Page B3 April 4, 2001 ■Metro/Sports ï b r ÿortlanh ffibaeruer Dunleavy Leads Duke to NCAA Crown Former Jesuit Star Buries Five 3-Pointers night. Dunleavy was Oregon Prep Player o f the Y ear in his senior year at Jesuit. D unleavy’s father, Mike Sr., is the coach o f the Portland Trailblazers and played college Add another crow n to the Duke dynasty. The Blue Devils won their third NCAA basketball title un­ dercoach Mike Krzyzewski with an 82-72 victory over Arizona at the H ubert H. H um phrey Mike Dunleavy Jr. leads his team to a national championship. basketball at South Carolina. Dunleavy buried five 3-point- ers, four o f them in the second half, to push Duke (35-4) past Arizona (28-8). He had never made m ore than three 3-point- M etrodom e in M in n eap o lis, Minn. A m em ber o f college basket­ ball royalty, sophom ore M ike Dunleavy, led Duke to the vic­ tory with 21 points M onday ers in a game until the national final. The Blue Devils also got 16 points from their other superb sophomore, Jason Williams, and 18 points and 11 rebounds from senior leader Shane Battier. Arizona was led by 7-1 cen­ ter Loren W oods with 22 points, 11 rebounds and four blocked shots. Richard Jefferson scored 19 for the W ildcats with four 3- pointers. Dunleavy, who was l-for-6 in the first half, shot Duke to a 10-point lead with three con­ secutive 3-pointers in the sec­ ond half. D unleavy’s third 3-pointer, with 16:17 left, came after Bat­ tier blocked Jason G ardner’s shot in the lane to start a Duke fast break. A steal by W illiam s led to his free throw, which gave Duke an 11-point lead, 50-39, with 16 m inutes left. Arizona used its quickness to reel o ff nine straight points and pull within two, 50-48. The Wild­ cats had a chance to tie, but Jefferson m issed from point- Drunken Driving Conviction Sends Strickland to Jail torney both asked that the player not be required to serve the jail time until the current NBA season end. Poretz referred the matter to the federal proba­ tion office. Strickland was arrested four times during his five years as a W izard. He was w aived by the team in M arch and he signed with the Trail Blazers soon after. Strickland's last brush with the law was in October, w hen he was ar­ rested forre fusing to leave a restaurant that was being shut by fire marshals. Before that, he was arrested in April 1999, and charged with driving under the influence and reckless driving. Five m onths later, he w as found not guilty by a jury on the DUI charge and by a judge on the reckless driving charge. (AP) - Portland Trail Blazers guard R od Strickland pleaded guilty M on­ day to driving under the influence o f alcohol and w as sentenced to 10 days in jail. U.S. M agistrate Judge Barry Poretz in suburban A lexandria, Va., also put Strickland on supervised pro­ bation for two years and ordered him to attend substance abuse counseling and pay about $ 1,000 in fines. W hen Strickland w as arrested for driving under the influence on Jan. 7, he was playing for the W ashington W izards. A n officer pulled him over after w atching his Cadillac swerve across the G eorge W ashington M e­ morial Parkw ay, according to a police report. A prosecutor and Strickland’s at­ blank range on a baseline drive. Dunleavy then scored two more baskets, the second an open-court dunk o ff an Arizona turnover, and Duke was up by six, 54-48, with 12 m inutes to play. Dunleavy hit another huge 3-pointer with 10:08 left to push D uke’s lead back to double­ digits, 61-51. Arizona cut D uke’s lead to three points on four separate oc­ casions in the last 5:28, but each time Duke had an answer. Battier willed in a tip-in, then dunked on a baseline cut to keep Arizona from having a chance to tie the score. Then Williams sent home a 3- pointer with 1:44 left to put Duke ahead, 80-72. Duke was playing in its ninth championship game, and its sev­ enth in the last 16 years under Krzyzewski. The Blue Devi Is had won two previous titles, in 1991 and 1992, with the last also com­ ing at M in n eap o lis in the Metrodome. Duke has advanced to the Fi­ nal Four 13 times in school his­ to ry , and nine tim es under Krzyzewski, to tie Kentucky for third place in all-time Final Four appearances. North Carolina has the most with 15, and UCLA is second with 14. Arizona and Duke were Nos. 1 and 2, respectively, in the pre­ season Associated Press Top 25 poll. They played just as close in the first half, with Arizona hold­ ing a slim advantage until Duke took an 18-17 lead. Williams broke a tie just before intermission with a drive to the basket to give the Blue Devils a 35-33 lead. Duke played with fire in the first half when Williams picked up his second foul with 15:21 left in the period. Wi 11 iams subbed in and out the rest of the half and avoided a third foul despite guard­ ing Luke Walton, who has a six- inch height advantage. With the victory, Duke is 133- 15 since the 1998, an NCAA record for the most victories over a four-year stretch. Kentucky’s 1995-98 and 1996-99 teams won 132 games in four years. Arizona had dedicated its sea­ son to the memory of Bobbi Olson, the wife of coach Lute Olson, who died o f cancer Jan. 1. Lute Olson missed three weeks o f the season, six games in all, to care for, and then grieve for, his wife, who had becom e a surrogate mother to the players. The court at Arizona’s McKale Center is named Lute and Bobbi Olson court, and Arizona fans wore buttons inscribed with the “Four Bobbi” motto. The Wildcats were attempting to defeat three No. 1 seeds for only the second tim e in NCAA history. The only other tim e was when Arizona won the title in 1997. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 ONLY 3 LEFT!! Here is your chance to own a little piece of the Lloyd Center District! Introducing the Regency Court Condominiums at an unbelievably affordable price! ♦ $154,900 ♦ 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths ♦ 1014 - 1115 S.F. t Remodeled ♦ Some new appliances « Secure building and parking ♦ Walking distance to trendy Broadway shops and Lloyd Center! U C LA A ssistant Coach to Lead Pilots (A P ) - M ichael H olton, a U C L A assistant and form er N BA player, was hired as the basketball coach at Port­ land, a university source said T ues­ day. H olton replaces Rob C havez, w hose contract w as not renew ed fol­ low ing a 53-84 record the past five seasons. T he 39-year-old H olton has been an assistant and recruiting co­ ordinator for U CLA coach Steve Lavin the past five seasons. H e also w as an N C A A tournam ent since 1959. But the Pilots then slipped to 9-18 the follow ing season, and the team had only one m ore w inning cam paign, 14- 13 in 1997-98. Chavez, w ho coached at Chem eketa C om m unity College in Salem for five seasons and at M ary­ land-E astern Shore for tw o before com ing to Portland in 1994, had a record o f 93-102 in seven seasons w ith the Pilots. assistant coach at O regon State, Port­ land and Pasadena City College. H olton played four seasons at U CLA , from 1980-83, andplayedsix seasons in the N BA w ith Phoenix, C hicago, Portland and Charlotte. H e was on C h av ez’s sta ff for one season, in 1994-95, w hen the Pilots w on 21 gam es, theirm ost since 1951- 52. The following year, Chavez guided the team to a 19-11 record and its first R ealty T rust GROUP. INC. 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