Aprii 4, 2001 Page A2 (Ttyi ^Jortlanò (fìbemier i Police News/Vancouver Portland Police Want SERT Team to be Reinstated Rank and file say C h ief K roeker’s Suspension o f SERT Team Was a M istake (A P )- Portland police officers want to reinstate the departm ent’s 2 8-mem­ ber tactical team , saying they are in jeopardy w ithout it C h ief M ark K roeker tem porarily disbanded the Special Em ergency Reaction Team last week for an inter­ nal investigation into allegations that the team inappropriately hazed its new members. The W ashington County s h e n f f s office and O regon State Police will step in to handle em ergencies in Port­ land, but leaders o f the 950-m em ber Weather Inside-A Suprêmes to Rule on Medical Marijuana....A4 Ex-Con Gets Second Chance.....................A6 Tips for Last Minute Tax Filers......................... A6 Metro- Friday Today Partly Cloudy Rain 54°F High Through lite Weekend 43°F Low Saturday Showers 56°F High 54°F High 43°F Low 42°F Low Thursday! Scattered Showers 58°F High Kids Enjoy Jammin' • Block Party..............BI Mike Dunleavy Jr. Helps Duke win NCAA.................... B3 El Observador.......B4 Portland P olice A ssociation called the c h ie f s m ove to suspend SER T officers a m istake. T hey are concerned that W ash­ ington C ounty and state p olice offic­ ers are not familiar with Portland build­ ings and that their response tim e to Sunday Showers 57°F High 6T F Low 45°F Low Thought for the Week I f there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should fir s t examine it and see whether it is not som ething that could be better changed in ourselves. —C arl Jung T h is W e e k in History April 4 , 1968 civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., 39, was shot to death in M emphis, Tenn. April 5, 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for conspiring to com m it espionage for the Soviet Union. April6 , 1909 explorers Robert E. France, at age 91. AprU 9 , 1865 Confederate Gen. Robert E . Lee surrendered his army to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court H ouse in V ir­ ginia. AprU 10,1947 Brooklyn D odg­ ers president Branch Rickey an­ nounced he had purchased the con­ tract o f Jackie Robinson from the M ontreal Royals. Peary and M atthew A. Henson be­ came the first men to reach the North Pole. The claim, disputed by skep­ tics, was upheld in 1989 by the Navi­ gation Foundation. A pril 7,1862 Union forces led by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant defeated the Confederates at the battle o f Shiloh in Tennessee. A pril 8,1973 artist Pablo Picasso died at his home near M ougins, How Long Does It Take You to What is To Work? To S ch o o l? Wou|d a New Bridge, N ew Lanes, Y o u r N e ig h b o o r h o o d ? Your Business? Lt. R ich H ild reth o f W ash in g to n C o u n t y ’s T a c tic a l N e g o tia tio n T eam sa id his o ffic ers w o u ld be ab le to resp o n d to a P o rtlan d e m e r­ g en cy w ith o u t tro u b le. W a sh in g to n C o u n ty w o u ld be c a lle d first, and state p o lic e S W A T w o u ld b e a backup. L ast y ear, S E R T resp o n d ed to 55 c a lls — 32 h ig h -risk search w a r­ ra n ts, 13 h o sta g e situ atio n s an d 10 d ig n ita ry p ro te c tio n d etails. K ro e k e r said the in v e stig a tio n co u ld la st six w eeks. It stem m ed from an E qual E m ploym ent O p p o r­ tu n ity C o m m issio n co m p lain t filed sh o rtly afte r the te a m ’s o nly w om an o fficer resigned from SER T in Janu­ ary. In v e stig a to rs are re p o rted ly in v e s tig a tin g h az in g a lle g a tio n s th at m ay h av e in clu d ed strip te a se acts. P o rtlan d p o lice said th ey have k n o w n S E R T o ffic ers to en g a g e in so -ca lle d in itiatio n rites to p ro m o te c o h e s iv e n e s s . T h o s e r ite s h a v e r e p o r te d ly ran g e d from h av in g new m em b ers clea n an d ca rry eq u ip m en t, sing s o n g s a n d w e a r s illy h a ts o r w o m e n ’s c lo th in g , to h av in g o ffic ­ e r s ’ c h e sts o r arm s ta tto o e d w ith th e te a m ’s m asco t, a bat. Investigators D on’t Know How Girl Died T he death o f a 14-year-old ru n ­ aw ay w hose b o d y w as d isco v ered last w eek is still a m y stery afte r an au to p sy failed to d e te rm in e the cau se o f death. T he b o d y o f W h itn ey G reen es w a s fo u n d on th e p a tio o f h e r m o th e r’s V an co u v er apartm ent. G re en e s’ head w as b lo o d y and b ru ised , b ut the au to p sy found no sk u ll fra ctu res th at co u ld c a u se death. B lood an d tissu e sam p les w ill b e sent to the W a sh in g to n S tate Patrol C rim e L ab o rato ry fo r to x ic o lo g y te sts. T h o se resu lts sh o u ld b e k n o w n in six to eig h t w eeks. Youth Worker Charged With Sex Abuse (A P )-Ja m es Earl Pepperling, a 39- year-old m an w ho once w orked with m entally and em otionally disabled children has been charged with sexu­ ally abusing and sodom izing a 2'/j- year-old boy, police said. P epperling is accused o f m olest­ ing the son o f fam ily friends in their hom e betw een A ugust and Febru­ ary, said Sgt. Scott Ryon o f the W ash­ ington C ounty S h e riffs O ffice. Po­ lice believe there m ay be m ore vic­ tims. In June, Pepperling w as convicted ofhaving sex with a 21 -year-old m en­ tally disabled M olalla woman. U nder a plea bargain, he w as sentenced to 90 days in jail and five y ea rs’ proba- James Earl Pepperling tion after pleading guilty to second- degree sexual abuse. “H e did w hat he had to do to have sex w ith her,” said Bill Sawyer, Pepperling’s Clackam as C ounty probation officer. “ S he c o u ld n ’t m a k e h e r o w n choices because o f h er d isability.” In 1995, Pepperling supervised troubled youths on the night shift at the St. M ary’s H om e for Boys in B eaverton. Since then, records show he has w orked in the C lackam as E ducation Service District and at G ladstone High School, M cLoughlin M iddle School, In za R. W o o d M id d le S c h o o l, L e w e llin g E le m e n ta r y S c h o o l, H allinan E lem en tary S ch o o l and N inety-O ne E lem entary School. Abortion Doctor’s Suspected Killer Arrested G e t CostingYou? an em ergency w ill be too long. “O u r m em bers feel it’s a safety issue,” said O fficer Leo Painton, sec­ retary-treasurer o f the police union. “O ur officers count on the SER T team. They w ork with and trust these officers. T h e y ’re not g o in g to have the sam e level o f co n fid e n ce in a team th e y ’re n ot fam iliar w ith .” K ro e k er said the situ atio n is n ot “ id e a l,” b u , has full co n fid e n ce in W ash in g to n C o u n ty ’s 3 3 -m em b er T actical N eg o tiatio n T eam and the 3 0 -m em b er O reg o n S tate P o lice S p e c ia l W e a p o n s a n d T a c tic a l Team. More Transit Or Light Rail Help? (A P)-BU FFA LO ,N .Y .— The man suspected o f killing abortion doctor Barnett Slepian in a 1998 sniper attack has been arrested in France. Jam es Kopp, 46, was one o f the F B I’s m ost w anted fugitives. The 52-year-old Slepian, ju st back from synagogue, was heating soup in his suburban A m herst hom e in O cto­ ber 1998 when he was gunned down w ith a single shot through a window. Kopp, o f S t Albans, V l , became the subject o f an international manhunt the following month. Nicknam ed the “Atom ic Dog” in anti-abortion circles, Kopp had been Come Let Us Know What You Think: 1-5 Options Open House & Workshop April 11, 2001 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Red Lion Inn at the Quay 100 Columbia, Vancouver, WA Portland ! Vancouver P a rtn e rs h ip Don’t miss this opportunity to share your ideas on how to manage and improve congestion in the 1-5 corridor between Portland and Vancouver. Options are being developed now! Make sure your ideas are on the listl Please jo in us, and tell us what you thinkl For further information or translation services, please call 503-731-8565 or 360-905-2054, TDD: (800) 735-2900. Children are welcome. Please visit our website at: www l-5partnership.com for more information about this project I arrested in several states since 1990 for protesting abortion. His car was spot­ ted in Slepian’s neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found abandoned at Newark Interna­ tional A irport in Decem ber 1998, au­ thorities said. He was formally charged the follow­ ing M ay in state and federal com ­ plaints with second-degree murder and with violating the Freedom o f Access to Clinic Entrances Act by using deadly force against an abortion doctor. Both charges carry a penalty o f up to life in prison. The federal charge also carries a fine o f up to $250,000. Investigators said at the tim e that the discovery o f a scope-equipped ri fie buried near theSlepianhom ea few months after the shooting represented am ajorbreakthrough. Slepian was shot w itharifle. Kopp also had been linked, through DNA testing, to a strand o f hair found near where the sniper fired, law en­ forcement sources have said. M arilyn Buckham , director ofB uf- falo G YN W omenservices, told WTVB- TV that the arrest will give som e clo­ sure for the staff and Slepian’s family, calling him “our doctor and our friend and our colleague.”