Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2001, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
April II, 2001
(Tin' ^ o r tla n h (Dbseruer
/TT n m nt u n i t vr
vJza I e n b a r
Dismantling Racism in Portland
T op s P o e tr y
G et W ild on the
W illa m e tte
Join curious, outdoor enthusiasts this
sp rin g in e x p lo rin g d iv e rs e w ild life ,
habitats,and restoration efforts along the
W illam ette R iver in Portland. Bird w atch­
ing, plant identification and w ater quality
discussions are all part o f these guided,
two-hour, Saturday, walking tours. All walks
are free. The next event w ill be on Saturday,
April 14, from 9 a.m. -1 1 a.m. Call 503/823-
C e le b r a tio n
Local Poets of All Ages
Invited to Saturday
Nia Week: Welcome Back
to Fitness!
The N ia T echnique is an exciting and
expressive mix o f yoga, m artial arts, jazz and
m odem dance and features an eclectic se­
lection o f m usic, from N ew A ge to W orld
Funk. Each class during N ia W eek will have
a specific focus to w elco m e participants
and deepen their N ia experience. T he next
session is on M onday, A pril 23 on “T he Joy
o f M ovem ent” at B ody M oves, 918 SW
Yamhill, 4,h floor.
Easter at the Oregon
Humane Society
The Oregon H um ane Society will be hav­
ing an Easter celebration. R em em ber Easter
w ith a fun photo o f you, your child, o r your
new ly adopted pet w ith the E aster Bunny.
Shop at O H S Best F rien d s’ C o m er Retail
Store and enter to w in a R abbit C are Pack.
K ids can crack open an E aster egg revealing
a discount on the norm al adoption fee. Call
Neighborhood Stability
S t. J o h n
Saturday fo r the Walk as One walk-a-thon. The National Conference
es nationwide to help dismantle bias, bigotry’ and racism.
(P hoto by D avid G iezyng /T he P ortland O bserver )
A rea residents are invited to celebrate
National Poetry M onth with prize-w inning
poet Prim us St. John at a free poetry reading
Saturday. April 14 at 2 p.m. at the Lloyd C enter
Barnes and Nobel book store, 1231 N.E. Broad­
St. John is a professor o f literature and
creative w riting at Portland State U niversity,
w here he teaches A frican, C aribbean, A fri­
can-A m erican and Latino literature classes as
w ell as poetry w riting sem inars. H is m ost
recent book o f poetry, “C om m union” w on the
2000 W estern States B ook Award.
S ponsored by the O regon State Poetry
A ssociation, the reading w ill also feature
O SPA P resident D avid H edges and K asey
M arie Jakien, a senior at C leveland H igh
School w ho has w on aw ards in b oth the
O regon S tudent Poetry C ontest and regular
O SPA contests, as w ell as a w riting aw ard
from “ Scholastic M agazine.”
Springboard Saturday
In an effort to fight involuntary displace­
m ent in the Interstate U rban Renew al D is­
trict, 11 com m unity groups have join ed to
form M A X im izing N eighborhood Stability.
As part o f this effort, the C om m unity A lli­
ance o f T enants (C A T ) w ill be leading a
training and doorknocking effort on April
14, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m . at A lbina Youth
O pportunity School at 3710 N. M ississippi
Dances with Universal Peace
The O regon Peace Institute (OPI) will
sponsor a w orkshop on D ances w ith U ni­
versal Peace with Devi DeJardin. The Dances
o f U niversal Peace are a form o f m ulti­
cultural folk dances dedicated “ tow ard one
w orld, w ithin and w ithout.” T his w ill take
place on A pril 19, from 7-9 p.m. at First
U nited M ethodist C hurch, 1011 SW . 12th,
Primus St. John
F o llo w in g th e fe a tu re d rea d ers, local
p o ets o f all a g e s, an d n o n -p o e ts w h o lik e
p o etry , are in v ite d to re a d e ith e r th e ir ow n
w o rk o r th a t o f a fa v o rite p o et. P eo p le can
co m e ju s t to lis te n , and c h ild re n a re w e l­
Rm. 134. Call 503/725-8192.
Ujima Day
T he U jim a E ducation O ffice (U E O ) is
hosting its 4,h annual African/American com ­
m unity outreach event. “ U jim a D ay” which
w ill be held at S e lf E nhancem ent Inc., lo-
catedat3920N . K erby on Saturday, April 14
from 11 a.m . to 3 p.m. “ U jim a D ay” is to
continue to em phasize the im portance o f
post-secondary education and highlight
the opportunities offered by OSU. Call 1-
800-291-4192,ext. 9032.
3rd Annual Race for the
Marcelle Million (right) is one o f the first students to apply to attend the St. Andrew Nativity School, a new middle school
to open this fall o ff northeast Alberta. Joining him at Saturday’s Springboard’j c h o o l session were .Amy Burgessileft>and
Sheryl Brown o f St. Mary s Academy.
O’««™ by M ark W ash , NGTONfTuE P ortland O bserver )
V olunteers are needed for the 3rd A nnual
Race for the Roses, A pril 22 atO M S I. This
half-m arathon, 5K race/w alk and 16 m ile
k ids’ dash, "B ridging the G ap for Kids in
Crisis," benefits A lbertina K err Centers and
The Boys & G irls A id S ociety o f Oregon.
Food, fun and t-shirts provided! C all Carol
H ardw ickat503/222-966l.
Post Office
Works to Meet
Tax Deadline
Family Fun Night
rhe U.S. Postal Service urges customers to
avoid the Monday, April 16, income tax deadline-
day crowds by mailing their income tax returns
early and by ensuring each envelope cames the
proper postage. For those who wait until the
deadline, post offices in the Portland metropolitan
area will collect and postmark tax returns until
midnight on Monday. Apnl 16 from blue Postal
Sen. ice collection boxes in front o f designated
post offices. These blue collection boxes will be
marked with special yellow signs verifying mid­
night pick-up in front o f designated post offices.
Allother collection boxes withoutayelkiwsign will
be picked-up at their posted, regularly scheduled
times. “Thebest option forthose who have correct
postage and just need to get the April 16 post­
mark." "is to avoid the crowds by using the blue
collection boxes with yellow signs located in front
o f designated post offices in the Portland area"
Portland Postmaster Michael J. Daley said.
Families that play together, stay together.
A variety o f activities, arts and crafts, riding
toys, balls and gam es. C hildren m ust be
accom panied by an adult on Fridays, April
12 M ay 25, from 6:30 - 8 p.m .at the Penin­
sula Park C om m unity C enter, located at 700
N Portland BI vd. Call 503/823-3620.
Procession of the Species
Celebrate M other Earth! G ain respect for
the environm ent w hile developing your
creative abilities. I .earn basic drills and strut
your stu ff in the P rocession o f the Species
parade on Saturday, A pril 28. W orkshop
takes place on T hursday, A pril 26, 6:30 -
8:30 p.m. The event is free to all ages. Call
Peninsula Park C om m unity C enter at 503/
F oun d ed in 1956, O SP A is O reg o n 's o ld ­
est sta te w id e literary o rg an iz atio n . Its m is­
sio n is "to b rin g to g e th e r an d n u rtu re , the
w id est p o ssib le c o m m u n ity o f O reg o n p o ­
ets; to h elp O re g o n p o e ts, y o u n g an d old.
d ev e lo p th e ir ta le n ts and sk ills; to s tim u ­
late a, the g ra ssro o ts le v el, a sta te w id e
a p p re c ia tio n o f p o e ty ; an d , to raise p u b lic
a w a re n e ss o f O re g o n p o e ts, p a s t and
p re se n t."
Head Start Coming to Rosemont
An artist rendering shows the design o f a new Head Start facility to be built at North Bryant and Kerby as part o f the redevelopment o f
the Rosemont- 1 ’ilia St. Rose property . The facility, designed by Sinan Gumusoglu o f OTAK Architects.will be 11.000 square feet, and
contain 6 classrooms housing up to 84 children The structure will undergo design review by the city’ beginning this week. The Piedmont
Neighborhood Association at one point expressed concern about inclusion o f the facility in the 338-uni, residential project. However,
spokesperson Torn Markgrafsavs that at this point. " H ? M o , , iv n „id,cation they ’ll be a real asset to the neighborhood.--------------------