Page 2 April 11, 2001 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F w ^urtbntò (©bserüer E ditor in Chief, P ub lisher Charles H. Washington Editor LarryJ. Jackson, Sr. Business Manager Gary Ann Taylor Asst. Publisher Michael Leighton Cofiy Editor J o y R am os Creative Director Robert Parker RUN DMC Master Innovators of Rap Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: thefocus@ subscriptíoiy“jx>rt]andob8erwTCt>m D e a d l i h i 's l o r Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs can be returned if accompanied by a self- addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. I»W TW Psntud Observer finally acknowledged as the force it’s always been in music, sports, fash­ ion, marketing and pop culture over­ all. Their “Christmas in Hollis’ ’ banged through the W hite House in the 1999 “A Very Special Christmas’ ’ live event and in the Sony ad campaign o f holi­ day 2000. The Gap, W orld the advice or support o f anyone in the m ainstream media or industry. Along the way, life went on: Run was ordained a minister, DMC transformed his lifestyle and wrote a book about it, and Jay launched a successful record label. All becam e husbands and fathers. But they never lost their following. Now, having altered the landscape o f music irreversibly, RU N DMC is m ore visible than ever, as hip-hop is Basketball Association all tapped into RUN DM C as defining figures to people in every w alk o f life. Their appearance on M TV ’s 1999 Video Music Awards with Aerosmith and Kid Rock was one o f the events o f the year. In the twentieth year o f an as­ tounding career, RUN DMC turns in “Crow n Royal” to show how it all began, how it’s going to be, and how it’s done best. O ld " and Lim p B izk it’s Fred D urst, • Innovators. O riginators. RU N D M C 's influence on the music of jo in in g on the straight-up hip-hop the new m illennium goes every bit “T hem Girls.” F ew artists ever provided as com ­ as deep as that o f Elvis Presley or plete a musical and stylistic blueprint the Beatles. W ith the release o f for their musical successors as RUN “Crow n R oyal” on A rista, the sem i­ DM C (Joseph “DJ Run” Simmons, nal rap trio is returning to a stage Darryl “D M C” M cDaniels, Jason they set not o nly for them selves, “Jam M aster Jay” Mizell). M anaged but for an industry - and a genera­ by R u n ’s older brother, the future tion. entrepreneur Russell Simmons, they “Crow n R oyal” lists m ulti-plati­ roared out o f Hollis, Queens, with num guest artists - proving their 1983's“It'sLikeThat” “SuckerMCs,” lasting and universal force exerted transforming R&B party funk with a on the front line ofhip-hop, rockand R&B. The street/urban single, “ It’s new com bination o f sparse beats, O ver,” co-stars hitm aking producer/ hard production textures and an ob­ perform er Jerm aine D upri. The si­ vious disdain for pretension o f any sort. W itliin a year, they took another m u lta n e o u sly re le a se d M o d ern giant step by combining monster rock R ock sin g le an d v id e o , “ R ock guitar with hip-hop in the single and Show ,” team s the band w ith T hird video “ Rock B ox.” The huge popu­ Eye B lind’s Stephan Jenkins, w ho larity o f RUN DM C produced rap’s co-produced the track w ith Jason first gold album ("RUN-DMC,” 1983) C anner. A nd. inevitably, the b ig ­ and its first platinum album (“King o f gest fans and beneficiaries o f RU N Rock,” 1985). Every oneoftheir early D M C ’s historic fusion o f rock and singles are the prim ary source m ate­ rap com e to the party: K id R ock, rem iniscing about “T he School o f rial ofhip-hop, “H ard Times,” “Jam 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 s u b m itte d m a te ria l: Master Jay ,” “TogetherForever” and “Here W e G o” notable am ong them. The success o f RUN DM C re­ sounded through rock, rock, R&B and, eventually, international pop o f every kind. They changed an indus­ try and they did it by speaking di­ rectly to youth, with- Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum 1225 N Thunderbird Way Tel (503) 235-8311 Relax in our riverfront Restaurant and sample our Northwestern fare, or dance the night away to live entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge. Either way you're sure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. Restaurant Lounge Dancing (Fri-Sun) 6:00 AM 10:00 PM Opens at 4:00 PM 9:30 PM- 1:30 AM Situated on the Willamette River, across the street from the Memo­ rial Coliseum and Rose Garden Arena. “Blazer Headquarters" For all home games.