Committed to Cultural Diversity n u t nt u n i t y a I r n b a r (C March 28, 2001 Women of Courage and Vision 3rd Annual Race for the Roses Volunteers are needed for the 3rd Annnual Race for the Roses, April 22 at OMSI. This half-marathon, 5K race/walk and mile kids’ dash, “Bridging the Gap for Kids in Crisis,” benefits Albertina Kerr Centers and The Boys & Girls Aid Society o f Oregon. Food, fun and t-shirts provided! Call Carol Hardwick at 503/222-9661. Spring Fashion Fundraiser Sheba, House o f Elegance will host “An Evening o f Elegance” spring fashion show as a fundraiser to benefit the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center on Saturday, March 31. The event begins at 7 p.m. and follows with Billy Reed’s catered reception, which will be held at the IFCC, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Call 503/823-4322. J o in ts in M o tio n M a r a th o n Team Join the Joints in Motion marathon team for an evening o f good food for a good cause. This group o f women is participating in the Vancouver, B.C. marathon on May 6*, and needs your support! There will be a silent bid auction as well. The event will be at the Augustana Lutheran Church, located at 2710 NE. 14'h, on Saturday, April 7, from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Call 503/282-6925. M otivation W ednesday Tired ofbeing overwhelmed by seminars and not practicing what was taught to you? Oda Research International has found a new approach. Each week. Dr. John Oda will focus on one ideal that can take your per­ sonal and professional life to the next level. The program is for 12 weeks, beginning on W ednesday, April 11 at the Wells Fargo Center. After completing the course, you will have more confidence, self esteem and better communication skills Call 503/471 - 2954. Fam ily Fun N ight Families that play together, stay together. A variety o f activities, arts and crafts, riding toys, balls and games. Children must be accompanied by an adult on Fridays, April 12 - May 25, from 6 :3 0 - 8 the Penin­ sula Park Community Center, located at 700 N. Portland Blvd. Call 503/823-3620. P r o c e ssio n o f th e S p e c ie s P a ra d e Celebrate Mother Earth! Gain respect for the environment while developing your creative abilities. Leam basic drills and strut your stuff in the Procession o f the Species parade on Saturday, April 28. W orkshop takes place on Thursday, April 26, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The event is free to all ages. Call Peninsula Park Community Center at 503/ 823-3620. Weekend Green 7’o ur Guides Portland Parks & Recreation needs dedi­ cated people to lead weekend plant walks in city parks between April 1 and November 1. These guides will be trained to talk about the various plants - from trees to small flow ers - in L aurelhurst, Mt. Tabor, Sellwood, Duniway, G rant, Peninsula, South W aterfront, and Forest Parks and at Hoyt Arboretum. All tours will be held on Saturdays at 10 a.m. - noon. Training is offered. Call 503/823-3601. Thrn Your Teen A round Leam the seven habits o f highly effec­ tive teens in a seven-week course held by John Oda, Ph.D. Your teenager will leam such things as turning fear into motivation and action; take control o f their emotions; develop a plan o f action that supports their outcome, and much more. The sessions will be held at Wells Farge Center in Portland, starting onTuesday, April 10, from 6p.m. to 9p.m. Call 503/471-2954. Health & H um an Rights Discussion Series Once a month at Portland State University, expert panelists will address issues relating to health and human rights. On Thursday. April 19, the topic o f discussion will be “In­ ternational Health Issues: Perspectives o f 2 Portland Organizations." Hear opinions on health and human rights from two Portland- based international aid organizations. The talk will be given at PSU’s Urban Center, 2nd Floor Gallery, SW. Mill between 5**1 and 6* Call Hessie Schmidgall at 503/236-3269. PlayHouse to ‘shut the hell up’, she can sometimes be heard to say ‘You guys are idiots’, and even on occasion ‘You better not be talking to me, you damn fool.’ When possible, she also works in traffic and weather for the morning commute. B iography: Sonie’s entire radio career has been spentat Jammin95.5. She began on the Street Tearn, moved to on-air work, and graduated (or was punished) to work­ ing on the PlayHouse. Sonie is the only member o f the show who doesn’t think P.K. is Lance from N-Sync. ‘That guys a frickin’ idiot too.’ adds Sonie. Q uote from Sonie : “I have been at Jam m in 95.5 since April o f ’99. I was originally hired as a Hummer maintenance technician, and sticker applicator. I was fortunate to move up from there. My fa­ vorite part o f being a Jammin jockey/ jockette is the crazy stuff that we get away with on a daily basis Editor's note: The following local women, whose lives and work exemplify both courage and vision, share the special quality o f fe a rle ss tenacity, which has made them role mod­ els fo r all o f us. We highlight their achievem ents during March, National Women’s His­ tory Month. Bx_FtJJUA.SuUKK T he P ortland O bserver As President Bill Clinton said when he proclaimed March as W omen’s History Month in 1996: “It is impossible to fully appreciate A m erica’s proud history with­ out recognizing the extraordinary contribu­ tions that women have made to our country since its founding. W 'omen’s H istory Month provides an opportunity to cel­ Biography: Rochell, 24, is a local author ebrate the countless women who have en­ Jeanne LaFrance, works with kids as part o f the Act fo r Action organization, a theater group and spoken word artist and poet, repre­ riched our Nation and to ensure that their dedicated to social change. sented by Highbridge Press, TupperLake, achievements — in homes and businesses, NY, http:, connected to the real issues that keep people schools and hospitals, courtrooms and state- network also offers conflict resolution, crisis She asked her parents for her first type­ down, while it also intervention, and outreach to families enduring writer when she was 3 years old (and she still gives me the inspi­ domestic violence. has it). Rochell has been seriously writing ration to keep fight­ Q uote from Bridgette “My Faith (Bahai) since the age o f 12. She began performance ing for change. I .teaches me that women and men are like two poetry in 1998. In 1999, she was the first black have trained with so wings o f a bird. If one wing is weak the bird woman from Oregon to represent the city and m any b rav e and cannot fly. Humanity is like that bird. Women state at the 1 Oth Annual National Poetry Slam amazing women and must become equal with men in order for hu­ in Chicago. children! Self-de­ manity to succeed. 1 believe, as it takes a village M ission: Through her poetry, Rochell fense is such a revo­ to raise a child, it will take the village ofPortland gives a voice to a generation o f women lutionary process; to end domestic violence.” overlooked by contemporary America. w hen in d iv id u a l Q uote from Rochell: “By speaking about Jeannie LaFrance women and chil­ the lives o f women, I am able to give the dren have the tools Organization: Founding directorof Act for younger generation ofblack women, a voice, to feel stronger and Action, P.O. Box 14162, Portland OR, 97293, in a _ time when we are con­ safer, we are so 503-287-9628. ex ten sio n 2, tinually overlooked or much more capable misrepresented. Al­ o f making positive Mission: Act for Action is a social change though I speak on a changes in our lives theater group dedicated to anti-violence and variety o f sub­ and communities. I anti-bias work. It embraces theater as a tool for jects, my focus/ always feel so lucky education, community building and social jus­ em phasis is on that I get to be part tice. d o m e s tic o f such am azing Quote from Jeannie: “ 1 love the work that violence work”. I do. What stays with me the most is what r o - people tell me after a theaterproject. Women B r id g e ts gara Staci Cotier, founder and director o have left abusive relationships. A group Fahnbulleh I n Center, 2926 N.E. Alberta, gives women and children the tools to o f young women started an eating Oganization: Ex­ fe e l stronger and safer. disorder support group. Students be­ (P hoto by B ette L ee ) ecutive Director o f gan open dialogues about racism African-American Providers Network, 2808 and oppression, and how to ad­ houses — will always be remembered.” N.E. Martin Luther King Jr., Suite 21, Portland dress those problems, when we With this theme in mind, the Portland Ob­ OR97212,503-493-8623 developed an anti-violence per­ server has the jo y o f recognizing five local B iography: Fahnbulleh is a nationally rec­ formance at a local high school. women and theiraccomplishments. We thank ognized expert and educator on the issues o f I also work with women in prison these women and all women whose courage, domestic and family violence. She is on the and we work on role-plays where strength and vision set standards for them­ Board o f the National Coalition Against Do­ they get to rehearse making posi­ selves, along with providing a beacon o f mestic Violence, serves as a domestic vio­ tive choices in their lives. It’s inspiration for future generations. lence public educator and is a former emer­ amazing to witness the amount Staci Cotier gency service director for Womenspace in o f creativity that comes from Eugene. This experience has helped her pro­ Organization: Founder and Director o f people who have so often been vide links to service providers by developing Open Hand Self-Defense Center, 2926 N.E. told they aren’ t smart, they aren ’ t Through her poetry . Rochell Hart gives a voice to a and m aintaining dom estic/fam ily violence Alberta, 503-493-1000. creative- it’slikehelpingtoopen generation o f women overlooked by contemporary America n e tw o r k s in d iv e rs e c o m m u n itie s . Mission: Open Hand is a school that a whole new world." B ridgette, along with her sta ff and volun­ teaches physical, verbal, intemal/emotional 2000, I was the keynote speaker for the Sonie’ the One and Only! teers have deep roots in the northeast and community self-defense with an empha­ W om en o f Color Caucus with the N ational Sonie's Playground: Radio jockey jockette Portland com m unity. sis on conflict resolution and leadership de­ C oalition Against Domestic Violence. M ission: The African A m erican Provid­ memberofJammin95.5FM’s5:30a.m - 10a.m. velopment. Their mission is to provide these The Spring V alley (NY) D om estic V io­ ers N etw ork provides a strong, unified radio show. skills and resources to the under served and lence Institute is bringing me to town for an voice, dedicated to the reduction o f domes­ Mission: As the only female member o f a those who feel undeserved women. Staci has event geared at young women and men with tic/family violence through an intensive pro­ testosterone drenched morning program , been teaching self-defense for 14 years, and the purpose o f keeping them out o f abusive gram o f education, netw orking, consultation, Sonie has her work cut out for her. When created Open Hands in Sept. 1999. relationships.” training, technical assistance and referrals. The she’s not telling the other members o f the Quote from Staci: “Self-defense keeps me l2aBUHESB3 3 Game Supports Scholarship Fund Billy Moore (from left) and Charles Washington Publisher o f the Portland Observer join Jammin ’ 95.5’s DJ Mario Devoe and Julian Massbenburg at the microphone during the 2nd Annual Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship game. The March ¡7 event was held to assist minority high school students transitioning from high school to college with an interest in Business, English, Journalism or Athletics. (S ee more photos and coverage , page B8) I t