Committed to Cultural Diversity April 4, 2001 (Ehi' ^ o rtla n b (0bserüer ZiT n m nt it n 11 n I c tt h a r SECTION Youth Opportunity Block Party Montavilla Neighborhood Clean Up Friends and neighbors, let Metro take your unwanted junk for free! You can bring plastics, mattresses, furniture, tires, scrap metal, yard debris, returnable cans and returnable bottles. These items can be dropped offat the Montavilla Baptist Church parking lot, located at 9204 SE. HawthomeBlvd. Call503/255-0141. Cardio Kickboxing or Martial Arts? The Portland A thletic C lub is looking for people w ho are serious about their fitness and want to work up a sweat. A long with your kickboxing or martial arts class, you can get a FREE m em bership to P ortland’s premiere sports and fitness club. Call 503/292-2649. N/NE Loaves & Fishes Billy R eed’s Restaurant and Bar will be having a fundraiser for N/NE Loaves & F ishes SeniorCenteron Monday, April 9, from 5 p.m. until closing. H alfo fth eev en in g ’s profit will support Seniors in Y O U R neighborhood. Call Tyesis Gamble at 503/988-5211. Easter at the Oregon Humane Society The Oregon Humane Society will be having an Easter celebration. Remember Easter with a fun photo o f you, your child, or your newly adopted pet with the Easter Bunny. ShopalOHS Best Friends’ Comer Retail Store and enter to win a Rabbit Care Pack. Kids can crack open an Easter egg revealing a discount on the normal adoption fee. Call503/285-7722. MAXimizing Neighborhood Stability In an effort to fight involuntary displace­ ment in the Interstate Urban Renewal District, 11 com m unity groups have joined to form MAXimizing Neighborhood Stability. As part o f this effort, the C om m unity Alliance o f Tenants (CA T) will be leading a training and doorknocking effort on April 14, from 10a.m. - 5 p.m. at A lbina Y outh Opportunity School at 3710 N. M ississippi. Dances with Universal Peace The Oregon Peace Institute (OPI) will spon­ sor a workshop on Dances with Uni versal Peace with Devi DeJardin Ihe Dances o f Universal Peace are a form o f multi-cultural folk dances dedicated “toward one world, within and with­ o u t” This will takeplaceon April 19,from7-9p.m. atFiistUnitedMethodistChurch. 1011SW. 12*, Rml34.Call503,725-8l92. Ujima Day The Uj ima Education Office (UEO) is host­ ing its 4'” annual African/African community outreach event. “ U jima D ay” which will be heldat SelfEnhancem ent Inc., located at 3920 N. Kerby on Saturday, April 14 from 11 a m. to 3 p.m. “Ujim a D ay” is to continue to em phasize the im portance o f post-second- ary education and highlight the opportuni- tiesofferedbyO SU .Call 1-800-291-4192, ex t 9032. Friday. The center was hosting a Spring Break Block Party fo r Portland kids. The center offers skill building, job training, internships, long-term employment and other services to area youth. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver ) B y L ee P erlman L ike the early pioneers w ho settled the com m unity, the leaders o f the Piedm ont co m ­ m unity think their future lies to the north and w est - and not with their longtim e neighbors to the south and east. T he Piedm ont N eighborhood A ssociation, the official group representing people in the area betw een the 1-5, N ortheast M artin Luther K ing B oulevard, and C olum bia and Portland boulevards, w ant to change its affiliation from the N ortheast C oalition o f N eig h b o r­ hoods to that o f the N orth Portland N eighbor­ hood O ffice. The association intends to put the m atter to a formal vote o f the m em bership at its A pril 26 meeting. The change w ould m ake Piedm ont the first neighborhood east o f 1-5 to be affiliated w ith the N orth office, and the only neighborhood touching on N ortheast M artin Luther King Jr. B oulevard not to be part o f the Northeast Coalition. Piedm ont officially notified the Northeast C oalition and the c ity ’s O ffice o f N eighbor­ hood Involvem ent director D avid Lane, o f the proposal in a Jan. 22 letter from spokesperson B arbara Fisher. In a Jan. 29 reply, Lane called on Piedm ont and the tw o coalitions to pro­ ceed in accord w ith established city proce­ dures. These procedures call for form al votes o f the neighborhood association m em bership, and the boards o f the tw o coalitions. If all three favor the change, it takes place. The policies are less clear about w hat happens if there is a conflict, but they state that Lane can veto the change if there is not unanim ous agreem ent and he feels that “ further discus­ sions will not lead to resolution.” A lthough none o f the groups involved have taken form al positions as yet, there appears to be general support for the m ove in the north neighborhoods, and substantial unhappiness w ith it am ong N ortheast C oali­ tion members. T he N ortheast C oalition is a non-profit agency that contracts w ith the city to provide services to volunteer groups. It is governed by a board o f representatives from participat­ ing volunteer neighborhood associations and other interest groups. They also discuss and take positions on significant issues. The N orth Portland office plays a sim ilar role, but it is run directly b y the city through ONI. Its neighborhood representatives m eet regularly, but officially are merely advisors to a city staff. The change w ould m ean the transfer o f $1,000 for P ied m o n t’s printing and m ailing Columbia Park Receives New Playground V olunteers are needed for the 3rd Annual Race for the Roses, April 22 at OM SI. This half-marathon, 5K race/w alkand 14 mile kids’ dash, “ Bridging the G ap for Kids in Crisis,” benefits Albertina KerrCenters and The Boys & Girls Aid Society ofOregon. Food, fun and t-shirts provided! Call Carol Hardwick at 503/ 222-9661. Lead Poisoning Prevention W orkshops To help our com m unity keep their homes and families safe from lead. C om m unity En­ ergy Project (CEP) offers I^ a d Poisoning Prevention W orkshops. Participants will re­ ceive free Lead Poisoning Prevention Kits valued at approxim ately $45. W orkshops are free and open to the public. Call 503/284-4962. Joints in M otion M arathon Team I A memorial service will be held for the late community activist Josiah Hill III Sunday at 10 a.m. at Natures, 3535 NE 15th Ave. Hill, the first formally trained Phy­ sician Assistant to be trained in Or­ egon, was active in many community organizations, including Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Coali­ tion for Black Men and the Educa­ tion Crisis Team. He was co-chair of Portland Po­ lice Chief Mark Kroeker’s C h iefs Forum. A plaque will be placed on the bench where Josiah Hill was sitting when he had a heart attack and died on Oct. 12. Members of community who knew Josiah Hill and his family are invited to attend this event. For more information, call A. Halim Rahsaan at 503-249-8082. Piedmont to Vote on a New Neighborhood Affiliation 3rd Annual Race for the Roses Join the Joints in M otion marathon team for an evening o f good food for a good cause. This group o f w om en is participating in the Vancouver, B.C. marathon on M ay 6*, and needs your support! There will be a silent bid auction as well. The event will be at the Augustana Lutheran Church, located at 2710 NE. 14*, on Saturday, April 7, from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Call503/282-6925. Memorial Service For Josiah Hill ID Community volunteers review a newly installed playground at Columbia Park Th noriJTPdrildhd s Portsmouth neighborhood Saturday. Fundi fo r the project were raised by Friends o f Columbia Park and Peninsula Community Development Corp (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T iie P ortland O bserver ) I assistance from the N ortheast office to the N orth office, and could affect future funding for the tw o groups. Piedmont chair Betsy Radigan downplayed the significance o f the m ove in discussions w ith her mem bership. “ W e’reju st form alizing asituation that has existed for several years now ,” she said. “W e’ve been m eeting regularly with N orth Portland for two years now , and w e h av en ’t been participating with the N ortheast C o ali­ tion board for five.” She later told the Portland O bserver, “W e never said w e’re refusing henceforth to w ork w ith other northeast neighborhoods,” and noted that Piedm ont is currently w orking with the W oodlaw n and H um boldt associations on m atters o f mutual concern. S tory C ontinues on P age B5 PDX Says ‘Sayonara’ to Asia Flights (A P) - A bout 200 people gathered Satur­ day to say goodbye to the last flights betw een Portland International A irport and Japan. D elta A ir Lines started the nonstop ser­ vice in 1987. The final two routes, to Tokyo and N agoya, Japan, have been m oved from Portland to N ew Y ork and Los A ngeles, respectively. For D elta’s 1,250 em ployees in the P ortland-V ancouver area, Saturday w as the last day they will w ork together. “ It’s pretty depressing for everybody involved,” said M ike Collins, who was a co­ pilot on the last flight arriving from Narita A irport in Tokyo. “W e’ve all been working together all these years; everybody know s everybody,” said C ollins, 57, o f O lym pia. “W e have a lim ited num ber o f flights, and w e w ork w ith everybody frequently, so we know each o th e r’s habits. It’s like a fam ily . and now th ey ’re going to be scattered to the four w inds.” Shortly before noon, about 40 D elta p i­ lots m arched in tw o lines dow n Concourse D, w here international flights arrive and depart. They stood at attention, forming tw o lines o f 10 people in front o fth e gate for the T okyo departure and another pair o f lines at another gate for the N agoya depar­ ture. A bagpipe player led the pilots to each gate. T hey saluted the processions when they arrived. And continued onto the planes.