(Ehr J îo rtla n h (Dhserürr _______ Focus on Movies _______ _____________ April 18,2001 Pages Josie B ridget J o n es’s Diary and the Synopsis: At the start o f the New Year, 32-year-old “single- ton” Bridget decides it’s tim e to take control o f her life and starts keeping a diary. Now the most p ro v o c a tiv e , erotic and hys­ terical book on her bedside table is the one she’s writing. With a taste for adven­ ture and an opin­ ion on very sub­ ject— from her circle o f “smug married” friends, to men, exer­ cise, food, sex, and everything in between— she’s turning a page on a whole new life. Despite her efforts to get her act together, she finds herselfcaught between two men: a man w ho’s too good to be true, and a man w ho’s so wrong, he could be right. M ean­ while, her new employers think she is nuts and her scatter-brained friends are no help whatsoever. G enre: Comedy Rating: Rated R for language and some strong sexuality. Opal School r A Program ofCM2, Children’s Museum Second Generation and a public charter school of the Portland Public School District A place where the innate creativity of children, the languages of the arts and sciences, and basic skills walk hand in hand to nurture academic excellence for ALL children. Opens fall o f2001 with preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade programs. One grade level added each year until serving children PreK to Grade 5. Students living within the Portland Public School District are selected thorough an open lottery process. No tuition for the morning preschool and kindergarten programs. No tuition for grades 1-5. Transportation provided. Located in Washington Park, former OMSI site, across from Oregon Zoo. To enroll your child (ages 3 to 6 years) in Opal lottery, contact Caroline 503-335-9356 nwolfe@teleport.com Pussycats S y n o p s is : J o s ie le a d s a b an d . T h ey d re s s lik e c a ts , a n d w h ile on to u r, th e y s o lv e c rim e s , m y s te rie s a n d th e l i k e . In t h i s s t o r y , t h e P u s s y c a ts fin d th e m s e lv e s b e in g u sed by a ty ra n n ic a l re c o rd c o m p a n y m o g u l to b ra in w a sh A m e r ic a ’s y o u th in a plot to ta k e o v e r th e w o rld . B ased on th e H a n n a B a rb e ra an im ated T .V . series “ J o s ie a n d th e P u s s y c a ts ” w hich ran on C B S from 1970- 1976. G e n re : A d ap tatio n / M usic /L iv e -A c tio n R a tin g : R ated P G -13 for language and m ild sen su ality . S y n o p sis: H e re 's a unique sto ry for you. A y oung girl nam ed Mi loses h er parents and in h erits a large property w ith a to w e r . A s tr a n g e pokem on, A nnon, com es to M i and helps h er o v ercom e her g rie f by g ran tin g M i's desires w ith special cry stals. W hen she w ishes for a m other, A nnon k idnaps one, b rin g in g the w om an to th e tow er. But it has beco m e a w orld o f illu- sio n ary hap p in ess that lulls p eo p le into com placency. S a to s h i, th e y o u n g b o y w hose m o th er has been k id ­ nap p ed , m ust sav e her and break th e spell o f th e tow er. G e n re : Sci-fi / A ction /A n i- mation R a tin g : G eneral audiences, Synopsis: G regorio (B anderas) and Ingrid (Gugino) are the tw o greatest secret agents the w orld has ever known. A fter their retirement, having ex­ changed the adventure o f espio­ nage forparenthood, Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez are called back in to action. W hen th eir form er co l­ leagues, the w orld's most form idable spies, start disappearing one by one, the C ortez’s are forced to take on techno-w izard Fegan Floop (Curtlm ing) and his evil, egg-headed sidekick, M inion (Shalhoub). But w hen the unthinkable happens and they too disappear, there are only tw o people in the world w ho can rescue them ... their kids. G enre: family / comedy / adventure R ating: Rated PG Rated PG for action sequences. C ast: Antonio Banderas, Alan Cumming, Carla Gugino,Teri Hatcher, Tony Shalhoub, Daryl Sahara, Alexa Vega, Cheech Marin. C redits: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. Pro­ duced by Elizabeth Avellan and Robert Rodriguez. Written by Robert Rodriguez. T heatrical Release D ate: March 30, 2001