Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    April 18,2001
Page B2
(Cfyv 'Jlortkinb ©hecruer
n iM M H iM iH a a i
Albina Ministerial
Alliance Celebrates
T he A lbina M inisterial A lliance B anquet D inner, celeb ratin g 50
y ears o f serv ice to the com m unity, w ill be held T uesday, A pril 24
at th e S heraton P ortland A irport H otel, 8235 N .E. A irport W ay
from 6:3 0 p.m . to 9 p.m . Tony H opson, p resident o f S e lf E nhance­
m ent, Inc., w ill ad d ress the subject “ saving o u r ch ild re n ” as guest
sp eak er.R o y Jay, p resid en t o f the A frican A m erican C h am b er o f
C o m m erce w ill conduct a d in n er auction. M usic w ill be perform ed
by th e D iscip les o f C hrist. Proceeds from the event w ill support
n o n -p ro fit social service agencies. F or ticket inform ation, call 503-
Partnership Helps With College Savings
O regon State Treasurer Randall
Edwards has announced a partner­
ship with the Bethel A frican M eth­
odist Episcopal Church in north­
east Portland to prom ote the O r­
egon C ollege Savings Plan.
U n d er th is p a rtn e rsh ip , the
church will establish a college sav­
ing plan account o f $25 dollars in
the name o f a given child.
“This partnership is a practical
dem onstration o f my genuine com-
m itm ent to education and my w ill­
ingness to work together with com ­
munity, private and public organi­
zations to ensure that every child
has the opportunity to a college
education w ith m inim um invest­
ment from guardians and parents,”
Treasurer Edw ard said.
The state savings plan can be a
saving grace for those parents or
children that cannot afford the enor­
mous cost o f college education.
"W e are very proud to be part o f
this partnership w ith the Treasurer
Edw ards and his vision to help all
children in O regon save for co l­
lege. I also want to thank our stake­
holders who made this trust a real­
ity. W e express our gratitude and
pray that the good Lord bless this
effo rt” Rev Ronald W illiam s, pas­
tor o f the AME church said. The
O regon College Savings Plan, in­
troduced in January this year, al-
Slocomb to Bring His Comedy to Mt. Olivet
Anniversary to
on the occasion of their 62nd Wedding Anniversary,
Wednesday, April 18.
Off.: (503) 286-1103
Fax: (503) 286-1146
6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
F i t )
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r A w iw r
2 Area Minimum
1 Small Hall Free
Pre-Sprav Traffic Areas
• Stairs $ 1 .5 0 each
Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69
Sofa (over 6 ft.)
• Dining Chairs
• Ottoman
J additionalservices T
• Auto*Boat*RV Cleaning
• Deodorizing
• Dirt Resistant (Teflon)
• Pet Odor Treatment
• Spot & Stain Removal
• Leather Cleaning
2 Area Minimum
1 Small Hall Free
Each Area
Jonathan Slocumb delivers with music, monologue, and a crisp stage presentation that’s "Pure Entertainment"!!
Mattie Morrison
M attie M orrison, 85, died
April 15,2001.
A public visitation will be
held Wednesday, April 18 from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday,
April 19, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at the K illingsw orth L ittle
C hapel o f the Chim es.
She was bom on M ay 1,
1915 in D ecatu r, A la. H er
m a id e n n a m e w a s M a ttie
Survivors include a sister,
A della G ibson o f Portland.
Big City Produce
Portland 1999!!
Pre-Spray Traffic Area
Sofa (under 6 ft)
Loveseat or Chair
g »
'W )
arpt & Upholstery Cleaning
Commercial a rd Residential Services
( vi i . for A ppointments
lows participants to save up to a
total o f $ 150,000 toward col lege edu­
cation, and deduct contributions
up to $2,000 per year from their
state income tax
Interest earned is tax-deferred
until it is w ithdraw n to pay q u ali­
fied college-related expenses.
T reasurer Edw ards oversees the
O regon C ollege Savings Plan. He
introduced legislation, w hich cre­
ated this new program .
By the Case, By the Pound, or
By the Bunch
You save BIG at Big City Produce!
Best Greens in Portland
Best ethnocentric selections in, Portland
722 N. Sumner St. (Corner of Albina & N.
est of Jefferson High School
Open 7 Days a Week
Moh-Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm
Sat. 9 am-6 pm
Sun. 10 am -6 pm
Area residents will have the awe­
some opportunity to see in concert
one o f w orld’s funniest comedians,
one Jonathan Slocumb!
Jonathan will be performing Thurs­
day, April 26 at Mt. Olivet Baptist
Church, 8725 N. Chautauqua, at 7
Jonathan was discovered by the
jazz accapella group, TAKE 6! And
since that time he has wowed audi­
ences from Los Angeles to London!
Slocumb has been unofficially titled
“The Next Cosby.” In the style of
Cosby, Jonathan does not use pro­
fanity yet he is known to keep his
audience in stitches!
Because o f his “clean humor,”
Jonathan was blessed to be the first
comedian received by churches o f all
denominations. He has had guest
appearances on H BO ’s D ef Comedy
Jam; BET’s Bobby Jones Gospel, BET
Tonight with Tavis Smiley, Planet
Grove, Vibe, the Montell Williams
Show, and TB N ’s Life Today.
In addition to these, Slocumb has
appeared on Radio City Music Hall
with James Brown, at The Apollo
with Chaka Khan, has toured with
Frad Hammond and Yolanda Adam
as well as entraining audiences for
The Image A w ards and Essence
To round out his multitalented act,
Slocumb has a recurring role on the
Steve Harvey Show where he plays
Clyde-the-Slide, the stuck-in-the-70’s
members o f the Hi-Tops!
In addition to the concert, a recep­
tion will be held for Slocumb on the
same day at Reflections Bookstore at
noon on the com er o f Northeast
Martin Luther King Boulevard and
Admission to both events is free
to the public.
Marjorie Thomas
A fu n e ra l w a s h e ld F ri­
d ay , A p ril 1 3 ,2 0 0 1 , in R o se
C i ty F u n e r a l H o m e f o r
M a rjo rie T h o m a s , w h o d ie d
A p ril 7 at a g e 71. M rs. T h o ­
m a s w a s b o r n M a r jo r ie
J o h n s o n on A p ril 13, 1929,
in S h re v e p o rt, L a.
S h e m o v e d to P o rtla n d
ab o u t 1950 a n d w as a h o m e ­
m a k e r. S h e w a s a m e m b e r
o f th e M t. O liv e t B a p tis t
C h u rc h . H er h u sb an d ,
C la re n c e T h o m a s , d ie d in
th e e a rly 1980s.
S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h e r s is ­
te rs , J e a n R a y s o n , S h irle y
J a c k s o n a n d M a rth a C o u n ­
c il; a n d m an y n ie c e s a n d
nephew s.
In te rm e n t in R o se C ity
C e m e te r y .
Dalai Lama
Visit To Include
Youth Summit
(AP) - Six thousand teen­
agers from Oregon and south­
west Washington are expected
to take part next month in a
youth summit with the Dalai
Lama. Two hundred will meet
with him privately.
The Tibetan spiritual leader
hopes to spark dialogues on
issues such as nonviolence and
conflict resolution. The teens
w ill g a th e r M ay 14th in
Portland’s Memorial Coliseum
to hear the Dalai Lama, who
has become a world leader and
is a winner o f the Nobel Peace
Prize. The gathering is being
dubbed the “Educating the Heart
Youth Summit.” According to
local Tibetans, it will be the
largest gathering o f teens the
Dalai Lama has addressed at one
S tu d e n ts from B end to
Bandon, and Grants Pass to
Vancouver, have been immers­
ing themselves in studies about
the Buddhist monk and his teach­
ings. Sharon K itzhaber, the
governor’s wife, is chairing the
steering committee for the youth