Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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A p r il 18, 2001
ïljv ¡Portland ©beerüer
Cooling System Brewing For Downtown Portland
Portland Energy Solutions, an
affiliate o f Portland General Elec­
tric, has begun the first phase o f
construction on a neighborhood
district cooling system.
The first central plant will be
housed in the new Brewery Blocks
project rising from old B litz-
W ein h ard B rew ery on W est
Burnside and will have the capacity
to cool six million square feet o f
office and retail square in down­
town Portland.
The d istrict cooling system
works by distributing chilled water
from the central plant through a
network o f underground supply
and return pipes, supplying clean
and reliable district cooling ser­
vices to buildings.
New construction projects can
tap into district cooling rather than
purchasing and installing their own
air conditioning equipment. Exist­
ing buildings also can access dis­
trict cooling as a means to replace
aging air conditioning machines.
“As new commercial and indus­
trial construction takes place, it
makes sense to investigate and iden­
tify new and better ways to make
and u se e n e rg y .” said G ary
Office Building
Cooling Towers
Chiller Plant
Warm water returned
to plant
Chilled water piped
underground to buildings
Heikkinen, PES general manager.
“The system directly responds to
current demands for energy sav­
ing measures that are economi­
cally and environmentally benefi­
While district cooling systems
are in place or under development
in some 40 other North American
cities, like Minneapolis, Chicago
and Denver, the Brewery Blocks
development will be the first down­
town system in Oregon, It is sched­
uled to be operational the first quar­
ter o f 2002. Drawing board plans
include development o f a second
plant on the southern end o f down­
town. The two systems combined
will have the capacity to cool 12 to
15 million square feet, or more
than o f the major building in down­
town Portland. “Portland Energy
Solutions serves an important role
in sustaining our city as a great to
live and work,” said Peggy Fowler,
PGE CEO and president. “Deliver­
ing innovative, reliable services like
district cooling is part o f PGE’s
and PES’s ongoing commitment
to meet our custom ers’ energy
needs both today and into the fu­
Publishers Set Agenda for 18th Annual Conference
C loves C am pbell Jr., p re si­
dent o f W est C oast Black Pub­
lishers A sso c ia tio n and pub­
lisher o f the A rizona In fo r­
m a n t, is p le a s e d w ith the
p rogress o f the o rg a n iz a tio n ’s
18th A nnual C o n fe re n c e in
Las V egas at the M onte C arlo
R esort, O ct 10-13.
The p u b lish e rs group is a
the West Coast Black Publishers.
voice for tru th in the delivery
o f new s about the hardships
and stru g g les o f the m inority
com m unity; yet at the sam e
tim e th e g roup d e liv e rs m es­
sages o f hope and progress
for im p ro v in g social and eco ­
nom ic co n d itio n s.
M em bers o f th e asso ciatio n
a re d e v o te d to p ro m o tin g ,
stren g th en in g , and expanding
the role o f the B lack press in
the A frican A m erican co m ­
“ E veryone involved is look­
ing forw ard to the conference.
O ur new sp ap ers are a vital
part o the com m unity and we
are proud o f our com m itm ent
to tell the sto ries that affect
ou r liv e s,” C am pbell said.
A p p ro p riately them ed “ The
L egacy o f the B lack Press:
C h allen g in g the Status Q u o ,”
plans are set for a m eaningful
forum o f learn in g and n e t­
w orking w hile b rin g in g to ­
g e th e r m e m b e r p u b lis h e rs
from the states o f A rizona,
C alifornia, C olorado, N evada,
O regon and W ashington.
The agenda for the confer­
ence includes the exam ination
o f tim ely issues and topical con­
cerns that directly affect the
com m unity, its growth and de­
v e lo p m e n t, th ro u g h various
workshops and seminars. The
p u b lis h e rs are p la n n in g to
strengthen their role as a pow ­
erful influence in all com m uni­
ties in the western U.S.
Business leaders, political and
governm ent officials, and dy­
namic, enterprising individuals
o f local, regional and national
distinction will serve as both
speakers and panelists. More
than 400 high school students
will be attending conference ac­
tivities geared to their interests.
“W e eagerly accept the re­
sponsibility o f reaching out to
help our young people. Our con­
ference provides a unique op­
portunity for qualified high school
M embers o f publishers group
include John Holoman, Herald
Dispatch; Mark Kimber, C ali­
fornia Advocate; Peggy Hunt,
Tri-County Sentry; Hardy and
Cheryl Brown, Riverside Black
V oice; A m elia A shley-W ard,
R eporter P ublications; E liz a ­
beth B eaver, The Fact; C h ris­
topher B ennett, Seattle M e­
dium ; G ail B erkley, Post P u b ­
lications; Ellen Coley, B akers­
field N ew s O b serv er; Ruth
H opkins, T he Pasadena Jo u r­
nal N ew s; Les K im ber, C a li­
fornia A dvocate; W illiam Lee,
S acram ento O bserver; Ram on
S avoy, Las V egas S en tin el
V oice; K im berly B ailey and
P a tric ia R ichardson, N o rth ­
w est
D is p a tc h ;
B ria n
T ow nsend, Sam B ernardino
P recinct R eporter; John and
G eri W arren, San D iego V oice
and Viewpoint; C harles W ash­
ington, Portland O bserver and
O. Ray W atkins, Com pton B ul­
letin. E stablished in 1971, the
W est C oast B lack P ublishers
A ssociation continues to serve
as a m agnet o rg an iz atio n for
coordinating the good w ill and
grow th o f the B lack press into
an effectiv e pow erful netw ork
en tity facing the new m ille n ­
F o r ro o m r e s e r v a t i o n s ,
p lease call the M onte C arlo
R esort at 800-311-8999 and
ask for code V W C B PA O to
secure conference rates. For
fu rth er co n feren ce in fo rm a ­
tion you are invited to call the
o ffice o f A lescia B uford and
A ssociates at 818-995-6545.
Here is your chance to own a little piece of the
Lloyd Center District!
Introducing the Regency Court Condominiums
at an unbelievably affordable price!
♦ $154,900
Portland Observer represents
Oregon as a member o f the West
Coast Black Publishers
students to interact with out­
standing role m odels o f corpo­
rate A m erica. These efforts em­
pow er them to overcom e ob­
stacles and accomplish their full
p o ten tia l as w orthy adults,”
stated Cam pbell.
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths
♦ 1 0 1 4 -1 1 1 5 S.F.
♦ Remodeled
♦ Some new appliances
♦ Secure building and parking
Walking distance to trendy Broadway shops and Lloyd Center!
Fair Housing Group Address Discrimination
Local elected officials, civil rights
advocates, housing professional
and other supporters o f civil rights
in housing will gather April 26 fora
F air H ousing Luncheon at the
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.
The event is sponsored by the
Fair Housing Council ofOregon in
honor o f National Fair Housing
Month, will feature Norm Rice, the
President o f the Federal Home Loan
Bank o f Seattle and former Seattle
The luncheon program will also
fe atu re M exican folk sin g er
Candelario Zamudio and Rattling
Thunder, an award winning Native
American dance theatre.
For registration and more infor­
mation, contact Diane Hess at 503-
Mailman May Not Deliver on Saturdays
Pv P an ID. JiO
T he A ssociated P ress
Through snow, rain and gloom
o f night — but maybe not on the
Battered by slowing business
and huge projected losses, the
Postal Service recently announced
that it will study cutting back to a
five-day schedule that would elimi­
nate mail delivery on Saturdays.
The agency also will examine how
much money can be saved by
consolidating and closing some
postal plants and offices.
With rising costs, postal offi­
cials say they face a $2 billion to
$3 billion loss this fiscal year.
After five years in the black, the
post office had a $ 199 million loss
last fiscal year.
The agency’s governing board
will ask Postal Service manage­
ment to report their study results
within 90 days, said S. David
Fineman, the board’s vice chair­
man. Fineman said the financial
savings of going to five-day ser­
vice could be “substantial.”
“It could offset the amount of
the loss that we have and we
would hope that whatever actions
we take will be able to cause us to
ask for less o f a rate increase,” he
said. The price of first class mail
went up a penny to 34 cents in
January. Postal managers are pre­
paring to apply this summer for
another rate increase, to take ef­
fect next year.
The study will examine ending
Saturday delivery for all mail, ex­
cept ovemightdelivery. Thestudy
won’t consider closing post office
windows for other services.
The study o f consolidating
postal facilities will focus on be­
hind-the-scenes operations like
mail sorting and delivery and will
seek ways to avoid affecting con­
sumers, Fineman said.
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