Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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    Hage B6
April 18, 2001
(The JlartLunò (ßheeruer
i Classifieds/Bids
Health Services
Credentialing Assistant
CareOregon is a team-based, Med­
icaid m anaged care health plan
com m itted to the values o f diver­
sity, empowerm ent and open com­
m unication, located in downtown
We are cu rre n tly re c ru itin g fo r
C redentialing A ssista n ts join our
N etwork D evelopm ent Team to
p ro d u c e
c o n tr a c t s
a nd
credentialing applications, you will
communicate with provider offices
r e g a rd in g
c o m p le tio n
credentialing and recredentialing
applications and m aintain a pro­
vider database. One year experi­
ence inTiealth plan credentialing,
medical s ta ff o ffic e , or hum an re­
sources o ffice required. One year
experience w ith high-production
word processing; Access or other
databases preferred. Excellent oral
and w ritten com m un icatio n skills
and ability to w ork in a team envi­
ronm ent w ith diverse groups nec­
Salary: $ 9 .2 8 - $ 1 2 .3 8 per hour
(norm al hiring range) Please sub­
m it cover le tte r and resum e to
CareOregon-HR-CA, 5 2 2 SW 5th
Ave., S u ite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR
9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (5 0 3) 4 1 6 -1 4 6 2 .
Position may close a t any tim e.
Equal O pportunity Employer
The M ultn o m a h C ounty H ealth
D epartm ent is currently recruiting
fo r the follow ing position:
Program Development
Technician-Business Services
Application m aterials and form al
job announcem ents are available
a t: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /
Jo h s/, in person or by m ailing a
self-addressed stam ped envelope
requesting application form s to:
M ultn om ah C ounty Hum an Re­
sources D ivision, 1 1 2 0 SW 5 th
Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -
0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a c c e s s to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
M ultnom ah County Libraries.
Multnomah County Health D epart­
m ent is actively recruiting persons
from various ethnic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse com m unities. Bilin-
g ua l/bicultu ral candidates are en­
couraged to apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Employment O pportunities
Clark County, W ashington is an
equal opportunity employer seeking
qualified candidates to fill cu rren t
te m p o r a r y o p e n in g s fo r o u r
D e p a rtm e n t of Public Works Road
& Park M aintenance d ivisio n s.
These positions are employed through
a temporary staffing agency, but will
be assigned to Clark County. Duties
include traffic flagging, general labor
and m aintenance d u tie s during
peak season.
Entry level pay rate begins at
$ 8 .0 2 per hour. Candidates with a
flagger’s certificate & experience,
who are assigned to flagging a n d /
or d iffic u lt road m aintenance po­
sitions, may receive pay between
$ 8 .0 2 - $ 1 2 .3 8 per hour. Salary
rate will be determ ined upon hire.
Detailed info & applications are
available @ Clark C ounty Human
R e s o u r c e s . PO B o x 5 0 0 0 ,
1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA.
9 8 6 6 6 - 5 0 0 0 . J o b H o tlin e
( 3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 - 6 0 1 8 ; TDD (3 6 0 )
Equal Opportunity Employer
Immediate opening for full and Part-
time attendants with Portland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a Positive attitude.
$8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime
A dvancem ent
opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K
available Applicants must submit to
drug test and background check.
Apply in person daily between 12-1,
Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK
Portland, OR
Program Director-Blazers
Boys & Girls Club
C oordinate s ta ff schedules, pro­
gram s, volunteers. Exp with spe­
cial events, publications, outreach
program s. R equires experience
w o rkin g w ith A frica n Am erican
youth/comm unity. College degree;
2+yrs. related experience; strong
v e r b a l/ w r it in g s k ills . S a la ry
$ 24 ,00 0 +D 0E . M a il/fa x resumes
to: Boys & Girls Clubs o f Portland,
711 9 SE Milwaukie Ave., Portland,
OR 9 7 2 0 2 ; Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 3 2 -0 3 8 7
Suh-Bids Requested
Oregon Convention Center Expansion
Bid Package: #3
Career Opportunities
(Structural S teel, Steel Joists, Steel Deck, M eta l Fabrications, M etal
Stairs, Electric Elevators, Hydraulic Elevators, and Escalators)
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call
TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by
visiting the Port’s website at www.portofportlandor.com
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting; April 2 4 .2 0 0 1 -»t 2:00pm
Bid Due: May 9th, 2001 at 2:00p>
10% M /W B E and ESB Contracting Gc
Bid Documents - W illam ette print & Blueprint (5 0 3 /2 2 3 -5 0 1 1 )
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Telephone: (503) 221-8811-Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 9720&OR CCB #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested Arms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hofftnancorp.com
Docum ent 0 0 0 2 0
Advertisem ent For Bids
The Port Of Portland
Portland International Airport
Deicing Storm water System
Pump S tations And Piping
AIP No. 3-41-0048-40
Solicitation No. 0 1-0 3 6
Sealed bids for the Portland International Airport, Deicing Stormwater
System , Pump S tations and Piping project will be received at the of­
fice o f the Manager, C ontracts and Procurement, o f The Port o f Port­
land, 121 N.W. Everett S treet, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 9 ,
(50 3 ) 9 4 4 -7 5 9 3 (m ailing address: Post O ffice Box 3 5 2 9 , Portland,
Oregon 9 7 2 0 8 ; fax (5 0 3) 9 4 4 -7 5 9 7 ) until, but not after, 11 a.m. on
May 22, 2 0 0 1 , and th e re a fte r publicly opened and read.
The work includes b ut is not lim ited to:
C onstructing six pump stations: installing approximately 1 1 ,0 0 0 feet
o f discharge piping th a t varies in size from 4 inches to 2 6 inches in
diam eter: co nstructing five CMU buildings (each approxim ately 22
fe e t wide and 2 6 fe e t long), com plete w ith housing instrum entation,
electrical equipm ent, and surge protection equipm ent; constructing a
snow dum p area (approxim ately 6 0 feet wide and 7 00 feet long); and
providing electrical service and electronic controls.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program:
Bidders are required to show th a t small subcontractors, suppliers, or
m anufacturers which have been specifically designated by the Or­
egon State O ffice o f Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business
as a disadvantaged business enterprise (“ DBE’’ ) will participate in
n ot less than 1 0 percent o f the to ta l dollar am ount bid.
A prebid conference w ill be held at 9 a.m. April 24, 2 0 0 1 , at the
P o rtlan d In te rn a tio n a l A irp o rt M aintenance Facility, 7 1 1 1 N.E.
Alderwood Road, Portland, Oregon, to discuss all phases o f the work.
Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Dave Irvine,
Information Systems Specialist 5
Database Programmer/Analyst
••Potential Underfill as an Information Systems Specialist 4
The Oregon Economic and Community Development Department is seeking applicants for a Database
Programmer/Analyst located in Salem This position provides support to tlie department staff with a
variety of professional and technical support activities. Salary is $3.207 to $4,437 a month, with
excellent benefits. This position is classified as an Information System Specialist 5 ($3,207 to
$4,437); however, we encourage applicants who meet the minimum qualifications for an Information
System Specialist 4 ($2.867 to $3.968) to apply as we will consider underfilling this position until the
selected candidate meets the minimum qualifications for an Information System Specialist 5.
Announcement «LE100221. Contact the Human Resource Office at (503) 986-0095 for more
information and the required application packet or access the full job announcement Including
application process at: www.econ.state.or.us. Closing date is April 24, 2001.
J Z h ese are just a few of the current Job openings available with the State of Oregon. A
more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional Job information
are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page
at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal
opportunity employers.
Swinerton Builders of Oregon
3 0 3 0 SW Moody Ave., Suite 2 5 0
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 1
Phone: (5 0 3) 2 2 2 -2 0 0 0
Fax (5 0 3) 4 7 8 -2 7 0 0
CCB# 1 1 1 5 6 1
Contact: Rick Kunzat
(50 3 ) 9 4 4 -7 3 4 6 .
Bids m ust be on the bid form which will be provided to prospective
bidders and m u st be accom panied by bid security made payable to
The Port o f Portland in an am ount equal to at least 10 percent o f the
Is requesting sub-bids from ce rtifie d MBE/W BE/ESB
Subcontractors & Suppliers fo r the follow ing areas:
Final Cleaning, Dem olition, Metal Fabrications, Finish Carpentry,
Insulation, Steel Doors & Frames, Wood Doors, Finish Hardware,
Glass & Glazing. Gypsum, Acoustical Ceilings, Flooring, Painting &
Wallcoverings, Visual Display Boards, Signage, Fire Ext. Cabinets,
Projection Screen, Window Treatment, Fire Protection, Plumbing,
HVAC, Electrical, Alarm & Detection Systems
PSU Remodel / The Plaza Level
to ta l am ount bid.
In accordance w ith 4 9 CFR part, 2 6, Regulations o f the U.S. D epart­
m ent o f T ransportation, bidders m ust subm it a copy o f the enclosed
First Tier Subcontractor Bidding R eport/S tatem ent o f Intent, DBE Uti­
lization with th e ir bid, showing the DBE firm s the bidder has con­
tacted and intends to subcontract work to.
In accordance w ith ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 7 , bidders m ust subm it a copy o f the
enclosed First Tier Subcontractor Bidding R eport/S tatem ent o f Intent,
DBE Utilization w ithin four hours after bid opening, showing non-DBE,
first-tie r subcontractors the bidder intends to subcontract work to.
Prequalification i£ not required for th is work.
The drawings and the contract m anual may be examined at Port o f­
fices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bidders at no cost from
C ontracts and Procurem ent (address above.).
This is a federal aid contract, and all labor shall be paid no less than
the m inim um wage rates established by the U.S. Secretary o f Labor,
as included in the contract docum ents.
The labor and civil rights requirem ents in the Bid and the Supplemen­
ta ry C onditions apply to th is work. The proposed C ontract is under
the subject o f Executive Order 1 1 2 4 6 on N ondiscrim ination Under
Federal C ontracts, Septem ber 2 4 ,1 9 6 5 , and as amended; and 4 9
CFR part 26, on Participation By Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
in United State D epartm ent o f Transportation programs, March 4,
1 9 9 9 , as revised.
Disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity
to su bm it bids in response to th is invitation and will not be discrim i­
nated against on the basis o f race, color, national origin, or sex in
consideration for a award o f any contract entered into pursuant to th is
advertisem ent.
Bidders are required to sta te w hether or not the bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . (See the Instructions to Bid­
No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is registered
with the State o f Oregon Construction Contractors Board, pursuant to
ORS 7 0 1 .0 5 5 (1), prior to su bm itting a bid. (See the Instructions to
The Contractor or a subcontractor need not be licensed for asbestos
work under ORS 4 6 8 A .7 2 0 .
Bids may be rejected if not in com pliance w ith bidding procedures
and requirem ents. Any or all bids may be rejected if in the public
in te re st to do so.
The Port Of Portland
Bobbi M atthew s, Manager
Contracts and Procurement
BIDS DUE: April 26, 2 0 0 1 at 3:00 PM
I ^Restaurant S p a c ¿ \
For Rent
Seaside Factory O utlet C enter
•Prim e location * Prim ary Food
•Provider for over a m illion
Plans and specifications are available for review in our o ffice
And all m ajor Plan Centers
We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request bids from all
interested form s including disadvantaged m inority women, veterans
and emerging sm all business enterprises.
annual shoppers
1-503-201-4254y /
Assistant to the Controller
One o f Oregon B u siness M aga­
zines 1 0 0 B e st C o m p a n ie s to
W ork For is looking fo r a flexible,
detail-oriented financial sp ecialist
to a s s is t the co m p an y's C ontrol­
ler, w orking on special projects,
managing daily cash activities, and
in te rfa cin g w ith various internal
d e p a rtm e n ts . S olid experience
w ith devising, recom m ending, in­
sta llin g, and evaluating com plex
accounting system s, procedures,
and internal co ntrols: skill in ana­
lyzing and prepanng complex finan­
cial sta te m e n ts and re p o rts re­
quired. M ust have advanced Excel
skills. Drug-free workplace. To ap­
ply, send a resum e and cover let­
ter, referencing jo b # 1 0 1 3 C to:
Diane Stark, Human Resources
D ep artm en t, Neil Kelly Co., 8 0 4
N. A lb e r ta S t., P o r tla n d OR
9 7 2 1 7 , fax to 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -7 4 6 4 . or
e-mail to: dstark@ neilkelly.com .
OHSU/Partnership Project full-time
In ta ke /Q A C oord. P e rform l&R,
a s s e s s m e n ts , a n d QA fo r
H IV+clients. MSW or equ iva len '
w ith HIV exp. $ 31 -3 5K , grant ben­
e fits . M in o ritie s e ncouraged to
apply. C ontact Julia at (5 0 3 ) 230-
1 2 0 2 , clo se s 4 / 2 7 / 0 1 . OHSU is
an Equal O pportunity, A ffirm ative
Action Employer.
The Oregon Air National Guard has
several part-tim e positions avail­
able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­
vide you w ith the experience to
enhance your civilian m arketabil­
ity! Not only will the Air Guard train
you, but pay you to learn! For more
inform ation on pay, travel, training
& various educational b enefits -
ca ll 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 & inquire
about our e nlistm ent eligibility.
Seeking P /T up to F/T dual DX
S pecialist w / M asters Degree in
M ental Health +
CADO / A&D Exp. Proficiency in
DX, A ssessm ents, RX Plans and
Therapy. C om petitive w ag/ben-
efits. People o f color encouraged
to apply. Resume to CCMH, 5 0 1 0
NE 3 3 rd Ave, Portland 9 7 2 1 1 .
Arts & Craft Coordinator
Blazers Boys & Girls Club seeking
part-tim e person to coordinate a rt
a c tiv itie s fo r d iv e rs e group o f
youth. Send resum es to Boys and
Girls Clubs o f P ortland, 7 1 1 9 SE
M ilw a u k ie Ave., P o rtla n d , OR
9 7 2 0 2 or Fax to (5 0 3 ) 2 32 -0 38 7.
Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C.
Sheet M eta l/H u sb a n d o f Crissy,
Dick Weber
Your W elding/D ixer Brother would
love to see you.
M essage (3 6 0 ) 8 9 2 -8 7 3 0
Sub Bids Requested For
Assumption Village
Portland, Oregon
2-Story wood frame, slab on grade, 109 units of
congregate and assisted living.
Bid Date: April 30, 2001, by 3 pm
Walsh Construction CO., CCB #11398
2 9 0 5 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1
Phone: (5 0 3) 2 2 2 -4 3 7 5 Fax: (503) 2 7 4 -7 6 7 6
C ontact: Don Geddes, Brent Stutz, Dave Frey or Cathy Adams
Plans available at: Walsh C onstruction CO., DJD Plan Center,
C onstruction Data - Portland, Oregon C ontractor Plan Center,
0AME (Oregon Association o f M inority Entrepreneurs), and
C onstruction M arket Data, Inc.
Trades Excluded: Divisions 1 5 ,1 6 , Concrete Labor,
Rough C arpentry Labor and Commercial Kitchen
Please call Walsh C onstruction Co.
For bid forms and instructions.
Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and
W omen-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work.
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the M cDonald/Dunn Research Forest Cameron North
Road Improvement project will be received by the Oregon State Board
o f Higher Education until 3 :0 0 PM, local tim e, May 1, 2 0 0 1 . Bids will
be opened and publicly read aloud on May 1, 2 0 0 1 at 3 :0 0 PM local
tim e. All bidders m ust be registered with the Construction Contractor’s
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Finley Hall Piping R ehabilitation project will be
re c e re d by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education until 2 :3 0
PM, I jeal tim e, May 1, 2 0 0 1 . Bids w ill be opened and publicly read
aloud on May 1, at 2 :3 0 PM local tim e. All bidders m ust be registered
with the C onstruction C ontractor's Board.
Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Ser­
vices. 1 0 0 Adam s Hall, C orvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 or telephone
5 4 1 -7 3 7 -7 6 9 4 .
Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Ser­
vices, 1 0 0 Adam s Hall, C orvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 or telephone 541-
7 3 7 -7 6 9 4 .