(Elu' ^ p n rtla n b © b s e r u e r -------------- April 11, 2001 Focus Page 3 Events Bring Excitement to Dawson Park Legacy Emanuel Hospital and its adjacentneighbors are banding together to m ake inviting changes to D aw son Paik The hospital in cooperation with the Eliot N eighborhood Association have kicked o ff a series o f events to revitalize the park and turn it into a valuable com m unity resource. The celebrations will range from w eekly picnics to a pa­ rade, all occurring in the park located at N orth Stanton and Wllliams. The events began with a W alk in the Park last Tuesday and will continue through the sum m er and possibly in­ definitely. Thepublic is w elcom e to join ¡neither a 20 or 40 m inute w alk around the hos­ pital cam pus by m eeting at D aw son Park on T uesdays at 11:15 a m . and Area residents are welcomed to a community picnic at Dawson Park in the Eliot neighborhood. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T iie P ortland O bserver ) againat 12:15 p.m. W eekly comm unity picnics at the park began Thursday, and will continue each T hursday rain or shine from 11:30a.m. to lp.m . Aninitial “Pretty U p die Paik” day w as also held last w eek, w here participants helped rake, m ow , prune, clean up debris and plant new flowers and shrubs to help beautify the park. Future dates will be scheduled throughout the spring and sum mer. W hen all the clean-up is fin- ¡shed, a big celebration with a kids’ parade, entertainment andrefteshm ents w as also a frequent stopping place for sm all circuses and w ill take place o n June 2. D aw son Park is nam ed in honor o f m edicine shows. It w as ac­ an Episcopal minister, the Rev. John D awson, w ho w as an advocate o f child w elfare and civic im provem ent in the 1920s. The space w as once a cow pasture and then a ball field used by the Immaculate Heart Church and School. It quired by the Portland Parks Bureau in 1921 andcontainsa basketball court, playground, gazebo and rest rooms. For m o re info rm atio n o n the D aw son Park revitalization project call503-415-5725. Profiles of Enduring Black Love The 4 3 r d Annual B y T aressa and C alvin S tovall W arner B ooks ; 2000 This book is a heartfelt, dow n-to-earth portrait o f A frican A m erican married love as it really is. From sophisticated urban centers to vibrant dow n-hom e rural areas; from everyday, ordinary people to those w ho live in the public eye, you will meet tw enty dynam ic, unforgettable couples. Y o u ’ll hear how they fell in love under circumstances that range from unexpected to near-im possible - and how they m ake it all w ork in a new century o f complex personal, career and cultural demands: Iyanla V anzant and A deyem i Bandele. A best-selling author and spiritual leader and a grassroots organizer, this couple endured m any years offear and doubt. Maintaining their soul connection, they were finally able to face theirchallenges together w ith com prom ise and shared faith. Inell and Bruce Ellis. In the faceofa drug habit and grinding poverty, he m ade the ultimate sacrifice to save their marriage. N ow they w ork to rebuild their family from both sides o f the prison wall. I A M DOAtfSTK 48 U S. WSTISAIIOS StIVtO 87 A m h k as Amisfs aso / o « A m iik as E a ch Million % The Links, Inc. Inner City Blues Festival « W lS A 8Ot S D -I8I8 AIR TlASSTOtTAtlOS H it TWO IO Sponsored by I TWELFTH ANNUAL Sat, April 21, MELODY BALLROOM, EBONY FA S H IO N FAIR Presents ion Benefit of 615SE Alder, 7pm-12:30am "BLUES &BBQ 2001" Paul Delay Band Sonny Hess & the Power Band Norman Sylvester Band with LaRhonda Steele Lynnann Hyde & Stuart Kinsel Jim Mesi Band with Mel Solomon M.C. Paul Knauls LINKS E D U C A T IO N A L / S C H O LAR SH IP F U N D * Portland Marriott Downtown Portland, OR Friday, April 20, 2001 8:00 pm T icket p rice $35 Tickets available at: Mrs. C's Wigs fondaldvera 707 N t Fremonl 5401 Nt Cullv Blvd 503 284-0712 503-281 6525 $15 or 2/$25 , includes Red Beans and Rice BBQ ribs & chicken for sale, No-host, full-service bar, 21 & over Benefit PORTLAND RAINBOW COALITION/ New Party & Jobs with Justice co-sponsor Cascade Blues Association CBA members $1 off tickets: M. Millenium. Genevas. Reflections. McPeets Portland Pub-------- One Slop Retord Store Reflet lions Coffee A Books 1615 NF Killmgsworth 466 NF Killmgsworth 503-284 2435 503-288-6942 McDonald's Resfurant All Tit ket Master Outlets 11459 NW Cornell Rd S03 643 9455 or From Any links Member {Includes I vr. subscription tu Flit )NY or b-month subsc ription tn IFTt