Page 2 April 4, 2001 Focus A Focus ------------------ jjjtartlatib ©baeruer World’s Finest Ice Skaters S U P P L E M E N T O F ®íje (©bserter E d ito r in C h ie f, P u b lis h e r Charles H. W ashington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Business Manager Gary A nn Taylor Asst, fttblisher Michael Leighton Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Robert Parker 4747 NE M artin L uther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: D e a d lin e s l',ir s u b m itte d m a te ria l: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be retu rn ed if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of the ad. IW t The Portland Observer Will Perform at he all new Champi C h a m p io n ; ons on Ice show will S to jk o , the feature some of the t w o - t i m e Sil­ world’s finest female Olympic skat­ ers and potential competitors ver Medajist; at the 2002 Winter Olympic T i m o t h y Goebel, the Games in Salt Lake City. Michelle Kwan, who just 2001 U.S. won her fourth World Figure N atio n al Skating C ham pionship in C h a m ­ V ancouver, B.C. w ill be p i o n ; joined by Nicole Bobek, the Michael 1995 U.S. titlist, World Sil­ W eiss, ver Medalist Surya Bonaly, the two- World Silver Medalist Irina Slutskaya, Sasha Cohen, the 2000 U.S. Silver Medalist and Sarah Hughes, the 2001 U.S. Silver Medalist. Born and raised in Tor­ tim e rance, California, Michelle U . S . Kwan began skating when C h a m p io n she was five, after watching W o r l d a 1 i s t her brothers play hockey. She Bronze Med- won her first competition two Philippe Candeloro, the two- years later and has contin­ time Olympic Bronze med­ ued her winning ways ever alist; Rudy Galindo, the 1996 U.S. Champion and since. wan has been on U.S. Bronze Medalist who the podium in ev charm ed audiences last ery event she has year, will be returning for the is 2001 entered since 1995 and the tour. The incredible cast will most decorated w om an’s skater of her era, winning an also include 1998 Olympic O ksana unprecedented 29 champion­ C ham pions K azakova & A rtu r ships. But it is the artistry and Dmitriev, two-time Olym­ technical perfection of those pic B ronze M ed alists winning performances that Isabelle Brasseur & Lloyd set her apart from the rest. Eisler, 1998 World Cham­ She has received over 40 per­ pions Elena Berezhnaya & fect marks o f 6.0 in her ca­ Anton Sikharulidze, U.S. reer so far, more than any of Dance Champions Eliza­ beth Punsalan & Jerod her contemporaries. During her fifth national Swallow, two-time Cana­ championship performance dian Champions Jamie Sale last January, Michelle gar­ and David Pelletier and 1999 nered a total of nine scores World Professional Cham­ p io n s M aya U sova & from the judges in Boston. An incredible cast of male Evgeny Platov. skaters will also perform. row d fav o rites Brian B oitano, the 1988 Vladimir Besedin Olympic Champion,a nd Vic­ and O lek siy tor Petrenko, the 1992 Olym­ Polishchuk will be back to pic Gold Medalist, take the delight tour audiences with ice along w ith Todd their unique brand of ice T Rose Garden delight tour au­ diences with their unique brand o f ice comedy. Champions on Ice will be held in the Rose Garden on Thursday, April 26 at 7 p.m. Tickets can be pur­ ch ased o n lin e at w w w .ro seq u a rte r.c o m or or by phone at 503/224-4400. M ichelle Kwan is scheduled to appear at the John Hancock Champions On Ice show, April 26 at the Rose Garden. To date, she has won her fourth World Figure Skating Championship. J j J o r t la n h ( © b s e r u e r INV ITE YOU AND A GUEST TO A SPECIAL SCREENING K C Pick up a complimentary pass for Two at (Lite P o r t latti» (O bseruer 4747 NE MLK Blvd (One Block South o f Alberta) Wednesday A pril 4 7:3(1 pm (u the Broadway Metroplex Kingdom C onte Opens Nationally Wednesday, April II"'