A pril 18, 2001 Page A2 (£lp> ÿiorth'inù (lf)bsmu*r P o rtia n i) Olhoerurr Police News/Vancouver County W ill Investigate Hospital Shooting M ultnom ah C ounty m ental health o ffic ia ls said they w ill conduct a sep arate in v e stig a ­ tion o f the fatal sh o oting o f a M exican m an d u ring a c o n ­ frontation w ith police at G a te ­ way P acific H o sp ital, a P o rt­ land psy c h ia tric facility . O ffic ia ls w ant “ to see if th e r e w a s n e g l e c t , ” s a id Janice G ratton, m anager o f the Behavioral H ealth D ivision for M ultnom ah C ounty. Portland police are co nduct­ ing th eir ow n internal in v e sti­ gation into the sh o o tin g o f 29- year-old Jose S antos V ictor M ejia Poot o f Y ucatan. M ejia P o o f s ’ fam ily and the M exican consul in Portland have qu estio n ed w hether it was necessary to kill M ejia. C oncern has grow n among H isp a n ic le a d e rs o v e r the shooting after it was learned that M ejia Poot had been taken to the psychiatric hospital by police w hile reportedly suf­ ferin g an e p ile p tic seizu re aboard a city bus. “ If th e r e 's evid en ce that th e re ’s fault o f either the hos­ pital or the (police) bureau, we have to strongly look at litigation," said Carlos Rivera, a prom inent H ispanic activist and m em ber o f the H ispanic advisory council to the Port- land Police Bureau. T he p o lic e in v e s tig a tio n m u st d e te r m in e w h e th e r deadly force w as ap p ropriate, and w hether a language b a r­ rier had anything to do w ith the shooting, R ivera said. Pedro Mej ia Z um arraga, fa­ ther o f the dead m an said he visited his son at the hospital the day before the shooting to take him his epilepsy m ed i­ cine, but no one there u n d e r­ stood him. M ejia Z um arraga, who speaks no E nglish, said he met no one at the hospital who spoke Spanish or M aya, the native language spoken by the fam ily. Crime Stoppers Inside-A M ixed Bag for Clinton on Civil R ights......... A4 Local Doctors Help U nderserved............ A 5 Neighborhood Cooling for Downtown................. A6 Metro- This Week He is 6’ 0” tall, weighing 200 pounds, with black hair, brown eyes and tattoos on his chest, abdomen and upper left arm. He is known to have used the names or aliases o f Eddie Chaney and Troy Bains. Investigators believe Chaney may have fled to the Se­ attle area. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in case or any involved felony crime, and you can remain anony­ mous. Call Crime Stoppers at 503- 832-HELP. Women Wanted For Bank Fraud The Portland office o f the Federal Bureau o f Investiga­ tion, in cooperation w ith Crime Stoppers, is asking for help in identifying and apprehending an individual involved in a scheme, which has cost area banks thou­ sands o f dollars. According to the FBI, the sus­ pect used the identity o f another person to obtain fictitious iden­ tification from the Oregon D e­ partm ent o f M otor Vehicles. She then used the identification to open fraudulent bank ac­ counts, which were unutilized to pass stolen and counterfeit checks. This unknown individual and others have defrauded banks o f over $200,000. The suspect is described as a black female, 5’ 5” tall, weigh­ ing 240 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. She has used the alias o f Shawna Renee Cunningham (date o f birth Jan. 30, 1975). Crime Stop­ pers is offering a cash re­ ward o f up to $1,000 for in fo rm a tio n , re p o rte d to Crime Stoppers which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP. Rain 6 l°F High Through Hie Weekend Today Showers 48°F tow Saturday Showers 57°F High 63°F High 47°F Low 48°F tow Showers St. Johns to Get Help Raising Kids............. BI El O bserv ad o r........ B4 M urder Trial Begins for E x-K lansm an....B 5 Sunday Scattered Showers 60°F High 65°F High 48°F tow 53°F tow ThoughtfortheWeek . . . there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. — Booker T. Washington in History p e o p le , a n d in ju r in g 5 0 0 . T im o ­ th y M c V e ig h w a s c o n v ic t e d o f th e b o m b i n g a n d s e n t e n c e d to b e tt e r k n o w n a s M a r k T w a i n , d ie d in R e d d in g , C o n n . A p ril 22, 1889, the O k la h o m a A p r i l 18, 1 9 0 6 , a d e v a s t a t ­ in g e a r th q u a k e s tr u c k S a n F r a n ­ c is c o , f o llo w e d b y r a g in g fire s . A b o u t 7 0 0 p e o p l e d ie d . A p r i l 1 9 ,1 9 9 5 , a tr u c k b o m b e x p lo d e d o u ts id e th e A lf r e d P. M u r r a h F e d e r a l B u i l d i n g in O k la h o m a C i t y , k i l l i n g 168 d e a th . A p r i l 2 0 , 1 9 7 1 , th e U n ite d S ta t e s S u p r e m e C o u r t u p h e ld th e u s e o f b u s i n g to a c h ie v e ra c ia l d e s e g r e g a tio n in sc h o o ls. A p r il 2 1 , 1 9 1 0 , a u th o r S a m u e l L a n g h o r n e C le m e n s , L and R u sh b e g a n at n o o n as th o u ­ sa n d s o f h o m e s te a d e r s s ta k e d claims. Man Wanted For Burglary The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crime Stop- j pers, is asking for your help on locating and apprehending Troy Leo Chaney. A felo n y a rre st w arran t charges Chaney with burglary in the first degree. He is also wanted in Washington for escape. In­ vestigators also want to speak with him about a sexual assault which took place in the 1500 block of Southwest 12th Ave. on Feb 13 at about 3 p.m. Chaney is described as a 26- year-old black male, with a date j-roy Leo chanex of birth of Aug. 11, 1974. Weather A p ril 2 3 , 1969, S irh a n S irh an w as se n te n c e d to d e a th fo r a s s a s ­ sin atin g N e w Y o rk S en. R o b ert F. K en n ed y . T h e se n te n c e w a s la te r red u c e d to life im p riso n m e n t. Figure Wrong on Internet Connection Story W e regret that the am ount o f m oney raised for the C hiss K isanga S cholarship Fund, as rep o rted in last w e e k ’s pag e o ne "Internet C on n ectio n " article, w as w rong. T he figure should have been S 1,700, a fraction o f the estim ated $20,000 need ed for the T anzania stu d en t’s tuition, room and board, an d ticket hom e. T hose interested in donating to the fund should m ail checks m ade out to R edeem er L utheran C hurch, 5 4 3 1 N E 20lh A v e., Portland, O R. 97211 or call P astor R ozell G ilm ore at(503)284-0848. Oregon Teen Appears in Court on NY Internet Threat W H ITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — An O regon teen-ager w ho allegedly m ade a th r e a t th a t s h u t d o w n s e v e ra l W estchester C ounty schools last month w as released on hrs ow n recognizance last w eek but is forbidden to use the Internet. B enjam in Ballard, 18, o f Port­ land, appeared in federal court in W hite Plains beforeU .S. Magistrate Judge Lisa M argaret Smith on a charge o f transmit­ ting an interstate threatvia the Internet. A pretrial hearing w as set for M ay 9. Until then, Smi th ordered Bal lard to stay o ffthe Internet, leave his house only to go to w ork and school, and surrender his pass­ port. Ballard tlew in from O regon forthe proceeding, accom panied by his lather. The charge is a felony that carries a potential sentence o f five years in prison upon conviction. O fficials canceled classes in the Edgem ont school district on M arch 23 after a student received an Internet threat about * ‘a lot ofpeople dead' ’ at Edgemont High School. The threat, w hich w as not speci fic, w as sent via an A m erica Online chat room , and thestudent, who was not identified, notified police. Court papers allege that Ballard pretended to be a senior at Edgemont High School and w arned the recipient not to go to school the next day because ‘ ‘there ’ s going to be a lot ofpeople dead tom orrow, but hey we get to be on the n e w s" The FBI, called in by G reenburgh police and the office o f W estchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, traced the message to B allard's hom e and seized his computer. The prosecution w as turned over to federal authorities because the threat was apparently m ade from out o f state. Police News Briefs Couple Found Dead in Eastgate Lot Police in P ortland are in ­ stigating the sh o o tin g death a couple found dead in th eir r o u tside a m ovie theater. The m an and w om an w ere and w ith m ultiple gunshot w ounds ju st after m idnight Sunday at the E astgate T he­ ater in Southeast Portland. P o lic e spokesm an H enry G roepper says a security guard found the couple and called 911. The v e h ic le ’s engine w as still running. The victim s w ere id en ti­ fied as R am ona L. M cGee and Jerry Jam es Spencer. Both w ere 34 years old. Beer Lures Pig on Loose to Captivity A p o t-b e llie d p ig 's p e n c h a n t fo r b eer w as h e r u ltim a te d o w n fall. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty A n im al C o n ­ trol o ffic e rs sta lk e d th e b la c k -a n d - w hite a n im a l u sin g ro p e s, c a g es an d d o g fo o d as b a it a fte r g o lfers sp o tte d the 2 2 -p o u n d p ig g ra z in g o n th e R o se C ity G o lfC o u rs e . B ut it to o k a sau cer o f b e e r b efo re th e p ig su ccu m b ed . T h e b e e r sed ated the p ig en o u g h th at an im al co n tro l o fficers w ere able to p ic k h e r up. T h e p ig , n o w called “ R o se ." is w aitin g fo ra n ew ow n er at an im al c o n tro l’s h ead q u arters. S h e lo v es d o g b iscu its and c a n stan d o n h e r h in d feet on com m and. M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty allo w s p o t-b e llie d p ig s as pets u n less th e y w e ig h m o r e th a n 7 0 pou n d s. Vandalized Glass Turns Into Art ri-Met has figured ou, wha, to vith all those bus stop glass Is that get vandalized every . It’s sandblasting them into 5 art. Officials call the program innovative solution to an ex- live problem." Tri-met says lals scratch and deface about I 750 glass panels a year. Each one costs about 250 dollars. The public agency’s solution is to pull the vandalized panels down, sandblast the scratched parts into artist-de­ signed motifs, and reinstall them. The program is expected to save Tri-Met at least 100 thousand dol­ 4 lars a year. Tri-Met is now testing a leaf pattern by Se­ attle artist Carolyn Law, which will eventually be used in more than 100 panels. The agency plans to request pro­ posals from artists for addi­ tional designs this summer. Á flame ior serious scratchers. Overall < n 1<1 s «re 1.1.47. Musi be IH to pur< li.w Be a wiwrt player Know your limit.