Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 28, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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M a r c h 2 8 , 2001
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Battle Tightened Against Foot-Mouth Disease
LONDON (AP) — Admitting
it has lost control of the foot-and-
mouth epidemic, Britain has an­
nounced drastic new steps to rein
in the disease, including a plan to
cull livestock in a “firewall'’around
every infected farm.
“The situation is not under con­
trol at the moment,” said David
King, the government's chief sci­
Experts said the number o f in­
fected sites, now 490, could rise
to 4,000 by June, and the govern­
ment said it was now considering
vaccinating animals, despite fears
such a move would devastate
All livestock within two miles
of infected farms everywhere in
Britain are to be killed. King said.
The widened culling was initially
planned only for the worst-hit ar-
eas in northern England and south­
ern Scotland.
He said British Prime Minister
Tony Blair had asked for the so-
called “firewall cull" and had told
the team to speed up the killing to
Thousands o f farm animals are being destroyed across Britain as the
government tries to eradicate foot-and-mouth disease.
24 hours from the time an infec­
tion is confirmed.
The number o f infected sites
could rise by 70 per day over the
next two weeks, or nearly 1,000
sites, a report prepared for the
Ministry o f Agriculture said.
“It will grow fast in the next
few weeks and continue for many
months,” said the report, written
by a group o f foot-and-mouth ex­
perts. “The number o f cases will
rise steeply with rapid expansion
in the existing areas in spite of
current controls.”
Meanwhile, Ireland sent addi­
tional troops to County Louth,
where the Irish Republic’s first
case of foot-and-mouth disease
was confirmed Thursday. The aim
is to prevent the disease from
moving beyond the county, which
borders Northern Ireland.
The Urban League of Portland
Presents the 9th Annual Job Fair
The Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center, Exhibit Hall
1000 NE Multnomah
Thursday, March 29
9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Admission Free!
Over 50 Exhibitors:
Interpreters will be available for: Spanish, Asian
and Russian languages and for those hearing impaired.
On the spot interviews and hiring will be offered by
many attending employers. Bring several copies of your
resume and references with you!
Agents Fear Mad Cow Disease in U.S.
eral agents seized a Vermont fanner’s
flock o f 234 sheep last week for fear
they are infected with a version o f
mad cow disease — the first such
action ever taken against livestock in
the United States.
The U.S. Agriculture Department
“has no choice but to take this deci­
sive action based on the threat the
sheep pose to the health o f America’s
livestock nationwide,” said Craig
Reed, administrator o f USDA’s ani­
mal and plant health inspection ser­
The flocks consisted o f sheep that
were either imported from Belgium in
1996 or were descendants o f those
animals. The USDA has said four
sheep from the flock showed signs o f
transmissible spongiform encephal­
opathy, a class o f neurological dis­
eases that includes both bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, or mad
cow disease, and scrapie, a sheep
disease not harmful to humans. The
government said the sheep may have
been exposed through contaminated
European feed.
The human version o f BSE, which
like the animal version has a long
incubation period, has killed almost
100 people in Britain and other Euro­
pean countries since 1995. The scare
has virtually wiped out the British
beef industry.
Muniz Named Small Business Advocate
Gov. John Kitzhaber has appointed
Lydia Muniz to be the governor’s
new Advocate for Minority, Women
and Emerging Small Business.
Muniz, who is currently the deputy
advocate, will replace A1 Nunez, who
is retiring. “ I am very pleased to have
someone o f Lydia’s expertise and
experience heading this office,”
Kitzhaber said.
“She has been a proven leader in
making more business opportunities
available to women and minorities —
an invaluable skill as O reg o n ’s
economy and population grows and
Muniz holds acertificateofpublic
management from Willamette Univer­
sity and is a founding member o f the
Scholarships for Oregon Latinos
Board. She serves on the Executive
Board ofChemeketa Community Col­
lege Foundation and is involved with
the Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber
Fowler Promotes Cultural Diversity
Peggy Fowler, PGE
President and CEO,
accepts the 2001
Governor's Arts Award
from Gov. John
Kitzhaber. The utility
Company won the
award fo r its work with
the north Portland's
Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center and its
program o f using the
arts to heighten
workplace awareness o f
cultural diversity issues.
Fowler said the
company's investment in
the arts is a means to
strengthen the social,
economic and
educational fabric o f
our community.
ofCommerce, Oregon Nati ve America
Chamber o f Commerce, Oregon As-
sociation o f Minority Entrepreneurs,
the Philippine Chambers o f Com­
merce and numerous other profes­
sional associations.
Providence Health System
Wells Fargo
Youth Opportunity Center
Portland General Electric
Fred Meyer
Doubletree Hotel
Bureau of Land Management
City of Portland
City of Salem
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
First Consumer’s National Bank
KATU Channel 2
Meier & Frank
NW Natural
Oregon Dept. of T ransportation
Oregon Health Sciences
Oregon Lottery
Standard Insurance
Regence Blue Shield/Blue Cross
The EmploymentGuide
Tektronix, Inc.
United Parcel Service
Tri-Met Port of Portland
US Bank
Kaiser Permanente
Portland Community College
Oregon Employment and Revenue Departments
For More Information, call 503-280-2600
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