April 4, 2001 I h e Pnrthxnò (Observer Page 3 The Ebony Fashion Fair Show cases C lothes by Top D esigners The 43"* annual Ebony Fashion Fair “Fashion Sensation” will ap­ pear in Portland at the Portland Marriott in downtown on Friday, April 20 at 8 p.m. The world’s largest traveling fashion show is produced by Ebony magazine and is spon­ sored by the Portland Chapter o f the Links, incorporated for the benefit o f the Links' educational and schol­ arship fund. Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, Pro­ ducer and Director o f the show, personally selects fashions from the exclusive collections o f famed de­ signers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Oscar de la Renta, Valantino, Bob Mackie, Giorgio Sant’ Angelo, Fabrice and Bruce Oldfield. Mrs. Johnson is meticulous and thorough in purchasing the most spectacular fashions available for the Ebony Fashion Fair audiences. M ore than 200 ex quisi te garments complete with the latest accesso­ ries, 10 female and 2 male models, commentator, music director, stage and business managers, and ward­ robe staff travel from coast to coast on a special chartered greyhound bus. Because o f the unprecedented demand for sponsorship o f the show by charitable organizations around the country, Ebony Fashion Fair now tours two season - the east and midwest from September through De­ cember, and the south and west from January through May - appeari ng in more than 190 cities. Mrs. Addie Jean Haynes, General Chairperson o f the benefitperformance, indicates ticket sales are going excep­ tionally wella nd expects an even larger attendance than last year. Tickets may be pur- chasedat: Mrs. C ’s Wigs, 707 NE. Fremont; M cD onald’s restaurant, 13459 NW. Cornell Rd.; One Stop Records, 1615 NE. Killingsworth; Reflec­ tions Coffee & Books, 446 NE. Killingsworth, Tondalayera Designers Salon, 5401 NE. Cully Blvd.; All ticket master outlets and from any Link member. Proceeds from previous shows made itpossible to make contributions to many local ch arities and m any other groups and organizations. k m h d for the love of jazz 89.1 T he 4 3 r d Annual From the trunk o f the Ebony Fashion Fair, this cute little chic dress is designed by Lapidus from Paris, France. EBONY FASHION FAIR Presents W l \ A M U N O -T W *1« TOR TWO TO A M DOMISI If 48 U.S. DtSTINAIION MRSTD A uirh am A ir iim s am >/< n A mtrk ssj E ach 0 ★ ★ M 4 Sponsored by The Links, Inc. Benefit of LINKS E D U C A T IO N A L / SC H O LA R SH IP F U N D acaswaaai Delicious Pub Fare Weekly Specials Handcrafted Ales & Wines 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 www.mcmenamins.com Food, ales and wines available to go. Portland Marriott Downtown Portland, OR Friday, April 20, 2001 8:00 pm T icket p rice $35 Tickets available at: Mrs. C s Wigs Tondalayera 707 NE Fremont 5401 NE Cully Blvd 503-281-6525 503-284-0712 One Stop Record Store Remettions (o fte e & Books 1615 NE Killingsworth 466 NE Killingsworth 503-284 2435 50J 288 6942 McDonald's Resturant All Ticket Master Outlets 13459 NW Cornell Rd or From Any Links Member 503-643-9455 (Includes I yr. subscription Io [BONY or b-monlh subsi ription to IETI