P ag e B4 A p ril 25, 2001 (Eljv ^Jortlanò (Obeeruer Music, Theater to Engage Community in Cause S iury C o m im ed F rom F ront P age PCUN, Ramirez regularly organizes to raise awareness o f the farm worker’s struggle He will also bnng attention to the seven year boycott against Norpac and the ways that others in the commu­ nity can get involved. The program will feature live music by Lolo Rivas from El Salv ador. who plays political and tradi­ tional folk music. A youth theater group will perform, along with a traditional .Aztec dance group. Itotiamtzayolltl. Nahuatl for dancers o f the heart. Burritos and refreshments will be available. There will be a desert sale, along with autographed copies o f Su­ san Samuels D rake’s book "Fields ot C ourage.” and National W alk for Farmworker Justice T-shirts. “We are inviting the entire Portland community, especially those organizations that hat e endorsed the w alk ... to come out and have a fiesta," Sara Meza-Romero from Oregon Farm W orker Ministry said. This benefit is the second o f three being held forthe walk. The first, held in Eugene raisedover $3,000. The organiz­ ers o f the Portland benefit hope to raise at least half o f that. "The fond raiser com es out o f the constant need o f groups like this to find ways to cre­ atively fondourcau.se, ” M eza-Romero said. Though lunding has been difficult on occasion, all those involved see the cause as very worthy. Fraser Rasmussen is unhappy with the "unfair low wages” and "poor conditions” the people who ' ‘prov ide the food we eat" live and work in. That is why as a m em ber o f the Central Lutheran Church and Lutheran Advocacy Ministry, he leads the Port­ land committee for the fundraiser. Ihe National Walk for Farm Worker Justice will go on for a week in June. It will consist o f several walks in and around the fields being worked. Ihe week will end with a rally at the capital in Salem, and an interfaith service. The money raised at these three fundraising events will go to help promote the cause, provide food and housing to the partici­ pants. Business Group Puts Out Welcome Mat W ELC O M E TO NO RTH N O R TH E A S T & Bids Request For Proposals #01-08 Enterprise Zone Community Contributions Business Development Fund: Matching Grant And Loan Program The Enterprise Zone Community Contributions Business Development Committee has established an RFP process that seeks to award low- interest loans and/or matching grants to N/NE businesses and/or Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) who submit business de­ velopment and capacity building proposals for N/NE Portland small, emerging, women, and minority owned businesses. The full Request for Proposals may be obtained by telephone or Fax request to: Colin Sears, Program Coordinator Portland Development Commission 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7000 Portland, OR 97201 Phone: 503-823-3320 Fax: 503-823-3368 Searse@UQrtlanddey.org Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address No later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, May 31,2001. M .L. K IN G JR . BLVD. Faxed copies will not be accepted. Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also rec­ ommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland Development Com­ mission greatly values diversity in contracting and in the workforce, Hie Souf o? Porll.iiKl Advertisement For Bids a v T H , NCMÏN » o . T X i A i r U I M U I «M O O IA T K W . . 'riAiywi nJ .VSt CKU* AND a HUCOr A new sign sponsored~5jMneNort^Northeas^BusinessAssociation, at the south en> welcomes home area residents and draws business up the street from Broadway. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in the traffic island at the curves, (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver .) AFFORDABLE A JJ LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Sealed bids for the Klamath Hall Green Lab project, University of Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Educa­ tion at U of 0 Facilities Services Dept., Conference Room #2, 1995 Franklin Blvd. (physical address), 1276 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1276 (mailing address), until 4:00 PM PDT, Thursday, May 17, 2001. Bids thus received will be publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or his designated representative. Briefly, the work includes renovation of existing space on the first floor of Klamath Hall into a Chemistry Teaching Lab. Work includes mechanical, electrical and architectural upgrades. Bidding documents may be examined at UO Facilities Services Dept.; Eugene Builders Exchange, Eugene; Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Construction Market Data, and Construction Data Plan, Port­ land: Oregon Contractors Exchange, Clackamas; Douglas County Plan Center, Roseburg: Medford Builders Exchange, Medford, Salem Build­ ers Exchange, Salem; Central Oregon Builders Exchange, Bend; and Valley Plan Center, Kent, WA. Prime bidders may obtain up to two sets and subcontractors one set of bidding documents at Central Print and Reprographic Services (Julee), 47 West 5,h Street, Eugene, OR 97401, 541-342-3624, upon receipt of a refundable deposit of $100 each set, with a check or money order made payable to the U0. Deposits will be refunded for documents returned in “good condition” within ten days after the opening of bids. After that date the deposit checks will be deposited by the U0. A Mandatory Pre-Bid conference to include an examination of the site and conditions will be held at 2:00 PM PDT, Tuesday, May 1, 2001, in Conference Room #2 UO Facilities Services Dept. tour of the project site will follow the meeting. All bidders m ust comply with ORS 279.348- 279.365 relating to prevailing wage rates, and ORS 279.029 relating to resident or non­ resident status. All bidders must be registered with Construction Con­ tractors Board, as required by ORS 701.035. Bids will be received on a lump sum basis for all of the work. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the Division B-“ lnstructions to Bidders” upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by bid security. Any and all bids may be rejected for good cause upon finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Oregon State Board Of Higher Education By: Daniel A. Williams, Vice-President for Administration Eugene, Oregon S u b -B id s R equested Oregon Convention Center Expansion Bid Package: #3 (Structural Steel, Steel Joists, Steel Deck, Metal Fabrications, Metal Stairs, Electric Elevators, Hydraulic Elevators, and Escalators) M an d ato ry Pre-Bid Meeting: April 2 4 ,2 0 0 1 at 2:00pm Bid Due: May 9th, 20 0 1 at 2:00pm 10% M/WBE and ESB Contracting Goal Bid Documents - Willamette print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Telephone: (503) 221-8811-Bld Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205-OR CCB #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms inducing disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging sm dl business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet httpy /www hoffmancorp com Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids for the Finley Hall Piping Rehabilitation project will be recei'-ed by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:30 PM, I ical time, May 1, 2001. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on May 1, at 2:30 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Ser­ vices, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. Video Memories STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Off.: (503) 2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 Fax: (503) 2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 H O M E OFFICES: B LO O M IN G TO N . ILLINOIS ’’Where memories are visual" E R N E S T J. HILL, JR . Weddings, Birthdays, Sportings events, Proms, Graduations _ Rodney Williams Bus. Phone 503-4934210 zv I ¡Bean’« ¡Barber & ¡Beaut? &bop 213 N E Hancock Portland, OR 97211 Horace Simpson A. D. Williams Agent 6527 NE MLK. Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 282 2920 I