Seeing Dreams as Reality A Surrealistic Play by the Miracle Theatre Group kmhd for the love of jazz 89.1 The Miracle Theatre Group con­ cludes its 16,h season o f Magic and Dreams with the Oregon Premiere of “References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot,” José Rivera ’ s exciting new drama that delves into the idea that our dreams are our reality is our dreams. “ References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot” takes us to Barstow, California where we are immersed Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum 1225 NThunderbird Way Tel (503) 235-8311 telax in our riverfront Restaurant jnd sample our Northwestern are, or dance the night away to ive entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge. Either way you’re >ure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. Restaurant 6.00 AM 10:00 PM Lounge Opens at 4:00 PM Dancing (Fri-Sun) • 9:30PMi:30AM Situated on the Willamette River, across the street from the Memo­ rial Coliseum and Rose Garden Arena. “Blazer Headquarters" For all home games. into the world o f Gabriela. Strained with waiting for her hus­ band Benito, a soldier too long ab­ sent, Gabriela’s reality is the moon’s m usic, coyote voices from the desert, vampires lurking in the dark­ ness, practical advice from her cat, and the adolescent lusting o f M ar­ tin. When Benito returns home, can their m arriage survive, or has Gabriela’s surrealistic realm o f fan- tasy and passion consumed their marriage beyond repair ? A preview will be held on Thurs­ day, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. Opening night will be on Friday, April 20. The play will continue through May 19, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. All performances will be held at El Centro Milagro, 525 SE. Stark. Port- landOR. Call 503/236-7253. The British Invasion Returns to Portland Beatlemania is sweeping the na­ tion, and you thought the craze was over. The real Beatles came to Port­ land in 1965, where they rewarded what they called the most orderly crowdontheirU.S. tourwith a longer than usual performance. Now the Beatles are b ack .. .well so rt of. Beatlemania is a collaboration of hits from the F ab F o u r: P a u l, John, R ingo, and George. Come and e n jo y the sig h ts, sounds, and magic o f this amazing group for a g re a t ca u se . B e a tle m a n ia is a fundraiser for the Port­ land and Gresham Fire F ig h te rs A sso c ia ­ tions. This event will be held at the M e­ morial Coliseum on Sunday. The multi media enter­ tainment experience opens with the famous 1964 Ed Sullivan Show and songs from the early Beatle era: “I Want to Hold Your Hand, Eight Days A Week, A Hard D ay’s Night and Can’t Buy Me Love.” Dressed in the psychedelic costumes of the 1967 Sgt. Pepper era, the Cast o f Beatlemania per- fo rm s such hits as “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and Magical Mys­ tery Tour .” The latter phase o f the B eatles career features perfo r­ mances o f the all-time classics “Let it Be, Hey Jude," and “Get Back.” The Cast o f Beatlemania captures the original sound o f the Beatles and uses stage choreography and a u th e n tic c o s tu m e s and musical gear to recreate the thrill o f a live Beatles concert. Tickets for the Sunday, May 6'h event go on-sale Tuesday. April 17Ih at 10:00 am while vouchers can be redeemed as early as Mon­ day, April 16 starting at 9:00 am. Formore information o n lin e , v is it th e ir w e b site at