Page B3 April 18, 2001 New Court at Irving Park T he Irving Park covered basketball court reopened Fri­ d a y w ith s tu d e n ts fro m Irvington E lem entary School ju m p in g up and dow n in an ­ ticipation. T he s c h o o l’s ju m p -ro p e team and chorus jo in e d P o rt­ land C ity C o m m issio n er Jim F rancesconi and rep re sen ta ­ tiv es from the Portland T rail B lazers and U nion 76 to ded i­ cate the refu rb ish ed court. T his project has been m ade p o ssib le w ith $10,000 from the 76 Points for Parks p ro ­ gram , co lla b o ra tio n betw een U nion 76, the T rail B lazers and P ortland Parks and R ec­ reation. E v e ry tim e th e B la z e rs m ake a th re e -p o in t shot d u r­ ing a te le v is e d b ro a d c a s t, U nion 76 donates $50 tow ard building or refurbishing inner- city basketball c ourts. T his is the seventh park to benefit from the program . T he b a sk etb a ll co u rts at Irving Park are som e o f the m ost intensely used in the city and reg u lars have an x io u sly aw aited com pletion o f this project, w hich put the c o v ­ ered court out o f com m ission over the w inter. But the im ­ provem ents have been w orth A new basketball court, made from the latest and most durable playing surfaces, is celebrated Friday at Irving Park in northeast Portland, (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) Ring Rage VII rable, and lo n g -lastin g play surface. F ollow ing the d e d i­ cation cerem ony, the B lazer Stunt Team ran Irvington s tu ­ dents th rough som e b a sk et­ ball drills. Jeremy Morrison (left) scores a Technical Knock Out against James Brock at Multnomah Greyhound Park Friday. The Oregon Trail Promotions Ring Rage VIII professional boxing card was without Portland's Reggie Davis who fo r the second time in recent weeks was unable to fight because o f circumstances beyond the control o f promoters. Fight officials say Reggie's pro-debut will take place in the very near future. (P hoto by D avid G iezyngs /T he P ortland O bserver ) su rfacin g system s around the n o rth w est, in stalled a three- layer surface. T h ey to p p e d it o f f w ith P lexipave, and a c ry lic color finish, providing a colorful, du­ the w ait. F irst, crew s rem oved and replaced cracked and u n ­ even portions o f the court and im proved drainage around the perim eter. Then A tlas Track and T ennis, a lead er in court Korean Snaps Kenya Streak in Boston Marathon B O S T O N (A P ) — L ee Bong-ju o f South Korea won the 105th Boston M arathon on M onday, snapping a 10-year victory streak for Kenya. C a th e rin e N d ereb a m ade sure the Kenyans w eren ’t shut ou t, h o w ev er, w in n in g the w om en’s race for the second consecutive year. Lee raised his fist to salute the crow d as he cam e down Boylston Street to finish in 2 hours, 9 m inutes, 43 seconds. Silvio G uerra o f Ecuador was second, 24 seconds behind, and K e n y a ’s Jo sh u a C h e la n g ’a cam e in third, 46 seconds be­ hind the winner. Rod DeH aven, o f M adison, W is., was sixth in 2:12:41 — the first top 10 finish for an A m erican since 1994. T he United States, which hasn’t had a B oston w inner since Greg M eyer in 1983, placed two run­ ners in the top 15 and nine am ong the top 31. “I ’ll be back,” said Josh Cox, o f El Cajon, Calif., who led near the m idpoint o f the race before finishing 14th. “ And I think the A m ericans w ill, too.” Italy’s G elindo Bordin, in 1990, was the last non-K enyan to win the m en’s race. The last Korean to win was Kee Yong- ham in 1950. “ I knew I was running alone against m any Kenyans, but the marathon is competing by your­ self,” Lee said. “ I focused on com peting by m yself and not paying attention to the others.” Lee stayed with the pack the entire race as it dw indled from 24 at the half-m arathon to a dozen and then to four by the tim e the runners came out o f Heartbreak Hill, with Boston in their sights. It quickly becam e th re e : L ee, C h e la n g ’a and Guerra. C helang’a dropped o ff the pace in the 25th m ile, ju st be­ fore Lee m ade his move on Guerra. “ I was a little bit w or­ S au v ag e w on th e w o m e n ’s w h eelch air race in 1:53:54, outsprinting Edith Hunkeler o f Sw itzerland over the last 600 yards to win by four seconds and take her fourth victory'. Van Dyk finished six minutes ahead o f Franz Nietlispach, who won in 1995 and 1997-2000. Heinz Frei, the ’94 and '96 w in­ ner, was 35 seconds back, in third. A field o f 15,606 runners and 47 w heelchair racers left the H opkinton starting line at noon. A half-m illion spectators were expected along the 26.2- mile route to C opley Square, w here a laurel w reath and a prize o f $80,000 aw aited the ried, because I was expecting my team m ates to be with me, to assist,” C helang’a said. Rod DeHaven, o f M adison, W is., was sixth in 2:12:41 — the first top 10 finish for an A m eri­ can since 1994. The U nited States, which hasn’t had a Bos­ ton winner since Greg M eyer in 1983, placed two runners in the top 15 and nine among the top 31. “I ’ll be back,” said Josh Cox, o f El Cajon, Calif., who led near the m idpoint o f the race before finishing 14th. “ And I think the A m ericans will, too.” Ndereba finished in 2:23:53, alm ost three minutes ahead o f Poland’s M algorzata Sobanska. Senior Softball Program Seeks Players The Vancouver Senior Metro Adult Softball Association is seeking men age 60 and older to participate in its 2001 slowpitch league. Teams will form this month, with weekly games played between May and late August. All games are played on the association’s field, located on the Clark College campus in Vancouver. To registeror get more information, contact; Joe Raabe at 360-571 -9952 Joe Irwin at 360-896-0890 orGary Bradbury at 503-253-1654. Wow! Two Years of the 'Jta rth m h $50 fastest. The field, the third-larg- est in the event’s history, in­ cluded the last three m en 's cham pions and the winners o f the last four w om en's races. Cloudy skies with tem peratures in the low 50s greeted the run­ ners and early m orning winds had stilled— good marathoning weather. W ith 10 consecutive victories, Kenya was looking to break the record for any coun­ try set by the United States from 1916-25, although the 1918 race was a relay because o f World War I. Last year, N dereba com ­ pleted the sweep when she be­ came the first Kenyan to win the w om en's race. I G Constniction Bepns on Piedmont landmoik Mansion Lights Up for the Lee Bong-ju crosses the finish line to win the Boston Marathon Lyubov M orgunova o f Russia was another 36 seconds back, in third. N dereba's repeat deprived Ethiopian Fatuma Roba o f an unprecedented fourth Boston w om en’s title. Roba, who won from 1997-99, finished fifth. The lead pack o f about 10 women stayed together for the first 16 m iles before Ndereba and Roba finally broke away, with K enya's Lom ah Kiplagat about 50 yards back. Roba faded in the last five miles. Earlier, South African Ernst Van Dyk won the m en's w heel­ chair race in 1:25:12 to end a seven-year Swiss hold on the e v e n t. A u s tr a lia ’s L o u ise et th e J lo rtla n h © baerlier with the ease o f mail delivery. No other publication covers Portland better. 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