April 18, 2001 {Jurtlunò (Dbseruer Page A5 (Efys glorila nò (ßhßeruer Health/Education Doctors Help Underserved Patients In Need A group o f em ergency room doctors at Providence Portland M edical are part o f the O regon Em ergency Physicians group that will donate $ 16,000 this year to organizations that support the undeserved. Initiated in 2000, the chari­ table donations project has been contributed to the Bradley Angle House, Portland Rescue M is­ sion and Central City Concern, the operator o f the Hooper Cen­ ter. Vicki Sands, M .D .,oneofthe project organizers, says the phy­ sicians decided to make the an­ nual donations because o f a strong need in the comm unity. "These organizations serve the same population as we do, w ith­ out getting a lot o f financial re­ im bursem ent,” Dr. Sands said. “W e’re concerned about con- tinuing care.” The physician group sets charitable giving goals every year. This year the goal is to support organizations that help wth domestic abuse, safe hous­ ing and mental health. “ We see a lot o f people in crisis in the E.R., especially from drug and alcohol abuse and with psychi­ atric problem s,” said Sands. “ We want to give an amount large enough to make a differ­ ence to the organization that help these people.” Susan Steiner, m anager o f the Hooper Center, an alcohol detox program that also operates the CHIERS outreach van. says the donation will be used to provide m ental health training for the staff. Like the Hooper Center, the PPMC em ergency room does not turn anyone away. “T hat's why we want to help, “ said Sands. “Our mission is to help people.” W h a t Part-tim e ¡ob w ill p a y you up to $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 p e r m o n th fo r o n ly tw o d a y s wo-rth o f w ork? Excellent Educational Assistance Program : **<— •Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $20,000) • Montgomery Gl Bill (up to $263.00 per month) •Ask about our $350.00 per month (tax free) Incentive Kicker •Ask about our $8,000.00 enlistment bonus O penings N o w A v a ila b le in the Follow ing Fields: •Aircraft maintenance & avionics •General purpose mechanic & vehicle operations •Computer maintenance & switching • Information & inventory management ricki Sands, M û " treat patient with a sprained arm in the Providence Portland Medical Center emergency room. Dr. Sands and other physicians contribute to non-profit organizations that help Providence patients. Study: Americans ’ Bodies Full of Toxins Bv E rin M c C lam T he A ssociated P ress Americans’ bodies harbor sur­ prisingly high amounts of mercury and a questionable chemical used in soap and cosmetics, federal health officials reported in a land­ mark study on environmental tox­ ins in the body. The study is the first nationwide to measure levels o f 24 environ­ mental toxins in people’s blood and urine, providing crucial informa­ tion that could be used to pinpoint pollutants that cause disease. Animal studies have suggested that large amounts o f the chemi­ cal, diethyl phthalate, may dis­ rupt normal hormone function and cause birth defects. Its ef­ fect on humans hasn’t been de­ termined. The report found that phtha­ lates - additives found in prod­ ucts from perfume to nail polish - appeared in humans at levels “considerably higher than one would have predicted,” said Dr. Richard Jackson, director of the National Center for Environmen­ tal Health. Previous studies of environmental toxins had only tested air, soil and water. “Seeing chemicals in people’s bodies elevates their importance,” said Lynn Goldman, a former En­ vironmental Protection Agency regulator. The cosmetics industry con­ tends phthalates are perfectly safe. “We haven ’ t seen any documented health effects in humans from this,” said Marian Stanley, manager of the American Chemistry Council’s phthalate panel. The study also found higher than expected levels of mercury, which is believed to cause fetal brain damage. While the study found low levels of mercury in children 1 to 5 years old, women of childbearing age reflected higher levels than previ­ ously estim ated by the EPA, Goldman said. “That would mean we haven’t been taking the problem seriously enough,” she said. The numbers, based on a 1999 study of 3,800 people across the country, may affect government regulation of toxins such as lead, mercury and pesticides. In many cases, there are no previous num­ bers available for comparison. The government plans to con­ duct the study annually, expanding it to more than 100 chemicals. The reports will be broken down by demographic categories such as race, age, education and geographic region. , “It could be revolutionary in terms of environmental health in the United States,” Jackson said. Free Workshops Help You Compost at Home W hy throw vegetable scraps o r yard trim m in g s aw ay when you could use them to m ake rich com post for your yard and garden? M e tr o ’s f re e hom e c o m p o stin g w o rk sh o p s w ill show you how. A ll you need is a little space for a com post bin and a few m inutes a week. W orkshops co v er the basics o f com posting, different types o f co m p o stin g bin d esig n s, worm bins and tro u b le sh o o t­ ing. All w orkshops m eet from 9 a.m . to 11 a.m . at M e tro ’s hom e com posting d e m o n stra ­ tion centers around the tri­ county region. No appointment is necessary. In stru cto r John Foseid e x ­ plains the fundam entals o f get­ ting a com post pile started. He also an sw ers q u e stio n s about how to create a good mix o f m aterials in your bin and how to rem edy any p ro b ­ lem s you m ight have with your co m p o st. T hese free hom e c o m p o stin g w o rk sh o p s are offered on the follow ing S at­ urdays at the follow ing loca­ tions: M ay 19 - Fulton Com m unity G ardens, Portland. June 30 - Mt. Hood Com - m unity C ollege, G resham . A p ril 21 a n d J u n e 2 - C lackam as C om m unity C o l­ lege, O regon City. A pril 28 and June 9 - Leach B otanical G arden, Portland. M ay 5 and June 16 - M ary W o o d w a rd E le m e n ta r y School, Tigard. M ay 12 a n d J u n e 23 - K e n n e d y C o m m u n ity G a r­ dens, B eaverton. For m ore inform ation about these w ork sh o p s o r any o f M e tr o ’s fre e s e m in a rs on natural gardening, call M etro R ecycling Inform ation at 503- 234-3000. Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility h u d lo u r F uture 5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 0 4 0 lie \,ilin n ,il (,u ,u d 8 0 0 .3 9 2 .1 8 0 1 w w w .o r p o r t.a n g .a f.m il Im agine this: You're pro u d o f the children you raised. Your grandkids are talented and beautiful, too. The reality of retirement has finally arrived and it's even better than the fantasy ou have family behind you. You couldn't have done it w ithout family behind y o u American Family Mutual Insurance. When it comes to y o u r future, over 70 years in the insurance business is experience you can trust. W ith over six million policies in an operating area of 14 states and a consistent rating of A+ (Superior, from insurance rating authority A M . Best we've got the kind of stability that invites you to relax A n d isn't th a t precisely w hat you had in mind? So, call today and talk to a helpful, friendly agent. Then dive right in. We ll be close behind you. Census Finds 1 in 5 Americans Disabled Nearly one in five Americans has some level of disability, ac­ cording to the latest information from the U S. Census Bureau. Among the 53 million with a disability, 9.7 million cannot work and another 7.2 million are lim­ ited in the type of work they can do, according to the data Although the number of people with disabilities has remained un­ changed from the last report is­ sued in 1995, the number of people with severe disabilities increased from one in 10 people to one in eight in 1997. The Census Bureau defines a person with a disability as some­ one who has difficulty perform­ ing daily living activities or has a learning or developmental dis­ ability. People are considered to have a severe disability if they are completely unable to perform one or more of daily living activities or need personal assistance. AMERICAN FAMILY IN S U R A N C E M i r o HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE t=ï Eau« Homme IN S U R E R All Your Protection Under One Roof. 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