Page 2 April 18, 2001 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O E Che ^ în rtk n ii» (©bsrruer Editor in Chief, Publisher C harles H. W ashington Edttor L arry J . Ja ck so n , Sr. Business Manager G ary A n n Taylor Asst. Publisher M ichael L eighton Copy Editor J o y R am os Creative Director Focus ------------------ (The ÿ o rtla n b fflbeeruer Animals Doing Mime, Dance and Acrobatics Im ago T h eatre’s signature piece FRO G Z (form erly Frogs, Lizards, O rbs and S linkys, returns to P ort­ land for a six w eek engagem ent at the Im ago T heatre at 17 SE. 8th A v­ enue. Last season this popular fam ­ ily show o f m ask theater and un­ usual creatures capturedN ew Y ork’s Broadw ay and then sold out in Port­ land for 3!6 m onths. FRO G Z runs from April 1 9 -M ay 27. W ith an original score by Katie G riesar (opening night is the CD re­ lease party) the soundscape uses an assortm ent o f instruments to create a vaudevilliancircus-like orchestration to accom pany the zany, chaotic and lovable production. FRO GZ which has toured internationally since 1986 features a giant paper bag which houses a crazy cat, penguins who play musical chairs, frogs who have a di fficult time jum ping, w orm s that do impossible handstands, cowboys caught in a cartoon world and other numerous hard-to-define yet impos­ sible to forget creatures andsurprises. F or tickets and inform ation, call Imago’sBoxOfficeat503/231-9581 or Fastixx a t503/224-8499. premiere o f FROGZ at the Imago Theatre. A FR IC A N A M E R IC A N M E N ’S CLUB, IN C . R o b ert P ark er 4747 N E M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr., Blvd. P ortlan d , O R 97211 503-288-0033 The Portland Opera Ends its Season with a Fax 503-288-0015 Classical Satire e-mail: The “M onty Python” o fh is time, O ffenbach was at the top o fh is form when he w rote “La Belle Héléne” in 1874. New to the Portland Opera stage, this wry satire o f the G reek legend o f Helen - the beautiful w om an whose abduction ignited the Trojan W ar - m ixes nimble wit with beguiling melody. The plot centers around the familiar G reek myth, “the Judgem ent ofParis.” Paris, a handsome prince disguised as a shep­ herd, has judged a beauty contest and declared Aphrodite, the goddess o f love, to be the win­ ner. Aphrodite rewards his good taste by giving him the most beautiful w om an in the world - Helen ofT ro y .T h ere’sjust one problem: Helen is already married to grouchy old King Menelaus. P aris’ seductionofH elen, and her(halfhearted) attem pts at resistance, set the stage for comedy. In “La Belle Héléne,” Offenbach slyly pokes fun not only at classical mythology, but also at the manners and customs o f his time. Portland O pera’s production takes the parody into the 21 “ century with mischievous costum e and set designs. Calchas, the soothsayer, wears a toga but carries a cell phone, while Achilles could be a W W F wrestler. A neon sign hangs over neo­ classical Greek columns, and Paris whisks Helen aw ay on a ship that looks suspiciously like “The Love Boat.” “La Belle H éléne” will be shown M ay 12,14,16, and 19 at the Keller Auditorium, located at 222 S W 3 nl. thefocus@ subsaiptkjrf0Jx)rtlandobserver.corn ads@ D e a d lin e s lo r s u b m itte d m a te ria l: A rticles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: M onday by Noon Focus w elcom es freelance subm issions. M a n u scrip ts a n d ph o to g rap h s can be re tu rn e d if acco m p an ied by a self- addressed stam p ed envelope. All cre ate d display ads becom e the sole p ro p e rty of th e new spaper a n d ca n n o t be used in o th e r p u b lic atio n s o r p ersonal usage w ithout the w ritten co n sen t o f th e gen eral m anager, unless th e client has p u rch a sed th e co m p o sitio n o f th e ad. I W Tke P ordutf Otnerver A Non-Profit Organization *ln the Community . . . . For the Community' flnnuat MEETING DANCE S a t u r d a y , A p r il 2 1 , 2 0 0 1 9 :0 0 p m - 2 :0 0 M u s ic b y : | V "Papa" Chuck I A l a ft. I Playing Oldies and Goodies! Top 4()>s for All Occaisions! cHertainmed' * toad ■ food ■ Joed Billy Webb Lodge 6 North Tillamook Portland, Oregon Attire: Dress to Impress! $7.00 at the Door