Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 11, 2001
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Page A3
State Treasurer Works With Minority Businesses
Oregon Association o f Minority’ Entrepreneurs will play major role in Treasury business
“I ran as Treasurer in part
O regon State T reasurer
R andall Edw ards to ld a to help small businesses in
packed house of minority busi­ Oregon. I am very committed
ness owners, advocates and to expanding business oppor­
tunity to women, minority and
government officials that his
commitment to diversity goes disadvantaged business and
assisting communities across
beyond lip service.
Edwards pointed to his hir­ the state in creating capacity
for small business to grow in
ing of Linda Haglund, first
w o m an
deputy trea-
'lam very committed to expanding
surer in trea­
business opportunity to women, mi­
sury history
and his inclu­
nority’ and disadvantaged business
sive execu­
and assisting communities across the
tive staff, as
state in creating capacity fo r small
evidence of
his genuine
business to grow in their neighbor­
hoods ’ - Oregon State Treasurer
to diversity.
Randall Edwards
The Port­
land Demo­
crat, who was elected to the their neighborhoods.”
Edwards said the treasury
post in November, has also
department can serve Orego­
awarded Jackson Securities,
nians better by its collabora­
a solely owned minority firm,
a contract to provide under­ tion and partnership with mi­
writing services for State De­ nority businesses.
“Few Oregonians are fa-
partment o f Veteran Affairs’
miliarwith our partnership de-
v elopm ent p o te n tia l, so
straightening our resolve as
an agency to be a viable and
visible inclusive partner in
community and economic de­
velopment is a critical priority
of my administration,” he said.
Edwards said he is pursuing
policies that support substan­
tial financial commitment to
public education, affordable
housing, and rural and urban
This plan includes a pro­
posal to create general obli­
gation bonds to help fund a
wide range of critical capital
needs in the state, which could
provide additional opportuni­
ties for women and minority
Oregon Association of Mi­
nority Entrepreneurs Presi­
dent Sam Brooks said he was
very e n co u rag ed by the
treasu rer’s commitment to
women and minority-owned
“His leadership is needed to
ensure that small businesses
PGE Coupons
Promote Long-
Life Bulbs
System and the Common
School Fund. The Treasurer
is also responsible for issuing
all state bonds.
Marcela Alcantar o f Alcantar and Associates with Oregon State Treasurer Randall Edwards at a meeting o f the
Oregon Association o f Minority Entrepreneurs.
up to $100 back,
up to 1000 free
minutes a month.
Portland General Electric says it is
inchiding certificates worth $ 12 toward
the purchase ofhigh-efficiency compact
fluorescent light bulbs with its next bill­
ing. The two, $6 coupons can be re­
deemed at a wide variety ofretaileis.
PGE vice-president Dave Carboneau
sard if each PGE customer replaces just
two, 60-watt lights with two, 15- watt com­
pact fluorescents, it would save 83 million
kilowatt hours a year - enough to supply
the city o f Salem for three weeks.
He says such usage would drop elec­
tric bills by $4.6milliondollarsayear. The
compact bulbs can last six or seven years.
$100 cash back
That’s a $60 mail-in service rebate
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Expert Says
New Carissa
Should Stay
(A P) — A consultant hired by the
N ew C arissa’s insurer has told Gov.
John K itzhaber that it w ould be safer
to let nature deal w ith the w recked
freighter than to rem ove it from the
John N oble, a L ondon-based ca­
su a lty su rv e y o r, sa id th e s h ip ’s
steeply pitched and sw aying engine
room w as too great a hazard for sal­
vors to w oik aboard. C oos B a y ’s
rough s u rf and unknow n shore geol­
ogy also m ake seaw ard rem oval u n ­
likely, he said.
“ I w o u ld n ’t w ant to be associated
w ith this op eratio n sh o u ld it go
ahead,” said N oble, chairm an ofB M T
M urray Fenton. “I do believe, given
a few good storm s, nature will deal
w ith this lum p o f steel .” N oble and
the ship ’ s insurers m et last w eek with
K itzhaber, Secretary o f State Bill
B radbury and T re asu re r R andall
Edw ards, the three m em bers o f the
State L and Board.
K itzhaber dem anded last year that
B ritannia Steam Ship Insurance re­
m ove the w reck or pay the state $25
N oble said he would w rite the same
report ifhired by the state. K itzhaber’s
spokesm an said the governor’s origi­
nal dem and still stands. “W e ’re not
ready to change our position at this
tim e,” said B ob A pplegate. “I think
th e re 's a pretty strong feeling that
the w reck constitutes a risk. T here’s
a risk to rem ove it, and th e re’s a risk
to leave it. I f it’s left, the risk falls to
the state.”
Bill M ilw ee, salvage consultant
for B ritannia, said he w ould press
ahead w ith an environm ental im pact
statem ent for a shorew ard removal.
H e said he has shifted his focus from
gaining access to the w reck to exam ­
ining w orker safety and the surround­
ing geology. M ilw ee said he has hired
a firm to perform a risk analysis and
plans to m ap the w reckage and the
shore’s geology in August.
leader, managing investments
valued over $50 billion in vari­
ous funds, which includes the
Public Employees Retirement
thrive and remain a critical
part of Oregon’s economy,
Brooks said. The treasurer
serves as the state’s financial
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