Page B3 M a rch 28, 2001 And in this Corner, Reggie Davis A Local Boxer Makes His Pro-Debut Reggie Davis fro m Northeast Portland will be making his pro-boxing debut at a match on March 30 at the Multnomah Greyhound Park. P y J oy R amos P ortland O bserver F o r R eggie D avis, tu rn ­ ing p ro fe ssio n a l as a boxer w as a lo ngtim e d ecision in the m aking. H is fixed d esire to b e ­ com e that sta rte d in 1996 w hen he lost all hope o f ev er jo in in g the A m erican O lym pic team a fter losing in th e tria ls. T he six-tim e, O r e g o n G o ld e n G lo v e s C h am pion is now ready to m ake h is pro-debut. At 5 feet 11 inches and 156 pounds, D avis w ill take on C h ristopher L ucero from Phoenix, A rizona who has a record o f 0 and 1. The Davis vs. Lucero fight is sc h e d u le d fo r F rid a y , M arch 30 at 6 p.m . at the M ultnom ah G reyhound Park in a m atch being b illed as “ Ring Rage V III.” H osting the event is O r­ egon T rail P ro m o tio n s, a com pany run e n tire ly by women with a m ission to pro­ vide a safe venue for local G o ld en G lo v e b o x e rs to carry on in a professional venue. They are one o f the sta te ’s first licensed boxing p ro m o te rs in a lm o s t 10 y e a rs. T h is y ear, O reg o n Trail Prom otions plan to hold boxing m atches every three m onths. A n o th e r P ortland professional they hope to a t­ tract as a fig h ter is S tevie Forbes, a 2 3 -y ear old IBF lig h tw eig h t cham pion h a il­ ing from the K nott St. gym. R eggie D avis got his start in a m a te u r bo x in g at the M att D ishm an C om m unity C enter in N o rth east P o rt­ land w ith L ee Jen k in s as his first tra in er. D avis prefers professional boxing because it su its h is natural fighting sty le: ta k in g th e tim e to Tiger Wins Players Championship B v P ete I acobelli , A P S ports W riter PONTE VEDRAB1ACT1,Fla - F o r ­ gust, kicking it before hitting again. H e left w ith a tnple-bogey-7 — his w orst score o f the w e e k get the slum p and bring on the Masters. T iger W oods held o ffa late charge from V ijay Singh on M onday to capture The P lay ers C h am p io n sh ip , h is seco n d straight vie tory after early season doubts. W oods lost a duel w ith H al Sutton in H e got as close as tw o shots to W oods after an im probableeagleonthe 16th hole. Singh turned his putter sidew ays and used die toe to pop the ball o f f the bulkhead and into the cup. H e follow ed w ith his birdie o n N o. 17 as W oods looked across to the patch o f land that is the course’s signature hole. Singh h ad ap u tto fab o u t3 5 feetforbirdie o n the final hole,butsentit lO feetpastand m ade par. ”1 m ade one bad sw ing and that’s all it takes,” Singh said. L an g er h a s n ’t w o n in th e U n ited S tates sin ce th e 1993 M asters an d lo o k ed u n lik ely to ch al­ len g e, esp ecially after m issin g a p ar p u tt o n th e 1 Oth h o le o n h is first stroke w h en p la y resu m ed . R ain d elay e d the start o f S u n d a y ’s ro u n d a n d p lay w as a sim ilar M onday finish a year ago. This time, W oods didn’t need m uch fight to finish tw o shots ahead ofM asters w inner S inghtotakeoneo fth efew g o lfp rizesh e didn’t already own. Thevictory‘‘m eansm yslum p’sover,” said W oods, the unquestioned favorite at A ugustaN ational in tw o weeks. W oods had his second straight 66 and w as at 15- under 273. Singh had a 68. B ernhard Langer w as tw o shots back after a 67. Littleknow n Jerry Kelly hada73 and was four o ff o f W oods. There w asn ’t m uch m agic in W oods ’ round, certainly none to m atch his twist­ ing 60-footerforbirdieonN o. 17’sisland green Saturday or the 90-foot eagle chip on the second hole Sunday that first gave him the lead. It didn’t m atter as each challenge faltered. W oods, w ho w o n the U.S. A m ateur here at 18 years old in 1994, w as pressed a bit w hen Singh recovered from a triple bogey on the 14th hole to go eagle-birdie on Nos. 16 and 17. B ut m om ents after Singh hit his 10- foot birdie putt on the 17th, W oods tappedinforbird ieo n th e 16thhole— he barely lipped out a 50-foot eagle p u tt— to restore his lead to tw o shots. W oods scared the crow d and him self at the island hole, flying a 9-iron right o f the flag that spun perilously close to the water. B ut like everything M onday, it settled into the rough and W oods left w ithpar. ”1 executed the shotjust the w ay I w anted to, it slid a bit m ore in the wind,” su sp en d ed b y darkness. H e m ad e tw o straig h t b ird ies o n the 11 th an d 12 th h o les an d w as o n ly tw o b a c k o f W o o d s. B u t L a n g e r tru ly co u ld n ’t find the co n sisten cy to keep up — he h ad five b ird ies a n d three bogeys. K elly, p a ire d w ith W o o d s, w o u ld ’ve b een th e to u rn a m e n t’s m o st am azin g story. 'The 3 4 -y ear-o ld n e v er h as w o n in 175 P G A T o u r ev en ts and iH lb lA h C l Everyone Qualifies) suddenly w as m atch ed w ith W oods in the $6 m illion tournam ent. K elly, a stro k e b eh in d w hen play stopped S unday, o pened b y driving into a left-side b u n k e r o f f the fairw ay an d m issed a b ird ie p u tt before W oods tapped in for a tw o -sh o t lead. K e lly ’s birdie on the 15th h o le b ro u g h t h im to 12-under an d th a t’s all the ch arg e he h ad left. 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Gresham, Oregon Singh, a Ponte V edra B each resident w ho regularly practices at the T PC at Saw grass’ Stadium Course, seem ed to have the m ost motivation and the sharp­ est gam e to chase W oods dow n. Singh’s M asters victory w as alm o st lost as W oods fashioned one o f g o lf s m ost F ront Row Ring Side $50.00 $30.00 Preferred Standinq Seating - Room $20.00 $10.00 amazing years with rune victories, includ­ ing theU .S .O pen,B ntish O pen and PG A Championship. Singh tied things at 13-under w ith his 4 -footer for birdie on the 13th hole. B ut Tickets avai I ab I e a t a 11 lx) locations. For additional info b c a ll 503-631-3421 W oods m ade his ow n birdie m om ents lateron the 12thholefbraone-stroke lead. Singh’s chances ended for good, like so m any on Pete D y e’s fam ous course, in w a te r. C om e S ee Us Today For Inform ation Maudie W hite 503-288-1140 W oods said. O n the 18th, w here W oods w as in the w ater Saturday, he drove into the rough, chipped outand got dow n in tw o putts for the victory and th e $ l ,080,000 firstprize. th e m ake solid shots instead o f rushing in w ith fast punches. C urrently training him are John P eters, R udy G arza and Joe C ardello. F or D avis, tu rn in g pro d o e sn ’t m ake him nervous. “ I am h ungry and d e te r­ m ined to display my sk ills,” he said. He eagerly w ants to show everyone the kind o f high calib er, N orthw est boxing talen t we have here. A nother goal o f his is to be th e first to “open the d o o rs” fo r local bo x ers fighting in P o rtla n d a n d in c a s in o s th roughout the state. Pick up a com plimentary pass fo r Two at CL he ] J n r t la n h (O lis e v u i'r H is drive on the 14th hole w as a wild sw ing that headed left into the water. It w as probably the w orst stroke all w eek for 4741 NE MLK Blvd (One Block South o f Alberta) Singh. Singh threw dow n his driver in dis- Wednesday April 4 7:30 pin a the Broadway Mctroplcx kingdom ( nine Opens \a tio n a lh Wednesday, April 11,h I Fighters are subject to change and c o n tra c t Approval by the Oregon State Boxing Commission