Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    April 11, 2001
Page B5
(Tip* Jlurtlanb ffibseruer
ì lu r t l a n ò
N onprofit organization seeks HR
generalist to manage benefits pro­
gram and recruiting and selection
a c tiv itie s . C ounsel em ployees
concerning benefits; make recom­
mendations regarding benefits pro­
gram ; provide liaison w ith insur­
ance broker and com panies and
pension plan representatives. Pre­
pare recruiting announcem ents;
ensure com pliance w ith a ffirm a ­
tive action plan; review applica­
tio n s fo r m inim um qua lifica tion s;
w ork w ith hiring m anagers and
selection com m ittees to interview
applicants; ensure backgrounds
inquiries and reference verification;
recom m end appointm ents. Pro­
vide o rientation fo r new em ploy­
ees. Review and update s ta tis ti­
cal re p o rts. Prepare accident re­
p orts; sign o ff on occupational in­
ju ry claims. Respond to questions
from su pe rviso rs and em ployees
regarding personnel laws, rules
and regulations: provide inform a­
tion regarding em ployee status.
M inim um q u a lifica tio n s are five
years experience m anaging a per­
p ro g ra m ;
c o lle g e
coursew o rk in hum an resource
m anagem ent may be su bstitu te d
for a p ortion o f experience. M ust
be organized, detail oriented, self-
m o tiva te d , co m p u te r lite ra tu re ,
with excellent comm unication and
adm inistrative skills and ability to
maintain confidentiality and harmo­
nious working relationships, estab­
lish priorities, and handle multiple
projects a t one tim e. Preference
given to candidates with expertise
in b en efits and se lection. Com­
petitive salary plus benefits pack­
age. Send cover letter, resum e,
and salary h istory to OPB Person­
nel, M ail Stop-PO, 7 1 4 0 SE Mac­
a d a m A v e n u e , P o r tla n d , OR
9 7 2 1 9 . A pplications m ust be re­
ceived by April 2 3 , 2 0 0 1 . Equal
opportunity employer.
$ 4 ,0 2 9 - $ 4 ,8 9 8 / m onth
Closing April 2 7, 2 0 0 1
Call (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /T T Y (50 3)
8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 for information. County
application and supplem ental ap­
plication form s required. Women,
m in orities, and people w ith d is­
abilitie s are encouraged to apply.
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
Join a dynamic organization that is
dedicated to public service! Clark
County has a number o f challeng­
ing positions available for qualified
and talented individuals. We are
looking for candidates to fill cur­
rent and future open positions in
several areas such as:
Office Administration
Information Technology
Finance and Management
Law Enforcement & Public Safety
Environmental Services
Planning & Development
Road Operations and Maintenance
Civil Engineering
Clark County provides a generous
b en e fits package w ith m edical,
d e n ta l, life in s u ra n c e , paid
holidays, vacation & sick leave.
For m ore d e ta ile d in fo rm a tio n
about current job openings check
out website: www.co.clark.wa.us or
call our job hotline: 360 397-6018.
Application m aterials for all open
p osition s are available @ Clark
County Human Resources, PO Box
5000, 1013
F ra n k lin
S t,
Vancouver, WA 9 8 6 6 6 -5 0 0 0 TDD
3 6 0 -3 9 7 -6 0 3 2 .
HR Generalist
CareOregon s a team -based orga­
nization com m itted to th e values
of diversity, em pow erm ent named
open co m m u n ic a tio n . We are
searching for a HR G eneralist to
join our growing HR TEAM. This
HR Generalist w ill perform the re­
cruiting and sta ffin g functions for
the organization.
M inimum o f three years human
resource experience or comparable
experience a n d /o r training; work­
ing knowledge o f current em ploy­
m ent laws; regulations and s ta t­
utes, ability to work e ffectively in
a diverse work environm ent; abil­
ity to effectively manage m ultiple
ta s k s and m eet deadlines; excel­
lent w ritten and verbal com m uni­
cation skills; ability to organize and
provide o rie n ta tio n /tra in in g to
sm all and large groups o f people;
ability to contribute knowledge and
$ 2 4 ,1 7 7 to $ 3 2 ,2 7 6 (norm al hir­
ing range)
Cover letter and resum e may be
faxed to CareOregon, Human Re­
s o u rc e s , HR-HRG ( 5 0 3 ) 4 1 6 -
e m a ile d
conleys@careoregon.org. EEO/AA
The M ultn om ah C ounty H ealth
D epartm ent is currently recruiting
for the follow ing positions:
Application m aterials and form al
job announcem ents are available
a t: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s y
jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a
self-addressed stamped envelope
re q u e s tin g a p p lic a tio n fo rm s
to : M u ltn o m a h C ou nty H um an
Resources D ivision, 1 1 2 0 SE 5th
A ve n u e , F irs t F lo o r Lob by,
PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR,
9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . Assisted access to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le a t
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty L ib ra r ie s .
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty H e a lth
D epartm ent is actively recruiting
persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance
service to our diverse communities.
Bilingual/bicultural candidates are
encouraged to apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Oregon Legislature
W e have tw o key, fu ll-tim e ,
continuing positions open. Join
us to participate in exciting new
technology projects. Legislative
a d m in is tr a tio n p ro v id e s a
stable, supportive and flexible
environment with family friendly
work schedules. Our technical
e n v iro n m e n t u s e s O ra c le 's
DMBS and developm ent to o ls
fo r C lie n t /S e r v e r and W eb
d e v e lo p m e n t.
• Develop C lie n t/S e rv e r and
Web Applications using Oracle
Tools in a team environm ent
• Act as Software Architect and
Technical Lead on D evelop­
m ent projects
I.T. Analyst/Advisor
• Lia ison fo r IT S e rvice s to
L eg isla tive Agencies
• A nalyst, D esigner, P roject
For application Information Contact
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
9 0 0 C ourt ST NE Room 140-B
Salem OR 9 7 3 0 1 -4 0 4 1
(5 0 3) 9 8 6 -1 3 7 3
h ttp ://www.leg.state.or.us
Apply Im mediately
We are seeking qualified candidates
to be part of our dynamic public
service organization.
Court Asst. I;
$ 9 .7 1 - $ 1 2 .4 0 /h r. DOQ
Court asst. II
: $ 1 1 .2 5 - $ 1 4 .3 6 /h r. DOQ
Lateral & Entry Level
$ 1 8 .1 9 - $ 2 3 .2 2 /h r. DOQ
$ 1 7 .8 9 - $ 2 2 .8 3 /JR . DOQ
$ 1 9 .7 2 - $ 2 5 .1 0 /h r. DOQ
Health Services
CareOregon is a team-based, Med­
icaid managed care health plan
com m itted to the values o f diver­
sity, empowerment and open com­
m unication, located in downtown
We are currently recruiting for
C redentialing A ssistants join our
N etw ork D evelopm ent Team to
p ro d u c e
c o n tr a c ts
credentialing applications, you will
communicate with provider offices
re g a rd in g
c o m p le tio n
credentialing and recredentialing
applications and m aintain a pro­
vider database. One year experi­
ence in health plan credentialing,
medical s ta ff o ffice, or human re­
sources office required. One year
experience with high-production
word processing; Access or other
databases preferred. Excellent oral
and w ritten com m unication skills
and ability to work in a team envi­
ronm ent with diverse groups nec­
Salary: $ 9 .2 8 - $ 1 2 .3 8 per hour
(norm al hiring range) Please sub­
m it cover letter and resum e to
CareOregon-HR-CA, 5 2 2 SW 5"’
Ave., S u ite 2 0 0 , P o rtlan d, OR
9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (503) 416-1462.
Position may close at any tim e.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Support
CareOregon is a team-based, Med­
icaid managed care health plan
com m itted to the values o f diver­
sity, empowerment and open com­
m unication, located in downtown
Portland. Join our diverse Admin­
istration Team.
Full-time and half-time positions
are available. Job duties include
typing, transcribing, faxing, copy­
ing, composing letters, coordinat­
ing meetings, and taking minutes.
Three years o f progressively re­
sponsible adm inistrative support
experience preferred. Bilingual
Spanish skills preferred for one of
the positions. $ 9 .2 8 -$ 1 2 .3 8 nor­
mal hiring range. Send cover let­
ter and resume to CareOregon HR-
Admin support, 5 22 SW 5,h Ave.,
Suite 2 0 0 , Portland OR 972 04 -
2 1 1 9 or FAX 503-4 16 -1 4 62 . May
close at any tim e.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Franz Bakery
Nobody Bakes It Better
Astoria Route Sales
$ 1 1 .2 7 5 + com. (80% to s ta rt)
Sun & Wed o ff. S ta rt 2 :3 0 am,
M u s t Have an e x c e lle n t DMV
record, & a m in o f six m onths
route sales or custom er service in
grocery, food delivery, or merchan­
dizing. Apply. Astoria Employment
Office, 4 5 0 Marine Drive, Webster,
Job reference # 1 50 15 28 , or Franz
Office, 3 4 0 NE l l ”1, Portland, OR.
We are an EEO/AAP employer.
McMenamins Line Cooks
The Kennedy School in NE Portland
is now hiring PM Line Cooks. Pre­
vious high-volume cooking experi­
ence necessary with an emphasis
on creativity. Culinary edu. Pre­
ferred, but not required. M ust have
flex. Schedule w/wknd-eve avail­
ability. Pick up an application at any
M cM enam ins location, or apply
online at www.mcm enam ins.com /
Em ploym ent. Please m ail com ­
pleted applica tion s to Attn HR:
5 7 3 6 NE 3 3 ,d Portland, OR 9 72 11
or fax them to (503) 2 88 -6 5 5 9 .
No phone calls please! E.O.E.
Apartment Management
A p a r tm e n t CEO
G resh am , O reg o n
The National Benevolent Association,
a nationwide provider of residential
and community-based programs for
older adults, is seeking a CEO to head
two senior apartm ent com m unities
located in Gresham, Oregon. Job du­
ties consist of overseeing total opera­
tions, which includes resident/board
relations, financial matters, and main­
tenance issues. Successful candidate
should have experience in property
management or subsidized housing.
High school diploma or equivalent,
computer experience, good people and
communication skills required. Salary
is com m ensurate with experience.
Excellent benefits package Send re­
sume to: The National Benevolent
A s s o c ia tio n , Attn: R e c ru itin g ,
11780 Borman Drive. St. Louis. MO
63146-4157 or email your resume
to re c ru itin g s n bacares.o rg For
more inform ation about our organi­
zation, please visit our web site at
w w w .n b ic ir e s .o r g
Immediate opening for full and Part-
time attendants with Portland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a Positive attitude.
$8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime
A dvancem ent
opportunities Medical, Dental. 401K
available Applicants must submit to
drug test and background check.
Apply in person daily between 12-1,
Monday Friday. I30SW STARK
Portland, OR
C areer Opportunities
$ 4 ,3 2 3 - $ 6 , ll0 / m o . DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and benefits inform ation are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job H otline: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8
TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2
(located within the Portland Metro
Area, pop. 2 0 ,2 5 0 ). 2 0 hours
w eek p o s itio n (.5 R E ). Salary
R an ge :
$ 1 2 .9 6 -$ 1 6 .5 5 /h r,
D.O.Q., plus excellent pro-rated
benefit package. We are seeking
qualified/and or trainable Commu­
nications Operators to receive and
respond to incom ing telephone
and radio com m unications for po­
lice, fire, medical emergencies and
routine inquiries. Preference will be
given to experienced a n d /o r c e rti­
fied com m unications operators,
and applicants experienced with
handling more than one phone line
and heavy custom er contacts. Ap­
plication and a supplemental ques­
tio n n a ire may be picked up at
1 07 22 SE Main Street, Milwaukie,
OR 9 7 2 2 2 . Contact Cynthia (503)
7 8 6 -7 5 0 7 , TDD # 7 8 6 -7 5 5 5 , or
nagyc@ci.milwaukie.QLUS. Com­
pleted Application m aterials m ust
be received in Human Resources,
no later than 4 PM, Monday, April
3 0, 2 0 0 1 . Fax# (5 0 3) 6 5 2 -4 4 3 3 .
Prior to hiring, applicants m ust
s a tis fa c to rily c o m p le te a drug
screening and background check.
All qualified applicants are encour­
aged to apply. EOE.
Equal Opportunity Employer
$ 9.7 1 - $ 1 2 .4 0 /h r. DOQ
City of Milwaukie, Oregon
Clark County, Washington
Job Opportunities
Dispatcher 911:
Urban I e a g u c y j^ N
of Portland
Accounting Assistant
Primary duties include A/P,
Payroll, and some admin
functions. Applicant should
be detailed oriented and be
able to multi-task on short
notice. A minimum of 2 years
o f recent accounting exp
required. Experience with
M1P and ADP preferred.
Please submit resume to
Finance Dept:
Fax: 503.281.2612
Email: dmoten@ulpdx.org
ION Russell St.
Portland, OR 97227
OHSU/Partnership Project full-time
Intake/Q A Coord. Perform l&R,
a s s e s s m e n ts , and QA fo r
HIV+clients. MSW or equivalen*
with HIV exp. $31-35K, grant ben­
e fits . M in orities encouraged tc
apply. Contact Julia at (503) 230-
1 2 0 2 , closes 4 /2 7 /0 1 . OHSU is
an Equal Opportunity, Affirm ative
Action Employer.
Seeking P /T up to F/T dual DX
Specialist w / M asters Degree in
Mental Health +
CADC / A&D Exp. Proficiency in
DX, Assessm ents, RX Plans and
Therapy. Com petitive w ag/ben-
efits. People o f color encouraged
to apply. Resume to CCMH, 5 0 1 0
NE 3 3 ,a Ave, Portland 9 7 2 1 1 .
Salem Area M ass Transit is seek­
ing a full-tim e Custom er Service
Representative who will perform
routine custom er service ta sks,
primarily related to providing route
and schedule inform ation to cus­
tom ers and selling bus passes.
Bilingual applicants with S p an ish/
English skills are preferred. S tart­
ing wage $ 1 0 .9 6 per hour. Come
in or call 5 0 3 -5 88 -2 4 24 to obtain
official application form and de­
ta ile d vacancy a n n o u n c e m e n t
which lis ts qualification require­
m en ts. V is it our web s ite at:
w w w .che rriots.org . Send com ­
pleted application form to Salem
Area Mass Transit District, Human
Resources Division, 555 Court St.,
NE, S u ite 5 2 3 0 , S a le m , OR
9 7 3 0 1 . Application m ust be re­
ceived by District by 5:00 p.m. April
20, 2001.
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Business Opp
P rin tin g /C o p in g /G ra p h ic F ran­
chise; Owner Retiring!!
No Exp. Nec. Turnkey Operation.
Low Invest. W /Finan. Avail. (800)
6 4 5 -3 0 0 6
Sub - Bids Requested
Tri-Met, Interstate Max Project Line Section 10-C
Bids Due on or before April 20, 2001
Hamilton Construction Company is seeking Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBE) firm s located within the Portland Enterprise Zone, Portland Metro Area and all
other interested subcontractors and suppliers to attend our open house and pick-up
bid packages and submit quotations. Subcontracting bidding opportunities include
but not limited to: paving, painting, concrete flatwork, building construction, street
lighting, traffic signals, sewer, water lines, and trucking.
Hamilton Construction Company
Attn: Bob Sherman
P.O. Box 659
Springfield, OR 97477-0121
Phone - 541-746-2426
Fax - 541-746-7635
Oregon CCB #13877
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call
T DD. (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by
visiting the Port’s website at www.portofportlandor.coin
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Come visit us on the web
at www.portlandobserver.com