U je JJn rt lattò © bseruer ----------------- April 18, 2001 Focus Page 7 A Film Festival in Portland For AH Excitement Junkies Paragliding in the shadow of Nepal’s Annapurna Range, ski­ ing bottomless powder in Whis- unknown and sometimes hos­ tile territory. The selections of this year’s films include films from Canada, the United States, Germany, England, Switzerland and Croatia. A drawing will also be held each evening featuring prizes provided by sponsors of the film festival. Among those donating prizes will be Eagle Creek Travel Gear, REI, Sector Sport Watches, Sierra Designs, Salomon Foot­ wear, National Geographic and Powerbar. Recipients must be present in the audience to win. The Aladdin Theater is lo­ cated at 301 7 SE. Milwaukie in Portland. The theater sells food and beverages, which are avail­ able for consumption during the movies. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with movies to begin at 7 p.m. For more information on the film festival, call the Tualatin REI at 503/624-8600, Portland REI at 503/283-1300 or the Rec­ reational Equipment Inc., at 360/ 693-0209. “ D o n ’t l e t s u m m e r s n e a k u p o n y o u . J o in W e ig h t W a t c h e r s n o w .” N ow's th e tim e Anti new W inning- P o in ts is th e way. E at th e foods y o u love, stay w ith in y o u r d aily P O IN T S ra n g e , a n d NEW lose! You 11 s ta y satisfied Q222Q2223 a n d be read y fo r y o u r best s u m m e r ever. FREE FIRST MEETING*! Join before May 5th and SAVE S12.00! Pay only the registration fee o f s20.00 tier, British Columbia, and scalin g El C ap itan in Y osem ite-just a few of the sights guaranteed to thrill and inspire audiences when the 25* Annual BanffMoun- tain Film Festival World Tourhits Portland, April 24 - 26. The film festival is sponsored locally by Rec­ reational Equipment Inc. (REI) as a fundraiser for Ad­ ventures Without Limits, a n o n -p ro fit o rg an iz atio n dedicated to providing out­ door recreation experiences for people of varied abili­ ties. The event will be held at the Aladdin Theater, lo­ cated at 3017 SE. Milwaukie, at 7 p.m. each night. The 25* Annual 2000 - 2001 World Tour Program will include past winners from the festival including ’89 winner “Solitary Jour­ ney” where Sherpa Dawa Tenzing and Lord John Hunt recall their experiences on the famed ‘53 Everest Expe­ dition. Taking the Grand Prize at Banff this year was “Mysterious Mamberamo.” T his fa s c in a tin g film chronicles a difficult and dangerous adventure into Join any meeting anytime! For more information call weekdays 8.30 am to 5:00 pm vf HHEw 5CH0ni lv McMenamins L (503) 297-1021 (or toll free 1-877-297-1021) | www. weightwatchers com ‘ Subsequent Weekly fees ($12.00) apply Valid at participating locations for a limited time g 2001 Weight Watchers International. Inc owner of the WEIGHT WATCHERS trademarks All rights reserved North Portland Northminster Pres. Church 2823 N. Portland Blvd. Wed. Downstairs 4:45 P.M. Legacy Emanuel Prof. Office Bldg. 2800 N. V ancouver Suite 105 Moa 12:00 noon Northeast Portland CLASS BEGINS WITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST Tillamook Park Building 2I08N.E.41 St. Ave. Moa Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.. w 9:30 A.M. - 12:00* 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.* 9:30 A.M.* 5:00 P.M.* 7:00 P.M.* 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.* Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am Sunday: 7am to 11:30am 5756 NE 33rd • Portland, O regon (503) 2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 • iviviv.m cnienam ins.com Temple BaptistChurch 1319N.E.7th I'ue. Fireside Room 12:00 noon Timberline Dodge 2510N.E.Sandy Blvd. Thur. Conference Room 12:00 noon \