Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 04, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    Aprii 4, 2001
Page B5
Jlo rt lattò (f)h«eruer
Shanghai Tunnels
Give Rare Glimpse
of Old Portland
Sub-Bids Requested
Advertisement For Bid
Park Rose Transit Center
Contract No. BA010624BW
Portland, OR
Bid Date: April 6, 2 0 0 1 @ 2 :0 0 p.m.
Slayden Construction
P. 0 . Box 6 2 5 Stayton, OR 9 7 3 8 3
(5 0 3 ) 7 6 9 -1 9 6 9 FAX: (503) 769 -4 52 5
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
emerging small businesses and from women and minority enter­
Sealed bids fo r the Finley Hall Piping R ehabilitation project will be
received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education until 2 :3 0
PM, local tim e , May 1, 2 0 0 1 . Bids will be opened and publicly read
aloud on May 1, at 2 :3 0 PM local tim e. All bidders m ust be registered
with the C onstruction C ontractor’s Board.
Additional inform ation may be obtained.by contacting Facilities Ser­
vices, 1 0 0 Adam s Hall, C orvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 or telephone
5 4 1 -7 3 7 -7 6 9 4 .
prises. CCB #45 62 1
S u b -B id s R eq u ested
Portland Public Schools
Ocklev Green Middle School-4/10/01 10:00 AM
From certified MBE/WBE/ESB
Subcontractors & Suppliers for:
(Survey, Electrical, Paving, Pavement Striping,
Landscaping, and Permanent Barricades)
\ im 1
Clark Elementary School -4/12/01 10:00 AM
tunnels and open them for guided tours.
J oseph B, F razier
T he A ssociated P ress
It w ould start with a thirsty
working stiff on the town with his
back pay, swaggering into the half-
bars/half-bordellos called board­
inghouses and hard on the heels o f
whisky, wom en and song.
But soon the ceiling would start
to spin, his legs w ouldn’t obey,
and oblivion moved in like a fog. He
would awaken on a ship at sea.
He had been Shanghaied, addled
with a drugged drink, hustled into
an alley or dropped through a trap
door to an underground tunnel lead­
ing to the harbor, bundled in a
blanket and sold for a few dollars
to a captain in need o f a crew.
T he p ra ctice flo u rish ed on
Portland ’ s rough-and-tumble Skid
Road w aterfront from the 1860s
until it began to wane around World
W ar I. The laws, such as they
were, w eren’t enforced. Sailors o f
the day w eren’t considered worth
the effort. Some o f the tunnels are
still there, and they have provided
a lifetime o f fascination for Michael
Jones, who is trying to restore
them to their original condition and
open them for guided tours, som e­
thing he already has begun on a
limited basis.
Portland was known as the worst
port on the W est Coast for Shang­
haiing, putting even wicked San
Francisco in the shade. M any o f
the boarding houses were owned
by the Shanghaiers, or “crim ps” as
they were called.
“Portland was vice-ridden and
corrupt,” Jones said. “It catered to
people who played as hard as they
worked, and those are the people
who were Shanghaied.”
Jones does not romanticize the
Shanghai days. “There is nothing
romantic about it,” he said. “ It was
hum an abuse at its worst. It’s a
piece o f our hi story that ’ s not very
Jones, 49, who has relied heavily
on decades o f oral histories and the
little that has been written for his
information, says he hopes enough
time has gone by so that Portland
can confront this aspect o f its past.
Even now, he says, when he
meets people whose forebears had
first-hand knowledge, they say
something like “The family talked
about it in whispers.”
Some o f the men who were
Shanghaied would be gone for years
before they could work their way
back. Some were fatally drugged,
Jones said.
“The knockout drops were pow­
erful,” Jones said. “They had to
last from 13 to 16 hours, until the
ship was at sea, because if they
didn’t, the man might jum p over­
board and try to swim to land.”
“The first thing they did was
take away their boots,” he said.
“They sprinkled broken glass on
the floor, so that if someone got
free he w ouldn't get very far very
fast.” Jones plans a museum in one
o f the subterranean rooms for the
things he has found there.
“W hat was found in the under­
ground will stay in the under­
ground,” he said, ducking through
the low brick archways that con­
nect rooms to the tunnels.
Jones says he thinks the tunnels
were built for Shanghaiing, but
others are skeptical.
The city guidelines state, “There
must be a substantial reason to move,”
and that such changes “must not be
done 1 ightly nor as a result o f momen­
tary problems or personality dis­
putes." Such“problems or personal­
ity disputes” have often played an
unstated role in the movement o f
neighborhoods from one coalition to
another. They were suspected o f be­
ing a factor in the transfer o f the
Alameda, Grant Park and Sullivan’s
Gulch neighborhoods from Central
Northeast Neighbors to the North­
east Coalition in the early 1990s.
Radigan and Fisher say that they
have developed an ongoing affilia­
tion with the north neighborhoods
over common issues such as con­
certs and events at Portland Interna­
tional Raceway and Portland Mead­
ows, and the future development o f
the Expo Center.
Radigan makes no overt criticism
o f the Northeast Coalition, but it is
implied in what she does say. Asked
why Piedmont has sent no represen­
tative to NECN board meetings she
says, “We couldn't find a volunteer
who was willing to go.” She also says
that she and other long-time leaders
will be leaving soon, and that North
directorTom Griffin Vilade can pro­
vide the “leadership and support”
all the information,” he told the Port­
land Observer. “If Betsy Radigan
wants her neighborhood to leave,
she should come and tell us about it
instead o f going to ONI first.”
Referring to some o f Radigan’s
comments. Brown said, “When they
were dealing with the Rosemont prop­
erty redevelopment, they didn ’ t go to
Kenton for help... It doesn’t matter
wha, coalition you’re a part of. If you
don’t participate, you w on’t get sup­
port.” Brown and other NECN lead­
ers say they fear losing their influ­
ence on issues affecting inner north­
east. “The City Council says they
want to keep the coalitions strong,
but we have the Portland Develop­
ment Commission and Tri-Met doing
projects without working with us,”
Brown said.
Construction Incorporated
1 63 1 S.W. Jefferson
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 -2 5 5 1
CCB # 4 3 0 3 2
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
emerging small businesses and from women and minority enterprises.
6920 NE 42nd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97218
TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 fax (503) 288-7460
EMAIL: EudalyBros@CQmpuserve.cQm
CC B #63295
We are an equal opportunity employer.
Sub-Bid Requested
Ockely Green Middle School - Portland Public
School District
Seismic, ADA Modifications and Fire & Life Safety
Bid Date: 10:00 on April 10, 2001
Customer Service Rep
Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C.
Nonprofit training and consulting org.
seeks FT Receptionist/Custom er
Service Rep. Salary $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 -
$ 24 ,50 0 plus benefits. Resumes
and cover letter to: TACS, 1903 SE
Ankeny, Portland, OR 97214.
Sheet M etal/H usband o f Crissy,
Dick Weber
YourW elding/Dixer Brother would
love to see you.
Message (360) 8 9 2 -8 7 3 0
From certified MBE/WBE Subcontractors & Suppliers for:
Oregon Coast Hwy. At M cCormick Loop Section
Oregon C oast highway, Tillamook County
(Survey, Paving, Pavement Striping,
Landscaping, and Permanent Barricades)
Subm it Bid By: April 11, 2 0 0 1 @ 3 :0 0 pm
16427 N.E. Airport Way, #B, Portland, OR 97230
(503) 256-3016 Fax (503) 256-3884
CCB# 132982
6920 NE 42nd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97218
TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 fax (503) 288-7460
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids
from minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small
business enterprises.
CareOregon is a growing progres­
s iv e M e d ic a id m a n a g e d ca re
health plan located in downtown
Portland. Our excellent benefits
include fully paid h ea lth/dental in­
surance and m atched 401(k).
We are recruiting an Accountant
to jo in our diverse Accounting/Fi-
nance team .
Job d utie s Include: process ac­
co un ts payable, general ledger,
daily d e p o s it preparation, bank
reconciliation, and other banking
Requirem ents: Business or Ac­
counting degree or 2 years college
education with 2 years accounting
experience and stron g sp re a d ­
sheet skills. Grant accounting ex­
the newcomers will need.
perience h elpful. Norm al hiring
Vilade told the Portland Observer,
range $ 1 7 ,7 0 0 -$ 3 2 ,1 5 5 .
“It doesn’t make any difference to
Send a cover le tte r and resume
our office whether they’re in North or
to CareOregon-HR-Actg., 5 2 2 SW
Northeast. They’11 make the decision
5th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland, OR
on where they make common val­
9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (503) 4 16 -1 46 2.
ues.” However, he clearly is not
Position may close at any tim e.
opposed to the idea. “We see Pied­
CareOregon is an equal opportu­
mont as people tuned in to the same
nity em ployer and does not d is­
issu es and a d d in g a d d itio n a l
crim inate on the basis o f race, re­
strength.” Northeast Coalition presi­
ligion, color, sex, age, national ori­
dent Willie Brown is frustrated both
gin, disability, veteran status, or
by the move and the way it has come
any o the r classifica tion protected
about. “Iam opposed to it until we get
by law.
Piedmont to Vote on a New
Neighborhood Affiliation
S tory C ontinued F rom M etro F rom
Subm it Bid By: April 11, 2 0 0 1 @ 3:00pm
We are an equal opportunity employer.
Sub - Bids Requested
Tri-Met, Interstate Max Project Line Section 10-C
Bids Due on or before April 20, 2001
DBE Subcontractor Open House
Thursday April 5, 2001 4:30-6:30
OAME Conference Room
4134 N. Vancouver Avenue, Portland Oregon
Hamilton Construction Company is seeking Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBE) firm s located within the Portland Enterprise Zone, Portland Metro Area and all
other interested subcontractors and suppliers to attend our open house and pick-up
bid packages and submit quotations. Subcontracting bidding opportunities include
but not limited to: paving, painting, concrete flatwork, building construction, street
lighting, traffic signals, sewer, water lines, and trucking.
Hamilton Construction Company
Attn: Bob Sherman
P.O. Box 659
Springfield, OR 97477-0121
Phone - 541-746-2426
Fax - 541-746-7635
Oregon CCB #13877
An Equal Opportunity Employer
GS 2 & GS 3 ♦ No Experience Required ♦ Willing to Relocate
APRIL 5, 2001 FROM 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM
Northeast One Stop Career Center
3034 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97212