Hundreds ’Walk as One’ to Dismantle Racism -- See Metro page BI l iger Woods Shatters Record Books Again — See Sports, Page B3 PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMITNO. 1610 ©1 (Elie Volume XXXI Num ber 15 K n ig W L lb r a 7 £ u g e° e Com m itted to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 THE» REVIEW U .S . D ip lo m a ts M eet A g a in w ith C rew ■ HAIKOU, China — Two American diplo­ mats met with all24crewmembersofadowned U.S. spyplane. Meanwhile, China stood firm in its demand for an apology over the collision o f a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet, showing no reaction to a statement that the U.S. side was “sorry” for the loss o f the fighter pilot B ush S e n d s B u d g e t D e ta ils to th e H ill W ASHINGTON — President Bush sent Congress the full details o f his $1.96 trillion budget, promising to restrain what he considers the excessive growth o f government spending by trimming a multitude o f government pro­ grams, from energy conservation to putting police on the streets. H a w a ii’s P u b lic E d u c a tio n S h u ts D ow n HONOLULU— Nearly 13,OOOpublic school teachers and3,100 University ofHawaii faculty members prepared to go on strike aftci last-ditch negotiations with the state failed to produce new contracts. The walkouts will shut down public education in Hawaii, affecting 182328 public schoftl students and 41,933 university students. Biological Father of ‘Internet Twins’ Seeks Custody NEW Y O RK — Tliebiological fatherofthe twin girls at the center o f an international cus­ tody dispute said that he is ‘ ’in a good position to take care o f my daughters. ’ ’ A British court ruled that the girls, bom in America and adopted by a British couple through an online service, should be returned to Missouri to have a court decide who should raise them. Aaron Wecker, the girls ’ father, toldNBC’s 7ot¿rv show that he wouldn’tcharacteiizehisestrangedwife’scom- peting claim to the children, but ‘ ’ I think I make a better parent." P hilippines’ E strada Faces C orruption C harges "MANILA, P hilippines— H is presiden­ tial im m unity stripped, Joseph E strada was indicted on charges alleging he am assed $82 m illion from kickbacks and payoffs in 2.5 years in office. A m ong the charges leveled w ere p lunder — a non-bailable offense that could lead to E strad a’s arrest. Plunder, illegally accum ulating m ore than $ 1 m illion w hile in office, is a capital crim e, but it is considered doubtful E strada w ould get the death penalty. T he charges follow a unanim ous S uprem e C ourt vote, that reaffirm ed the legitim acy o fh is successor, G loria M acapagal A rroyo. Wednesday April 11,2001 Internet Connection O n - l in e J o u r n e y B r in g s Y o u n g A f r ic a n to P o r tla n d T he P ortland O bserver A grow ing friendship that b lo s­ som ed on the Internet across racial, religious and continental barriers has brought a student from Tanzania, A f­ rica to Portland. In M arch 2000, D onovan Pacholl o f Lake O sw ego w as planning a trip to E urope and A frica. W hile researching on the Internet, Pacholl was introduced to C hiss K isanga. Surprisingly, K isanga had posted his nam e on a H olland H ostel Internet w ebsite in the hopes he w ould m eet people from Holland. T he tw o m en corresponded several tim es, each one inquiring about each o th e r’s country. " t-L i. “On the Internet, there’s no color, there’s no religion. It just breaks people down to their voice.” — D onovan Pacholl o f Lake O swego f > A - • ..» m J r “ It w as so am azin g ... to have that connection with som eone th a t’s com ­ pletely different from you,” Pacholl said. Pacholl finallym et Kisanga in D ares Salaam , T an zan ia’s capital last June. H e spent two w eeks in C hekereni, a village o f m ud hom es a, the base o f Mt. K ilim anjaro w here K isanga grew up. T he village is agriculturally-based and has no running water, no electricity and no superm arkets. W hen Pacholl returned hom e in A u­ Pastor Rozell Gilmore (from left) o f northeast Portland s Redeemer Lutheran Church nurtures an gust, he decided K isanga should see international friendship with Chiss Kisanga o f Tanzania and Donovan Pacholl o f Lake Oswego. w hat life is like in the U nited States. So he threw a party at a frien d ’s house and m onths. $2,000 for K isan g a’s airfare to Portland. charged $10 at the door. Betw een donations K isanga says there is nothing to compare “This is like a dream ,” K isanga said at the party and from relatives, Pacholl raised his village w ith the United States. H e has now been in Portland for four Ramp to Carry Bridge Traffic Cosco, theworld'slargestmakerofchildren’s products, will pay arecoidS l.3 million to settle charges that it failed to report 300 injuries and a death caused by five recalled products. Students Score Just Above Average in Math, Science W A SH IN G 1 UN — E ighth-graders in suburban C hicago and C olorado Springs, C olo., scored am ong the best in the w orld in a test o f m ath and science know ledge. O n the w hole, though, students in the U nited States scored ju st above average, lagging behind 16 othercountries All 50 states did not participate, so broad com parisons be­ tw een them cannot be made. A lso, the U nited S tates’ results are only representa­ tive o f the participating states and not, students throughout the country. W A SH IN G TON — Even as violent crime rates shrink, new s outlets unfairly focus on young Latino and black men who com m it acts o f violence, a media think tank says. The result o f the skewed coverage is a public that believes youth crim e is on the rise and sup­ ports policies based on that notion, the Berkeley M edia Studies group asserted. Media groups said the report revealed of­ fenses that w ere mostly unintentional. “Everything is different," he said. Kisanga had never seen skyscrapers or supermarkets. H eneverexperienceda cold sunny day. When Pacholí took him downtown, Kisanga was amazed they could park the car “inside o fa building.” Kisanga, whose father is a Lutheran pastor in Tanzania, attends Redeemer Lutheran Church on Northeast 20th and Killingsworth. With the help o f the church and Pas­ tor Rozell Gilmore, Kisanga started classes at Portland Community College last Monday. He is studying Internet website design. “1 chose web design because I saw the world go on this technology and I think m y country needs it," Kisanga said. “I want to be the one who brings it.” Kisanga plans to open an Internet café and a com puter school when he returns to Tanzania. He is very thankful to be able to study in the United States and is grateful for the friends he has made here. Going to college, even at PCC isn’t cheap. Each credit hour costs $175 for an inter­ national student, com pared to $39 per credit hour for Oregon residents. That means one-year at PCC will cost him about $10,000. It’s a financial obligation that Pastor Gilmore has stepped in to help. “I did what I call a faith journey,” Gilmore said. "W e take one step at a time, by faith, and things will happen.” Pastor Gilmore has sent letters to the surrounding churches to help raise the $20,000 Kisanga will need for a year o f expenses, including room and board, tuition and his ticket home. So far they have raised $ 17,000 dollars from indi­ viduals’ donations. Kisanga, Pacholí and Gilmore are all excited about how the Internet is con­ necting the world. “ O n th e I n te r n e t, t h e r e ’s no c o lo r, th e r e ’s no r e lig io n . It ju s t b rea k s p e o p le d o w n to th e ir v o ic e ,” P a c h o lí sa id . “ Y o u d o n ’t h a v e p r e c o n ­ c e iv e d id e as. It m a k es p e o p le e x tre m e ly a p p r o a c h a b le .” Woman Poses as High School Student Story stuns former classmates and the Vancouver families who thought they were helping a troubled street teen who had been abused Cosco Hit with Record Fine Study: Media Coverage of Youth Crime Unbalanced of O te 8 o n was tom down to make room fo r new housing It's due for completion this fall (P hotoby M ark W ashington TT he R drtland O bserver ) Jackson offers to work for release ofU.S. plane’s crew (A P )— The Rev. Jesse Jackson has offered to go toC hina to work for the release o f 24 U.S. servicem en and women. “ If a delegation ap­ pealing to the Chinese directly w ould help, w e ’d be willing to do that," Jackson told the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper. “W e’ve done it before, and each time w e were successful." Jackson, the leader of the Chicago-based Rain­ bow ,PU SH Coalition, made the offer to N a­ tional Security Adsiser Condoleezza R icea few days ago. Jackson said he was not criticizing President B ush’s efforts, but pointed to inter­ national disputes he has successfully m edi­ ated, inc luding helping free Americans in Syria, Iraq and Yugoslavia. "In each instance, w e had to m ake a moral appeal," Jackson said. “You do it in a w ay that does honor to our country. Som ehow , religious people can be a bridge ” I (A P) — She earned a D in dram a, but her acting w as great. Police say a 31 -year-old w om an posed as a student at V an co u v er's Evergreen High School, w here she w as a m em ber o f the Class o f 2000, played on the tennis team and at­ tended the senior prom Students knew her as B rianna Stewart. N ow , sh e ’s know n as T reva T hroneberry and is in the Clark C ounty Jail aw aiting a M ay 23 trial on charges o f first-degree theft, second- degree theft and perjury. T hroneberry is accused o f defrauding the state D epartm ent o f Social and H ealth S ci­ ences o f $3,620 that w as paid for her foster care. She also is accused o f defrauding Clark College, w hen $ 1,050 in tuition w as w aived after she claim ed to be a hom eless teen. The perjury charge alleges she illegally obtained a state identity card under the nam e B nanna Stewart And a C am as m an. convicted o fha ving sex with a m inor after a 1997 encounter with “S tew art," m ay get his record cleared. Police say the w om an w as 28 at the time. Clark C ounty S u p en o rC o u rt Judge Edwin Poyfair on M onday called C harles W esley B lankenship’s situation a m iscarriage o f ju s ­ tice. Poyfair said w hen h e ’s presented w ith a S tory to C ontinue on P ace B2