Page 4 April 18, 2001 Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum Relax in our riverfront Restaurant and sample our Northwestern fare, or dance the night away to live entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge. Either way you’re sure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. Restaurant 6:00 am -10:00 pm Lounge Opens at 4:00 PM Dancing (Fri-Sun) 1225 N Thunderbird Way Tel (503) 235-8311 9:30PMi:30AM Situated on the Willamette River, across the street from the Memo­ rial Coliseum and Rose Garden Arena. “Blazer Headquarters” For all home games. The Focus Entertainment Guide Hood River Valley Blossom Festival Saturday, April 21 - Sunday, April 22 April m eans fruit blossom tim e in the H ood R iver V alley, and that m eans the return o f the popular H ood R iver V alley B lossom F esti­ val. N ow in its 47'*’ year, the Blossom Festival w ill take place on A pril 21 and 22. A long the w ay, the v alley ’s picturesque com m unities offer visi­ tors a variety o f opportunities to p a rta k e o f h o m e -sty le c o u n try m eals, antiques, crafts, art and quilt show , bake sales, w inery brew ery open houses. T here are m ore than 40 stops available along the B los­ som T our. C all 541 /386-2000 o r 1 - 800-366-3530. The Language of Western Art 'Thursday, April 26 - Sunday, June 24 Join the P ortland A rt M useum , located at 1219 SW . Park A venue, for a fascinating look at A m erica’s tw o m ost celebrated W estern art­ ists, Frederic Remington and Charles Russell. T heir depictions o f b ro n ­ co s an d b u ffa lo , co w b o y s an d A m erican Indians helped shape our view o f the A m erican W est o f the late 19"1 century. The exhibition runs from T hursday, A pril 26 until S un­ day, June 24. It consists o f an excep­ tional group o f over 100 paintings, sculptures, w atercolrs, draw ings, book illustrations and photographs. Comedy by Norm Macdonald Thursday, April 26 MOVIES NIGHTLY WEEKEND MATINEES E n jo y and c o m fy b e v e ra g e s F o r S c h e d u le ' ÿlovtlauh OObaeruer Focus In Print c h a ir s , p iz z a a t th e show in fo rm a tio n 225-5555 ext.8833 5736 NE 33rd • Portland. Oregon w w w .m c m e n a m m s .c o m c a l l '. N orm M acdonald has traveled from the sm oke-filled com edy clubs in far-flung outposts o f C anada to having ahit show, “N O RM ” on ABC. N o rm ’s sarcastic, direct, and hon­ est style has earned him an avid follow ing am ongst everyone from co lleg e stu d en ts to housew ives. N orm will be perform ing on T h u rs­ d a y , A p ril 2 6 a t th e A rle n e S ch n itzer C o n c ert H all, 8 p.m . A ll ages w elcom e. C all 503/221 -0288. Here Comes the Bride... Sunday, April 29 L o v e is in th e air. W ith sp rin g an d su m m er w ed d in g p la n n in g in f u ll s w in g , P o r t l a n d ’s C h a rt H o u s e , lo c a te d at 5 7 0 0 S .W T erw illig erR d . is d o in g its p art by h o ld in g a p rem ier B rid a l S h o w ­ case on S u n d ay , A p ril 2 9, from 11 a m. - 3 p.m . T his free e v e n t is id e al fo r all new o r so o n -to -b e en g ag ed co u p les. W o n d erfu l d o o r p rizes w ill b e aw ard ed . T o R S V P an d be e lig ib le for th e d raw in g s, p lease p re-re g iste r by callin g 5 03/ 203-3032. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo Friday, May 4 & Saturday, May 5 C e le b ra te C in co d e M ayo w ith th e u n iq u e so u n d o f L os L obos, p la y in g at C h in o o k W inds. T h ey w ill p erfo rm on F rid ay , M ay 4 and S atu rd ay , M ay 5 ev e ry n ig h t at 8 p.m . D o n ’t m iss the o p p o rtu n ity to see th is e x c itin g , g ro u n d b re a k in g b a n d w ith o u t trav e lin g to E ast L. A. E x p erie n ce the flav o r o f M ex ico on th e O r­ eg o n C o ast. C a ll 1-888-M A 1N - A C T .orF astixx at 1-800-992-TIXX (8499). 19th Annual Ceramic Showcase May 4, 5 & 6 T h e O re g o n P o tte rs A sso c ia ­ tio n w ill be h av in g th e ir 19 ,h A n ­ n u al S how and S ale o n F rid ay , M ay, S atu rd ay , M ay 5 and S u n ­ day, M ay 6 from 10 a .m .- 5 p.m . at th e O reg o n C o n v e n tio n C en ter. T here will be over 200 artists show ­ ing, clay d e m o n stra tio n s an d a c h ild re n ’s clay ac tiv ity area. Singing for Our Lives Saturday, May 5 A u ro ra C h o ru s retu rn s to the A rlen e S ch n itz er C o n c ert H all for a c o n c ert b en e fitin g th e S u san G. K om en B reast C an cer F oundation. T h e ce n te rp ie c e o f th e ev e n in g w ill b e A u ro ra ’s p e rfo rm a n c e o f “ W here I L iv e, A B rea st C a n c e r O ra to rio ” b y M in n e a p o lis c o m ­ p o se r D ian e B en jam in . C a ll the A u ro ra C horus at 503/721 -0262. 98 Degrees at the Memorial Coliseum Thursday, May 10 T ic k ets for th e M ay 1 0 ,9 8 D e ­ g rees sh o w is cu rre n tly on sale F rid ay , M arch 30 at 5 p.m . Jo in in g th is m u st-see, h u b b u b b and are to p -n o tc h acts in c lu d in g D eb elah M organ, and B aha M en, w ith th eir h it so n g “ W ho L et th e D ogs O u t." T ic k ets are a v a ila b le at th e R ose Q u a rte r T ic k et O ffic e o r on the w eb at w w w .ro seQ u m or w w w .tic k etm aste r.c o m . C all 503/ 224-4400. PCC Community Fair Saturday, May 12 PortlandCommunityCollegewillbe having anotherC'omm unity Fairat their PCC Rock Creek campus, located at SW. 185th and Springville Rd,, from 10 am . to5 p.m. Along with displays about PCC programs, activities include dog agility demonstrations, horse-drawn wagon rides, a helicopter drop with prizes fbrkids.clowns, focepainters and jugglers. The headline act this year is the N.W. A frikan American Balletpresent- ing two free performances in the Forum Theatre at 12:30a.m. and2:30p.m. Ascending the Cosmic Mountain Through Wednesday, June 3 The Portland Art Museum, located at 1219SW. PaikA venue willheoffering an exhibition o f a selection o f Tibetan religious art and artifacts from Portland private collections. The event is part o f the “Tibetan Arts and Culture Festi­ val,” which will run prior and concur­ rently to the Dalai Lama’s visit in mid- May and includes Tibetan film, visual arts, music and dance. Formore informa­ tion on the art showing, call 503/226- 2811. Good in the Hood Festival & Parade Friday, June 22 The “Good in the Hood” Festival and Parade begins Friday, June 22 through Sunday, June 24, 2001. The festival is locatedon the Holy Redeemer Area School Campus at 127NorthPort- land Blvd. The parade route is east on Russell SL to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, north to Portland Blvd. Then west to Holy Redeemer Area School Campus. Call Paul Knauls at 503/285- 1159oremail him Michael Flatley’s “Feet of Flames” Wednesday, July 11 Michael Flatley, creator and star o f “Lord o f the Dance.” brings his newest and most sensational production “Feet ofFlames' ’ to the Rose Garden this July 11. Flatley hold the attendance record for a single engagement at Portland’s Rose Garden, with over42,000 people who were thnlledby“Lordofthe Dance” at the Rose Garden in June, 1997. For tickets, call503/224-4400or get them on th e fo llo w in g w eb sites: w w w .ro se q u a rte r.c o m or