Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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April 11, 2001
îtjv flortinnò (Dhaeruer
Former Cleo’s Manager, Local Entrepreneur Dies
Home Going Celebration o f Louis Browning
Services o f rem em brance for
Louis Browning, 81, who died
April 7, 2001, will be held Fri­
day, April 13 at 1 p.m. at First
A.M.E. Zion Church, 4304 N.
V ancouver Ave. with Rev. Z.
Jam es Purifoy, officiating.
Mr. Browning was bom Oct.
4,1919 in A rkadelphia, Ark. He
was the eldest child o f seven
children from the union o f W il­
liam and Sarah Browning.
Mr. Browning worked to help
his father support the fam ily
while receiving his basic educa­
tion in Arkansas and p artici­
pated in the civilian conserva­
tion corps.
He m igrated to Portland, Ore.
during W orld W ar II. He settled
in Vanport and found work at
the shipyards. Later he worked
fo r U nion P acific R ailroad
w here he remained for several
years. He married the former
Hatshepsut (Hattie Mae) Childs
in 1945 o f which four children
were bom from this union. Hard
w orking and always wanting a
better life for his family, Mr.
Browning attended trade school
w here he becam e a certified
electrician. In 1959, he and his
wife opened Reliable Radio &
T.V. on N orth W illiam s and
M onroe.
A dedicated entrepreneur,
Mr. Browning was best known
as the form er C hief Executive
O fficer o f Cleo-Lilliann Social
Louis Browning
Club, Inc. “C leo’s” . He m an­
aged C leo ’s from 1974 to 1996.
The patrons o f the club affec­
tionately knew him as “ Mr.
B row ning” . He was not just a
A nonprofit San Francisco foun­
dation, W isdom in Action, chose
the final honorees.
Marbet is program m anager for
the Oregon Conservancy Founda­
tion, a nonprofit environm ental
group. He is affiliated with num er­
ous other environm ental groups,
as a board m ember or volunteer.
Ralph Nader, the former Green
Party presidential nom inee, has
called M arbet “a tow ering public
c itiz e n w ho m akes d e m o c ra c y
w ork in Oregon. “I told them I
thought there were a lot o f other
people in the world more deserving
than me,” M arbet said. “ But it’s an
honor, and I finally decided it would
be kind o f nice to meet the Dalai
Lam a.”
rectors, sta ff and the thousands
o f m em bers and guests who
knew him, will celebrate his
positive contributions to his com­
m unity and m iss him deeply.
Mr. Brow ning has affection­
ately joined his wife Hattie (who
preceded him in death) and is
survived by his brother, Frank
Browning o f Dallas, Texas, Vir­
ginia G ator o f Dallas; daughter
DeM etrias Browning, sons Rob­
ert Louis, Lynn Edw ard, and
X avier Lloyd; granddaughter,
U kana; g ran d so n s, D am eion
and Robert Eric; great grand­
children, S haqulia, G regory,
Jahm ani, V anesia, and Biancia
all o f Portland; and Jamal o f
Philadelphia; and a host o f cous­
ins, nephews, nieces and friends.
The Brow ning fam ily wishes
to acknow ledge the love that
frie n d s and re la tiv e s h av e
shared over the years and espe­
cially now at this difficult time.
The flowers, cards, and prayers
have com forted and strength­
ened us. A family dinner will be
served at First A.M .E. Zion
Church after the comm ittal ser­
vice. There also will be a recep­
tion for m em bers and guests o f
C leo ’s at the club at 6 p.m.
Contributions to the Louis
Browning M emorial Fund can
be sent c a re o f R o b e rt L.
Browning, personal represen­
tative, P.O. Box 6654, Portland,
OR 97228
A rrangem ents are under the
direction o f Cox & Cox Funeral
C h a p e l, 2736 N.E. R odney
Ave., Portland, OR 97212.
Bold Designs o f
the Millennium
Dalai Lama Will Honor
Oregon Environmental Activist
(AP) — Lloyd M arbet, an envi­
ronmental activist and former sec­
retary o f state candidate, will be
honored by the Dalai Lama next
m o n th fo llo w in g th e sp iritu a l
leader’s three-day visit to Port­
land. Marbet will be among 50
people designated as “ unsung he­
roes o f compassion” by the Dalai
Lama during a May 16 cerem ony
in San Jose, Calif.
The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist
spiritual leader from T ibet w ho
won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
“This caught me totally by sur­
prise,” said Marbet, who learned
o f the honor in January.
Marbet, 53, said he was nom i­
nated for the award by Jeb Barton,
a friend who makes tepees in Bend.
mentor but a father to many. He
was famous for his blues style
of singing happy birthday to the
num erous p atro n s who c e l­
ebrated their birthdays at C leo’s.
Mr. Browning was alw ays a
contributing m em berofthe com ­
munity. In recent years realiz­
ing the lack o f housing, Mr.
Browning made available land
to develop affordable housing
by selling lots below market rate.
His civic efforts also included
financial contributions to local
organizations such as the Little
League Clubs, Black W om en’s
Gathering, Albina M inisterial
A llia n c e , N A A C P , U rb an
League o f Portland, the Oregon
State Police Officers A ssocia­
tion and Oregon Lung A ssocia­
tion. The C leo’s Board o f D i­
Tickets are still available for the
43rd annual Ebony Fashion Fair to
held at the Portland Marriott in
downtown on Friday, April 20, 8
This year, there will be fresh
new styles and a few controversial
silhouettes so bold, so shocking
and so unique that you’ll defi­
nitely experience a .. .Fashion Sen­
sation. The show, a local chanty
benefit for Links, Inc., is charac­
terized by its glamour, elegance
and beauty. It has all the energy
ofa Broadway show plus the flare
o f the world's most creative cloth­
ing designs to make this an event
that must be experienced!
For more information, call 503-
Silk crepe mini dresses with colorful eyes and lips designed by Lapidus (Paris,
France) are coordinated with matching fringe bracelets. (Photo at Right)
Boy Scout Lawsuit Claims Discrimination
(A P)— The AmericanCivil Liber­
ties Union o f Oregon filed a lawsuit
seeking to ban recruiting by the Boy
Scouts in schools during school
hours, claiming the organization dis­
criminates on the basis o f religion.
“An organization that excludes
students based on their religious
beliefs should not be given special
access to elementary schools during
the school day in order to carry out
their discriminatory policies,” said
David Fidanque, director o f the Or­
egon ACLU.
The suit was filed in Multnomah
County Circuit Court on behalf o f
Portland resident Nancy Powell and
her fifth-grade son Remington. Both
are atheists. Atheists cannot be Boy
A Boy Scout official said his orga­
nization is not seeking special privi­
leges in the schools.
“We live in a complex country and
a complex society and diverse ideas
and diverse groups should not be
excluded from our schools,” said Larry
Otto, scout executive o f the Cascade
Pacific Council in Portland.
“The Scouts don’t seek any spe­
cial access. We want to be treated like
any other community organization,”
he said.
He said the Boy Scouts have a
relationship with schools that goes
back 90 years.
“Other organizations parallel to
scouting have sets o f values that
they stand on, and it’s not the school’s
place to say ‘this is a good one and
this one’s out.’”
The ACLU filed an earlier lawsuit
claiming schools should be closed to
scout recruiters because the group is
a religious organization. A 1999
Multnomah County Circuit Court
decision went against the ACLU. An
appeal is pending before the Oregon
Court o f Appeals.
Fidanque said the discrimination
aspect in the current lawsuit was not
brought up in the earlier one.
April 10 through April 24, 2001
C losed April 15th, Easter Sunday
Portland Bible Student Dies of Snakebite
(A P ) — A M u ltn o m ah B ible
C o lle g e stu d e n t d ie d o f a sn a k e ­
b ite w h ile stu d y in g in In d o n e ­
T w e n ty -tw o -y e a r-o ld H olly
M ille r o f G re e le y , C o lo ra d o ,
d ie d M o n d ay on the isla n d o f
S u m b a, fo u r h o u rs a fte r b e in g
b itte n on the h eel by a p it v ip er.
She w as on the isla n d as p art
o f a fo re ig n s tu d ie s p ro g ra m
c a lle d E d u V e n tu re In d o n e sia ,
w hich ta k e s A m e ric a n stu d e n ts
to the c o u n try in 14-w eek s e s ­
sio n s. A c c o rd in g to a p re ss r e ­
le a se fro m M u ltn o m a h B ible
C o lle g e , M ille r w as re tu rn in g
fro m
fe s tiv a l
w ith
S u m b a n e s e f r ie n d w h e n th e
sn a k e stru c k . T he sn a k e b it her
and th en b it the frie n d , w ho
s u rv iv e d w ith ju s t a sw o lle n
a n k le . M ille r h a d an im m ed iate
re a c tio n to th e b ite . S he w as
ta k e n to the n e a re st h o sp ita l,
an h o u r aw ay , b u t the ho sp ital
d id n ’t have a n y a n tiv e n in for
th e b ite.
Woman Poses as High School Student
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S tory C ontinued from F ront P age .
motion to vacate the guilty judg­
ment, he will sign it. He will also
re sc in d the re q u ire m e n t th at
Blankenship be registered as a sex
offender. Throneberry’s story has
stunned her former classmates and
the Vancouver families who thought
they were helping a troubled street
teen who had been abused.
“I remember the first time I met her,
thinking she was a teacher,” recalled
classmate Ken Dunn “Then she said
she was a student, and nothing after
that ever made me think she was that
Throneberry recently appeared in
Clark County Superior Court, and
continued to identify h erself as
Fingerprints and witnesses show
she a lso had b een know n as
Stephanie Danielle Lewis in Pennsyl­
vania. and as Emily Kara Williams in
“There is a whole history o f confu­
sion with her identity." said defense
attorney Kathleen McCann, who
plans to seek a mental evaluation for
her client.
Police say Throneberry was bom
May 18,1969, in Wichita Falls, Texas.
She lived in Electra, Texas, until after
10th grade in 1985. Police say she
became a sophomore in high school
again 12 years later at Evergreen.
Throneberry told school officials
she didn’t have a transcript because
she had been home-schooled.
As Stewart. Throneberry com ­
pleted three years at Evergreen, earn­
ing a 2.83 grade-point average,
brought down somewhat by a D in
drama class. She graduated 256th in
a class o f 616. The state spent about
$ 11,500 on her education.
T hroneberry lasted only five
months with Randy Fisher’s family
before being asked to leave.
“ 1 really didn’t think she was a
kid,” Fisher said. “When she had to
explain something, she’d say, ‘Oh,
I’m just a teen-ager. "
One o f her tennis teammates,
Isering Kheyap, said some o f the
girls thought Stewart looked older.
Barb McKay, the mother o f one o f
Stewart’s closest friends, said she
thought the woman was hiding some­
thing. But she still thought Stewart
was an at-risk teen because o f atten-
tion from social service agencies and
attorneys who were frequently check­
ing on her. McKay even obtained a
state license to provide foster care for
the woman, but Stewart chose not to
move in after all.
Throneberry campaigned for a
Social Security card in her false name,
even appealing to Gov Gary Locke.
In an effort to obtain a birth certifi­
cate, the first step toward receiving a
Social Security card, she had to pro­
vide fingerprints.
The prints came back to haunt her.
Earlierthisyear, Vancouver police
Detective Scott Smith examined her
record and found the fingerprints
connected her to other cases ofhomc-
less teens with stories o f abuse.
Smith said the w om an’s patterns
were the same at every stop.
He said Throneberry denied the
connections when he questioned her
about her identity.
Eventually, he sent a photo o f the
woman to Throneberry’s parents,
who identified “Brianna Stewart" as
their daughter.
“She’s just going cross-country
and using different names and re­
ceiving welfare,” her father, Carl
Throneberry, told theColumbian from
his home in Comanche, Okla. “She
talks a pretty good line, they tell me.”
If convicted, Throneberry faces
sentences o f up to 90 days for first-
degree theft, 60 days for second-
degree theft, and six months to 12
months for petjury.
Daphne, Ala., police Detective
James Matthews said Throneberry
traveled by bus to Daphne last year
and told police she was an 18-year-
old amnesia sufferer named Bnanna
Stewart in search o f clues to her past.
“She was getting more unusual
with what she was coming up with,”
Matthews recalled. “She told stones
that didn’t make sense."
Matthews, who said no charges
would be filed against Throneberry
in his jurisdiction, said the woman
told him she had amnesia and that a
traumatic event had caused her to
hitchhike across the country four or
five years earlier. She said she was
about to finish high school and was
interested in studying law ahd that
she had worked for a Vancouver law­
yer, he said.
“ I still don’t know why she picked
Daphne," Matthews said.