Committed to Cultural Diversity w w w April 18, 2001 ^[nrtíanh (Hbscrucr ♦* ZlT n nt nt u n i t y V-Ui 1 c tt ò ¿t r Pet Adoption 2001 T heO regon H um ane Societyjoins with hun­ dreds o f anim al w elfare organizations around the country for the M ay 5-6 "P et Adoption 2001 .’’O ver 140 hom eless pets are expected to find loving hom es from the O regon H um ane Society during the m arathon adoption w eek­ e n d Visitthesociety,locatedat 1067NE.Colum - bia Blvd. in P ortlan d on Saturday, M ay 5 from 10a.m. and Sunday, M a y ó from 12noonuntil7 pro. Call503/285-7722. Lifesaving 101 Northeast Legislators to Meet Public S tate R ep. D eb o rah K afo u ry an d n ew ly ap pointed S tate Rep. Jack ie D m g feld er, both D em ocrats o f P ortland, w ill co -h o st a to w n hall T h u rsd ay , A pril 19 at G ran t H igh S chool from 7 - 9 p .m . “T he L eg islatu re w ill so o n be ad d ressin g such critical issues as en erg y d ereg u latio n , childcare, racial p ro filin g , an d school fu n d ­ ing. Y our input is necessary as w e deb ate the m erits o f th ese issu es.” said R ep. K afoury. D ingfelder w as ap p o in ted on A pril 5th to fill the seat vacated by Jo an n B o w m an w ho Medicare Planning “ M e d ic a re P la n n in g .. .M a k in g S e n se o f S u p p le m e n ta l In s u ra n c e O p tio n s ” is a tw o h o u r u n b iased c la s s fo r p e o p le ag e s 55 th ro u g h 64 w h o are th in k in g o f re tu rn in g o r fo r th o se ap p ro a c h in g M e d ic a re e lig ib ility age. P re -re g is tra tio n is re q u ire d b y callin g 503/413-8795. T h e n ex t class is o n T u esd ay , M ay 1, from 6 :3 0 p .m . - 9 p .m . in th e G o o d S am aritan H o sp ital C am p u s. resigned to run for M u ltn o m ah C ounty C hair. “ I am ho n o red to be rep resen tin g D istrict 19, and am loo k in g fo rw ard to h earin g m y c o n stitu e n ts’ o p in io n s,” D in g fe ld e r said. D in g feld er m an ag es th e W ate rsh ed S u p ­ p o rt P rogram at F o r the S ake o f th e S alm o n , a group d ed ica ted to the p ro tectio n and resto ­ ration o f salm on. S he has also served on a n u m b er o f co m m u n ity board s an d co m m is­ sions, inclu d in g the O reg o n L eague o f C o n ­ se rv a tio n V o te rs an d N a tio n a l A b o rtio n R ights A ctio n L eague. L es F e m m e s’ 5 0 th A n n iv e r sa r y Tea In honor o f their 50* anniversaiy, the Les Fem m es requests the presence o f all past Debu- tanteandCavilers,years 1951 to 2000to their 50* A nniversary Tea on Saturday, A pril 28*at Im ­ m aculate Heart Catholic C hurch Parish Hall, !ocatedat2926N . W illiam s A ve., fro m 2 :3 0 -4 p.m. Call Betty Stephensat503/255-8645. Vietnam Veterans o f America The V ietnain V eteransof America, FrancisC. Soliere C hapter 392 invites you to com e to our m onthly m eetings the 2nd W ednesday o f every m onth at 7:30p.m . at the V A H ospital, 2nd Floor follow the signs. Call Kristin K idd at 503/777- 9787 for m ore info or questions. M in d and B od y M e d ic in e at N a tu r e ’s N ature’s W ellness C enter will be having FREE com m unity education classes. Theirnext one is on M ind B ody M edicine, w ith Dr. Claire Michaels onA pril 25, fro m 7 -9 p .m .T h e C en ter is locatedat3535 N E. 15*. Call 503/281 -3262 to pre-register. N ia W eek : W elco m e B a ck to F itn e ss! The N ia Technique is an exciting and expres­ sive mix o f y o g a m artial arts, ja z z and modem dance and features an eclectic selection o f m u­ sic, from N ew A ge to W orld Funk. Each class during N ia W eek will have a specific focus to w elcome participants and deepen their Nia expe­ rience. The next session is on M onday, April 23 on “T he Joy o fM o v em en f ’ at B ody M oves, 918 SW Y am hill^* floor. C all503-281-3262 Dances with Universal Peace The O regon Peace Institute (OPIJ will spon- sora w orkshop on D ances w ith Universal Peace with Devi DcJardin. T he D ances o f Universal Peace are a form o f multi-cultural folk dances dedicated “tow ard one world, w ithin and with- o u t”ThiswilltakeplaceonApril I9,fiom7-9p.m. at First United M ethodist Church. 1011SW. 12*, Grant High School students Danny Doncan (from left), Jordan Blackthome and Margaret Dean look over materials prior to observing open-heart surgery as part o f ' Heart Watch, ’' a program at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center that gives students a dose o f medical reality. Students view open heart surgery as part of ’ Heart Watch' while he performed surgery that was broadcast live onto a big screen in the Souther Auditorium, watched by the stu­ dents through an audio feed into the auditorium the students were able to question the physicians in the operating room via Kelly, who served as modera­ tor. The surgery took just over three hours and afterward. Dr. Starr answered students’ questions about the procedure and about surgical careers, in general. “Heart Watch” was launched in 1995, in an effort to offer students a life-size dose o f medical reality and raise aware­ ness about what it takes to save a life and the teamwork involved in surgery. Nearly 140 local high school students enrolled in advanced placement biology and science courses recently viewed an open heart surgery at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, as part o f the hospital’s “Heart W atch” program. Nurse Kevin Kelly encouraged the students to partake in food provided by the hospital - an empty stomach exacer­ bates queasiness - and explained what to do if nausea strikes. The surgery - an aortic valve replacement - was per­ formed on a 61 -year-old woman by world- renowned cardiac surgeon Albert Starr, M’D., director o f the Providence Heart Institute. Dr. Starr wore a “headcam” “ Part o f the educational process is to see the real world as it exists outside of the classroom,” says Dr. Starr. “Class­ rooms are important tools for packaging information, but it’s also important to see how education is used in the outside world.” The Providence Heart Institute is a comprehensive, high-quality, international center for the study and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Through the team efforts and dedication o f physicians, nurses, and hospital staff, the Providence Heart Institute has become one of the largest and busiest cardiac centers in the western United States. daycare, parent training and education, on-site counseling and fam ily n eeds assessm ent and JOMOf. • fc j .: referrals to other services. Perhaps the m ost innovative service in child abuse prevention that the cen ter w ill offer is 24- ' hour respite care. “W e w ill offer crisis respite w hen th ere's a situation w here parents feel like th e y ’re ju st going to lose it," M cC abe said. R enovation costs, that w ill m ake the relief nursery a reality, are projected to total $2 m il- J***»on « V , 3rd Annual Race for the Roses * ‘ •»nr? si, , . J» * a ’ j,, ¿ S S - ’ . h ... V olunteers are needed for the 3rd Annual R ace for the Roses, April 22 atO M SI. This half­ k, m arathon, 5K race'w alk and '/ j m ile kids’ dash, “Bridging the G ap for Kids in Crisis,” benefits Albertina K err Centere and The Boys & G iris Aid K-j,- .... Society o f Oregon. Food, fun and t-shirts pro­ vided! Call Carol H ardw ickat503/222-9661. I c. ' ‘W e can change CHILDREN’S FUTURES,’ - F ormer O regon G ov . B arbara R oberts . Hi,/ »k r ré p " ? 0' !.*• r, f rC'- HI P r o c e ssio n o f th e S p e c ie s P arad e C elebrate M other Earth! G ain respect for the environm ent while developing your creative abilities. Learn basic drills and strut yourstuffin lion. M ost o f the m oney for the project has com e from private donations, but $ 10,000 o f it cam es from public funding F orm er Gov. B arbara R oberts, a m em ber o f the Procession o f the Species parade on Satur­ day, April 28. W orkshop takes place on Thurs­ day, A pril2 6 ,6 :3 0 -8:30p.m . The ev ent is free to all ages. Call Peninsula Park C om m unity Center at50.3/823-3620. 31” Annual W alkAm erica Be a hero for babies! Join the M archofD im es for W alkA m erica on April 28. Each year, more picking up a sponsor form at any Kmart. Albertsons, Fred M eyer, First Tech Credit U nion, Farm ers Insurance, o r K ey Bank loca­ tio n s . O r, y o u c a n r e g is te r o n lin e at w y o y jn o d m a o js P o rtlan d M a y o r V era K atz has w arn ed the c ity to b race fo r a c ro ss-th e b o a rd cu ts, a n ­ n o u n cin g that she w o u ld h av e to c u t $4.7 m illion from an alread y lean b u d g et, K atz said the P o rtlan d P o lice B ureau w ill lost $2.6 m il­ lion from c u tb ac k s and th e P o rtlan d F ire B u­ reau w ill h av e to give up $ 1.1 m illion. K atz p ro m ised th at the p o lice cu ts w ould n o t cause a red u ctio n in the n u m b e r o f o ffic­ ers on the streets. T he fire d e p artm en t plans to m ake up fo r its losses at the n ew est fire station. T hat facility w ill rem ain u n staffed for a year. M ayor K atz also plans to cut m ore than $600,000 from the city parks departm ent. T hat m eans less g rass on p ark ed g es and sh o rter restroom hours. “ T hat w as v ery p ain fu l, w e tried to do the b e st w e co u ld an d w e tried to d eal w ith the co m m u n ity n eed s an d k eep the basic serv ices," K atz said. St. Johns Soon to Get Help Raising Kids Rm.134.CaU503/725-8192. than 450,(XX) babies are bom too soon, som e no bigger than a dollar bill. M any o f these babies struggle just to survive.The 10 and 20K walks begin atthe Rose Q uarterCom m ons at 8 a m . The 3K Fam ily W alk begins at 9 a m . Register by City Prepares for Budget Cuts Deb McCabe at the vacant storefront in St. Johns where plans are underway fo r the creation o f a “relief nursery, giving parents a helping hand in raising their kids S oon a re lie f from the pressu res o f p aren t­ h o o d w ill b e av ailab le in the h eart o f St. Johns. P reparations to ren o v ate th e o ld La B e c k ’s (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) V id eo C h est building, 8425 N. L om bard, into a R e lie fN u rse ry are underw ay. “ W e g ive a respite to the kids, to be in an en v iro n m en t o f their ow n ," President o f P ort­ land R e lie fN u rse ry , Inc., D eb M cC abe said. the R eliefN u rsery board, is excited the m oney needed for the p ro ject has been raised “ It’s encouraging that the s ta ff and board m em bers o f these foundations understand so w ell that early intervention is a crucial invest­ m ent in young ch ild ren ," R oberts said. “ W e c a n c h an g ech ild ren ’s futures." M cC abe hopes that people in the com m unity w ill agree w ith the efforts o f the center and w ill be w illing to volunteer their efforts. “W e really w ant to encourage the com m unity to be involved," she said. The p ro ject’s goal is to strengthen north W e also give the parents respite, so that they can get a break." T he center is scheduled to o pen early S eptem ber w ith the goals o f sup­ p orting high-risk fam ilies and to prevent child P o rtlan d 's fam ilies by addressing their needs "W e hope to m ake little children safe and to m ake the fam ilies feel secure an d stable in the environm ent that they are raising their chil­ abuse. It w ill provide program s like therapeutic dren," M cC abe said.