Page B6 (Tfye Purtbiiiù (Obeeruer Classifieds/Bids o PARKING FACUJTY OPERATOR Education Child Care Day Care Supervisor needed for alternative school providing GED and em ploym ent training for youth age 16-21 . R esponsibilities in­ c lu d e s u p e rv is io n o f o n -s ite d a y ca re o p e ra tio n s . D e m o n ­ strated experience providing infant and to d d le r care, 3 yrs. Exp. pre­ ferred. Associated degree in early childhood or closely related field or co m bination o f train in g and ex­ perience required. C om petitive s a la ry p lu s e xce lle n t b e n e fits . Please su bm it cover letter and re­ sume to Attn: Operations Manager, Youth Em ployment In stitu te 1 70 4 NE 2 6 tn Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 3 2 . Position close s 4 / 1 2 / 0 1 , 5 :0 0 pm. We value diversity and are an Equal O pportunity Employer. CareOregon is a growing progres­ sive M e d ic a id m a n a g e d ca re health plan located in downtown Portland. Our excellent benefits include fully paid health/dental in­ surance and m atched 401(k). We are recruiting an Accountant to jo in our d ive rse A cco un tin g/F i- nance team . Job duties include: process ac­ counts payable, general ledger, daily d ep osit preparation, bank reconciliation, and other banking duties. R equirem ents: B usiness o r Ac­ counting degree or 2 years college education with 2 years accounting experience and stron g sp re a d ­ sh ee t s k ills . Grant accounting experience helpful. Normal hiring range $ 1 7 ,7 0 0 -$ 3 2 ,1 5 5 . Sand a cover letter or resum e to CareOregon-HR-Actg., 5 2 2 SW 5th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (503) 4 16 -1 46 2. Position may close at any tim e. CareOregon is an equal o p p o rtu ­ nity em ployer and does not d is­ crim inate on the basis o f race, re­ ligion, color, sex, age, national ori­ gin, disability, veteran sta tu s, or any other classification protected by law. One o f Oregon Business Maga­ zines 1 0 0 B est C om panies to Work For is looking for a flexible, detail-oriented production worker to join our Cabinet Division team as an entry-level cabinet maker. Pre­ viou s experience w o rkin g w ith s e m i-c u s to m , European style , 32m m system a plus; w ill train. M ust be able to follow direction. R equires standing m ost or the entire shift. M ust be able to com­ m unicate in English. Full tim e M- F, 7 am - 3 :3 0 pm, with occasional w ee ken d o v e rtim e . Drug-free w orkplace. To apply, send a re­ sume and brief letter, referencing jo b # 1 0 1 1 C to: Diane Stark, Hu­ man Resources D epartm ent, Neil Kelly co., 8 0 4 N. Alberta St., Port­ land OR 9 7 2 1 7 , fax to 503-288- 7464, or by e -m a il to : dstark@ CareOregon Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to be p a rt o f our dynamic public service organization. FINANCIAL/COST ACCOUNTANT $ 3 ,6 3 8 - $ 5 ,4 0 2 /m o . DOQ LEGAL SECRETARY1 $ 1 2 .2 3 - $ 1 5 .5 9 /h r. DOQ WASTEWATER OPERATIONS MANAGER $ 4 ,3 2 3 - $ 6 ,1 1 0 /m o DOQ Job inform ation, applications, and benefits inform ation are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (3 6 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 97 -6 0 3 2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Care Coordinator Nurse CareOregon is a growing progres­ s ive M e d ic a id m a n a g e d ca re health plan located in downtown P ortland. Our excellent b en efits include fully paid h ea lth/d e nta l in­ surance and m atched 4 0 1 (k). This position will include a wide range o f case m anagem ent and utilization review responsibilities. A key focus w ill be on addressing special care needs o f our m em ­ bers. The m o st qualified candidate will have a valid Oregon RN license, experience in case/utilization man­ agem ent, a m inim um o f 3 years o f clinical experience, strong oral and w ritten com m unication skills, and experience w orking w ith di­ verse populations. Valid d riv e r’ s lice n se req u ire d . E xp erien ce in p u b lic h e a lth is strongly preferred. Salary nego­ tia b le . Full and Part Time posi­ tio n s available. Send a cover letter and resum e to CareOregon-HR-CC., 5 2 2 SE 5 th Ave., S u ite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (50 3) 4 1 6 -1 4 6 2 . P osition m ay close at any tim e. CareOregon is an equal o p p o rtu ­ nity em ployer and does n ot d is­ crim in a te on the basis o f race, re­ ligion, color, sex, age, national ori­ g in, d isa b ility, veteran sta tu s, or any o th e r cla ssifica tio n protected < Clark County, Washington is an equal opportunity employer seeking qualified candidates to fill current temporary openings for o u r D e p a rtm e n t o f P u b lic W o rk s R oa d & P a rk M a in te n a n c e d iv is io n s , T he se p o s itio n s are em ployed through a te m p o ra ry sta ffin g agency, but will be assigned to Clark County. Duties include tra ffic flagging, gen­ eral labor and maintenance duties during peak season. E ntry level pay rate b egins at $ 8 .0 2 per hour, Candidates with a flagger's certificate & experience, who are assigned to flagging and/or difficult road maintenance positions, may receive pay between $ 8 .0 2 - $ 1 2 .3 8 per hour. Salary rate will be determ ined upon hire. D etailed info & applications are available @ Clark County Human Resources, PO Box 5 0 0 0 , 1 0 1 3 F ra n k lin S t, V a n c o u v e r, WA. 9 8 6 6 6 -5 0 0 0 . Job Hotline (36 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 ; TDD (360) 3 97 -6 03 2; Equal Opportunity Employer Seeking P /T up to F/T dual DX S pecialist w / M asters Degree in M ental Health + CADC / A&D Exp. Proficiency in DX, Assessm ents, RX Plans and Therapy. C om petitive w ag/ben- e fits. People o f color encouraged to apply. Resume to CCMH, 5 0 1 0 NE 3 3 rd Ave, Portland 9 7 2 1 1 . Auditors DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Income Tax Auditors Accountant Cabinets Entry-level Cabinet Maker FRANZ BAKERY CareOregon Immediate opening for till 1 and Part- tim e attendants w ith P o rtla n d ’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a Positive attitude $8.00+ starting wage Huge overtime p o te n tia l A dvancem ent opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily betw een 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR by law. April 4, 2001 © tw ro e r NOBODY BAKES IT BETTER M ultiple openings in production & w a re h o u s e . R e q u ire s m in 3 m onths sim ilar expenence, stable job history, availability to work all sh ifts, s p lit day o ff, 18 years of age, $ 1 1 .4 9 4 prod. & $ 1 3 .6 0 8 hr whse. Bakers Union with ex­ cellent benefits. Apply Vancouver, M ill Plain Em ployment O ffice, No. P o rtla n d E m p lo ym e n t O fc, 3 0 North Webster or Franz Office, 340 NE 1 1 th. We are an EEO/AAP employer. WASHINGTON COUNTY ASMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST II S h e riff's O ffice $ 2 ,1 7 3 - $ 2 ,6 4 3 / month Closing April 13, 2 0 0 1 GRANTS TECHNICIAN $ 2 ,7 8 4 - $ 3 ,3 8 2 / month Closing April 2 0, 2 0 0 1 Call (50 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /T T Y (50 3) 8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 for information. County application and supplem ental ap­ plication form s required. Women, m inorities, and people with d is­ a bilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: W ashington County Human Re­ sources Division 1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0 H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 Children’s Museum 2nd Generation We believe that children are inher­ ently creative and are endowed at b irth w ith an insatiable curiosity and that it is wholly appropriate for us to both stim ulate and satisfy that curiosity. We are going about th a t work. CM2 is in the initial phase o f hiring fo r our organiza­ tion and we are currently accept­ ing resum es for the following de­ partm ents. Programs Operations D evelopm ent/ M arketing Accounting Admin. Education If you are interested, please for­ ward your resum e to Denise Blair, Recruiter 3 0 3 7 SW 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 Phone 5 03 -8 23 -3 1 44 , Fx 503- 8 2 3 -3 6 6 7 or em ail to All position descriptions are posted on our W ebsite @ www.p ortlandcm We honor and value diversity. Community / Family Specialist Become p a rt o f the solution to ending abuse neglect! Create, develop and maintain posi­ tive relationships between com ­ mon bond; a com m unity action parent child center and local com­ m unity agencies to serve fam ilies in N /N E Portland. M ust have pro­ ficiency in Spanish language & culture. VOA Oregon is a great place to work for appreciation and support. Send a letter and resum e to Vol­ unteers o f America o f Oregon, Inc., 5 3 7 SE Alder Street, Portland, Or­ egon 9 7 2 1 4 , referencing common bond Equal Opportunity Employer. Transportation $ 1 7 .8 9 / hr. Class A CDL, 2 years OTP w ith doubles and triples. Excellent DMV record. Available to work all shifts. Team sters Union, excellent ben­ efits. Apply No. Portland E m p lo y m e n t O fc , 3 0 N o rth W e b s te r, Job re fe r e n c e # 1 1 2 5 5 8 6 , or Franz O ffice, 3 4 0 NE li* . We are an EEO/AAP employer. Do you have an accounting or tax background, co m m u n ica te w ell with others, and have strong ana­ lytical skills? Are you seeking a job that is challenging, flexible, and rewarding in a work environm ent that is satisfying, educational and m otivational? Then th e Oregon Department of Revenue invites you to pursue a career with us. Cur­ rently, we have openings in Salem, Tualatin, and P ortland, OR, fo r In­ come Tax Auditors at the Tax Audi­ to r Entry and Tax Auditor 1 levels. D uties are varied. They include auditing tax returns, com m unicat­ ing with the public, gathering and analyzing records and researching federal and sta te tax law. The sta rtin g salary range for our Tax Auditor Entry positions is generally $ 2 ,1 0 2 to $ 2 ,9 1 3 a m onth. We also o ffe r a com prehensive ben­ e fits package which includes a pension plan and m edical, dental and life insurance plans. Employ­ ees who successfully com plete a one-year trial service period will be prom oted to a Tax Auditor 1, sal­ ary range is $ 2 ,6 5 6 to $ 3 ,6 8 8 a m o n th . Announcem ent # L E 1 0 0 0 6 7 . To re q u e s t a jo b announcement and an application, call (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -8 5 5 5 (TTY) (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -8 6 1 7 or (80 0) 8 8 6 -7 2 0 4 for hearing and speech impaired only), additional information about these positions, call Salem at (503) 945- 8 6 6 1 . Interview s w ill be sched­ uled throughout the m oth o f May. Job offers will be made in June with a July 1 hire date. The Multnomah County Health Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: INFORMATION & REFERRAL SPECIALIST-BILINGUAL SPANISH INFORMATIONSYSTEMS SPECIALIST! FISCAL ASSISTNT- BILINGUAL SPANISH CLINICAL HEALTH ASSISTANT -BILINGUAL SPANISH CLINIC HEALTH ASSISTANT PROGRAMDEVEIOPMENT TECHNICIAN-BUSINESS SERVICES Application m aterials and form al job announcem ents are available at: jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a self-addressed stam ped enve­ lope requesting application form s to: M ultnom ah County Human Resources Division, 1 1 2 0 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , Portland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . Assisted access to M ultnom ah County job inform ation and web site is available at M ultnom ah County Libraries. M ultnom ah County Health D e p a rtm e n t is a c tiv e ly re c ru itin g p e rs o n s fro m v a rio u s e th n ic and c u ltu ra l backgrounds to en­ hance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilingual/bicul- tural candidates are encouraged to apply. An Equal O pportunity Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator-Part-time This position delivers sexual as­ s a u lt re s p o n s e fo r c o m m u n ity m em bers, educational outreach, crisis intervention, and partnering w ith com m unity agencies. Prefer knowledge a n d /o r experience o f pornography, s trip p in g a n d /o r prostitution. Prefer dem onstrated experience working in com m uni­ tie s o f color. $ 1 2 per hour with benefits. Women o f color are urged to apply. Send resum e and cover le tte r to: LOTUS, 1 8 1 1 , N.E. 3 9 ,h Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 2 . Or fax to 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -8 0 5 6 . AA/EOE Open until filled. No ca lls please. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Salem Area M ass Transit is seek­ ing a full-tim e C ustom er Service R epresentative who w ill p erform routine cu stom er service ta sks, primarily related to providing route and schedule inform ation to cus­ tom ers and selling bus passes. Bilingual applicants with S p an ish/ English skills are preferred. S tart­ ing wage $ 1 0 .9 6 per hour. Come in or call 5 0 3 -5 8 8 -2 4 2 4 to obtain o ffic ia l application form and de­ ta ile d va can cy a n n o u n c e m e n t which lis ts qualifica tion require­ m e n ts. V is it o u r web s ite at: w w w .c h e rrio ts .o rg . Send co m ­ pleted application form to Salem Area M ass Transit District, Human Resources Division, 5 5 5 Court St., NE, S u ite 5 2 3 0 , S a le m , OR 9 7 3 0 1 . Application m ust be re­ ceived by District by 5 :0 0 p.m. April 2 0, 2 0 0 1 . An Equal O pportunity Employer. Jobn uiith Purpose Careers w ith Vision I he Portland Development Commission, a nationally recog- *~nized redevelopment agency, seeks a program coordinator for economic develop­ ment projects. P rogram C oordin ator/ Loan Officer Implement financial assistance programs through program marketing, loan produc­ tion, ensuring project compliance and serv­ ing as community liaison for PDC in the area o f business financing. Manage loan applications including loan underwriting and portfolio management. Contribute to planning and implementation o f assigned I financial assistance projects, including poli­ cy development and ensure full utilization of available public and private resources. Requires a Bachelor’s degree in business, finance, economics or public administration or equivalent with four years of experience in the commercial finance/loan area. Possess computer skills (Microsoft Office, i Excel, Word. Access, ACT and Outlook help­ ful). Experience in commercial real estate finance preferred. Position closes 4/13/01. An application is required. Please obtain application packet and mail to: Human Resources Portland Development Commission, 1900 SW 4th Ave. Ste. 7000, Portland. OR 97201. Fax: (503) 823-3368. If outside the metro area call (503) 823- 3463 to request an application packet. The Commission values diversity in its workforce and is committed to equal opportunity in employment. Business Opporturity/ Franchise P rin tin g /C o p in g /G ra p h ic Fran­ chise; Owner Retiring!! No Exp. Nec. Turnkey Operation. Low Invest. W /F inan. Avail. (8 0 0) 6 4 5 -3 0 0 6 © PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Multnomah County Leading the way for good government For Careers In: IT & Finance * Planning, Administration & Clerical * Engineering, Appraising, Drafting * Law, Public Safety & Corrections * Counseling, Guidance & Social Work * Primary Care, Public Health, Dental Services * Library Ser­ vices* Multnomah County offers a wide variety o f ca­ reers, competitive salaries, and excellent benefits to include fully paid medical, dental, and vision cov­ erage for spouses, domestic partners and other eligible dependents; life insurance, long term dis­ ability, EAP, and fully paid participation in the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). Application materials and job announcements are available at Application materials can also be obtained in person at 1120 S W 5th Ave. Portland or by mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope, requesting application materials to: Multnomah County Human Resources, P.O. Box 14700, Portland, OR 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County job information and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah Counry welcomes applicants of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who are able to enhance service to our diverse community. Do You Have Guacamole on Your Resume? Exciting national restaurant chain has great opportunities for experienced: • Restaurant Managers • Please forward your resume to: Fax: 510.768.1330 • EOE I