Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2001, Page 16, Image 16

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April 11, 2001
Portland Jewish Film
Friday, April 13 -
Thursday, April 19
The aw ard w inning film “ Left
Luggage” will prem iere at the Holly­
w ood T heatre to honor H olocaust
R em em brance D ay and to benefit
the Portland Jew ish Film Festival.
“ Left L uggage” w ill play for one
w eekonly, from A pril 1 3 - 1 9 .F o ra
schedule, call 503/493-1128. The
Hollywood Theatre is located at 4122
NE Sandy Blvd. T heir w ebsite is
w w w .hollvw oodtheatre.org.
Easter Story in Voice
Wednesday, April 18
G eorge Fox U niversity seniors
Leah W eare and K endra C harles
w ill share their talents w ith a vocal
recital and art show W ednesday,
A pril 18, on the N ew burg cam pus.
T he E aster story is the them e for the
com bined recital and art show . The
display will include graphic desi gns,
paintings, and pottery and w ill be
available for view ing in the A trium
until Friday. April 27. Call 503/554-
Inner City Blues
Saturday, April 21
The 12th annual In n erC ity Blues
Festival w ill feature such acts as the
Paul Delay Band, N orm an Sylvester
& the B oogie C ats, Hot Shot Tap
dancers and m ore. The festival is a
benefit for the Portland R ainbow
C oalition (N ew Party). T he event
will be held at the M elody Ballroom ,
lo c ate d at6 1 5 SE. A lder, from 7:30
p . m - 1 a.m.
25th Annual Banff
Mountain Film
Tuesday, April 24 -
Thursday, April 26
P aragliding in the shadow o f
N ep al’s A nnapurna R ange, skiing
bottom less pow der in W histler, Brit­
ish Columbia, and scaling El Capitan
in Y o se m ite -ju st a few o fth e sights
guaranteed to thrill and inspire au­
diences w hen the 25,h A nnual B an ff
M ountain Film Festival W orld Tour
hits Portland, A pril 24 - 26. The
event w ill be held at the A laddin
T h e a te r , lo c a te d at 3 0 1 7 SE.
M ilw aukie, 7 p.m . each night.
Comedy by Norm
ÿtartlanh (Observer
Focus In Print
Thursday, April 26
N orm M acdonald has traveled
from the sm oke- ft 1 led com edy clubs
in far-flung outposts o f C anada to
having ahit show, “N O R M ” on ABC.
N o rm ’s sarcastic, direct, and hon­
est style has earned him an avid
follow ing am ongst everyone from
colleg e students to housew ives.
N orm will be perform ing on T hurs­
day, April 26 at the A rlene Schnitzer
C oncert Hall, 8 p.m . All ages w el­
come. Call 503/221-0288.
Singing for Our Lives
Saturday, May 5
A urora C horus returns to the
A rlene SchnitzerC 'oncert Hall fo ra
concert benefiting the S usan G.
K om en B reast C an cer Foundation.
T he centerpiece o f the evening will
b eA u ro ra’sp e rfo rm an c eo f“W here
I Li ve, A Breast C ancer O ratorio” by
M inneapolis co m p o ser D iane B en­
jam in. Call the A urora C horus at
98 Degrees at the
Memorial Coliseum
Thursday, May 10
Festival & Parade
Friday, June 22
“Feet of Flames”
Wednesday, July 11
T ickets for the M ay 10,98 D e­
grees show is currently on sale
Friday, M arch 30 at 5 p.m. Joining
this m ust-see, hubbub band are
top-notch acts including D ebelah
M organ, and Baha Men, with their
hi t song “ W ho Let the Dogs O ut.”
T ickets are available at the Rose
Q uarter T icket O ffice or on the
w eb at w w w .roseauarter.com or
T he “G o o d in the H ood” Festival
and P arade b egins Friday, June 22
through Sunday, June 24 ,2 0 0 1 . The
festival is located on the H oly Re­
deem er A rea S chool C am pus at 127
N orth P o rtlan d Blvd. T he parade
route is east on Russell St. to M artin
L uther K ing Jr. B oulevard, north to
P ortland B lvd. then w est to H oly
Redeem er A rea SchoolC am pus. Call
Paul Knauls at 503/285-1159 or email
him at p au lsr@ g en ev as.n et.
M ichael Flatley, creator and star o f
“ Lord o f the D ance,” brings his new­
est and m ost sensational production
“ Feet o f Flam es” to the Rose Garden
this July 11. Flatley holds the atten­
dance record for a single engagement 4
at Portland’s Rose Garden, with over
42,000 people who were thrilled by -
“ Lord o f the D ance" at the Rose '
G arden in June, 1997. Fortickets, call
503/224-4400 or get them on the fol­
lo w in g
w e b site s:
w w w .ro s e a u a r te r .c o m
www.ticketm aster.com .
Ascending the
Cosmic Mountain
Wednesday, June 3
Michael Flatley’s
T he P ortland A rt M useum ,
located at 1219SW . Park A venue
will be offering an exhibition o f a
selection o fT ib e ta n religious a it
and artifacts from Portland p ri­
vate collections. The event is part
o f the “ T ibetan A rts and C ulture
Festival,” w hich will w n prior and
concurrently to the D alai L am a’s
visit in m id-M ay and includes
T ibetan film, visual arts, m usic
and dance. For m ore inform ation
on the art show ing, call 503/226-
Good in the Hood
Opal School
A Program o fC M 2 , C hildren’s M useum Second Generation
and a public charter school o f the Portland Public School District
A place w here the innate creativity o f children, the languages o f the
arts and sciences, and basic skills w alk hand in hand to nurture
academ ic excellence for A L L children.
O pens fall o f 2001 with preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade programs.
O ne grade level added each year until serving children PreK to G rade 5.
Students living w ithin the Portland Public School District are selected
thorough an open lottery process.
N o tuition for the m orning preschool and kindergarten programs.
No tuition for
Transportation provided.
Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am
Sunday: 7am to 11:30am
L ocated in W ashington Park, form er O M SI site,
across from O regon Zoo.
T o enroll y o u r child (ages 3 to 6 years) in O pal lottery,
contact C aroline 503-335-9356
nw olfe@ teleport.com
5756 NE 53rd • P ortland, Oregon
(505) 2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 • tn viv.m tm e n a in ins.com