized team member
who will facilitate communication
to our members and the commu­
nity we serve. The right individual
will demonstrate successful cam­
paign coordination and media re­
lations. Please visit our website at
www.columbiacu.org to see com­
plete requirements for this posi­
tion, and ways to apply.
Positions are open until filled.
Interviews will be by appointment
only, no phone calls please. Equal
Opportunity Employer/AA
Immediate opening for full and Part-
time attendants with Portland's
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a Positive attitude
$8.00 * starting wage Huge overtime
Advancem ent
opportunities Medical. Dental. 401K
available Applicants must submit to
drug test and background check.
Apply in person daily betw een 12-1.
Monday - Friday. 130 SW S I A R K
Portland. OR
Portland State University
Admissions Counselor
Portland State Universities invites
applications for the position of
Admissions Counselor.
Responsibilities include: (1) repre­
senting the University to prospec­
tive students and the general pub­
lic through outreach visits; (2)
meeting with prospective and cur­
rent students; (3) assisting with
planning and im plem entation of
recruitment events; (4) other du­
ties as assigned. Minimum quali­
fications for the position include a
Baccalaureate degree; one year of
experience in student services at
he college level; excellent written
and oral com m unication skills;
strong interpersonal, presentation
and organizational skills; creative
problem-solving ability and cus­
tomer-service orientation. Position
requires frequent evening and
weekend hours plus travel several
weeks per year. The position is
renewable and based on a full
tim e , fix e d te rm 1 2 -m o n th .
unranked academic professional
appointment. Com plete applica­
tions will be reviewed beginning
May 7th, 2001. Position will re­
main open till filled. To apply: Sub­
mit a letter of interest, resume,
number of at least three (3) refer­
ences to:
Heather Gallup
Office of Adm issions and Records
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Portland State University is an Af­
firmative Action/Equal Opportunity
( areer Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call
TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by
visiting the Port's website at wu w portofnortlaiidor.com
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or bv visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Affordable Quality Retirement Living
for Seniors 62 years and older
Alberta Simmons Plaza
6611 NE M artin Lather King Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
• O n e-B ed ro o m A p artm en ts w ith F u ll
S ized K itch en s and L iv in g A reas
• P la n n e d A c tiv itie s , L aundry
F a c ility , C o n fe r e n c e & M e e tin g R o o m ,
E lev a to r and L ibrary, and O ff Street
P a rk in g
• C o n v e n ie n tly L o ca ted to S h o p p in g ,
R esta u ra n ts, P h a rm a cy , and
M e d ic a l O ffic e s
Computer I nstructor/Lab
Vancouver Housing
The Vancouver Housing Authority
has an immediate opening for a
part-time (15/hrsweek) Computer
Instructor, curriculum develop­
ment, technical support for the PC
lab and Comm unity Center and
resource development for the PC
Requires knowledge of Windows
based computer software applica­
tions, curriculum developm ent,
ability maintain and troubleshoot
PC problems in lab and Commu­
nity Center, schedule workshops
and classes, work with children
and adults with limited computer
experience, work with a diverse
population, respond to request
and inquires from program partici­
pants, communicate clearly and
concisely both orally and in writing
and maintain a good working rela­
tionship with VHA sta ff. High
school diploma or equivalent with
a minimum of 1-year college level
Computer Sciences/Software Ap­
plication course work and experi­
ence teaching or instructing adults
and/or children. Bilingual highly
desirable. Salary is $13.50 + per
hour DOE. Interested applicants
can download the application ma­
terials from www.vhausa.com or
can contact the VHA at 360-694-
2501 ext. 9702 or 503-289-5593
ext. 9702 or hrvha@vhausa.com
to request complete application
m a te ria ls. R esu m es w ith o u t
completed application packet will
not be accepted. Submit com­
pleted application materials to the
Vancouver Housing Authority, 2500
M ain S tre e t, V a n c o u ve r, WA
98660, no later than 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 2, 2001,
Executive Assistant
Full-time, exempt position, report­
ing to Executive Director. Provide
administrative support to Execu­
tive D irector including work on
management issues, external re­
la tio ns, advocacy, scheduling,
meeting and correspondence. Sal­
ary range $24-30,000. Send let­
ter of application, resum e and
three professional references to
Executive Director, Regional Arts
& Culture Council, 620 SW Main,
Suite 420 , PDX 97205 -30 37 .
Deadline May 1. People of color
encouraged to apply. EOE.
M eier & Frank
A Division Of The May Department Stores
Retail Managers
Meier & Frank, one of the nation's leading retailers is seeking indi­
viduals to fill the position of Retail Manager. These im portant posi­
tions are responsible for maximizing sales through superior merchan­
dising, exceptional customer service and inventory control. 2-3 years
prior retail experience is required.
Meier & Frank offers a competitive salary/benefit package, and ex­
citing career growth opportunity. Please send resumes to:
M eier & Frank
Attn: 1277-0
621 SW 5,h Ave.
Portland. OR. 97204
Fax: (503) 241-5790
E-mail: jobs@m eierandfrankj:Qn]
PSU Remodel of the Plaza Level
For College of Engineering and Computer Science
Bid Date: April 26,2001 @ 3:00 p.m.
16427 N.E. Airport Way, #B, Portland. OR 97230
(503) 256-3016 Fax (503) 256-3884
CCB# 132982
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small businesses
Sub-Bids Requested
Seismic L'pgrade, ADA, Mechanical and Electrical,
Emergency Generator, Elevator.
Sitton Elementary School
Bids Due: May 1, 2001 @ 10:00 am
Cleveland High School
Bids Due: May 10, 2001 @ 10:00 am
2555 SW 153,a Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone: (503) 641-2500 Fax: (503) 643-0646
CCB #62877
We are an equal opportunity employer and request
sub bids from minority, women, disadvantaged
and emerging small business enterprises.
Visit our website: www.baughent.com
Sub-Bids Requested
From certified M BE/W BE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for:
W hitaker Slough Bridge (Portland) Section
Submit Bid By: April 25, 2001 @ 3:00pm
Fudaly Bros. Excavation
6920 NE 42nd Ave. Portland. OR. 97218
Telephone (503) 288-7469 Eax (503) 288-7460
Email: EudalyBroa@compuserve.com
We are an equal opportunity employer.