March 28, 2001 (Htfv Hage A5 (Db semer ÿlortlanb Task Force to Address Youth Suicide T he U nited S tates S urgeon G e n ­ eral has declared youth suicide a serious public health concern. U n­ fo rtu n a te ly , C la rk C o u n ty is n ’t im m une to this issue. T o address the issue locally and to m ake recom m endations for p re ­ v e n tin g s u ic id e a m o n g C la r k C ounty youth, a task force is being convened by the county in c o o p ­ eration w ith the S outhw est W ash- ington H ealth D istrict, C om m unity C h o ic e s 2 0 1 0 , a n d th e C la r k C ounty Y outh C om m ission. T he co unty is seek in g people w ho are interested in serving on the task force, w hich is expected to m eet m o nthly for ap proxim ately six m onths. M em bers w ill be ap ­ p o in te d by th e B o ard o f C lark C ounty C om m issioners. N ationally, su icid e is th e second leading cau se o f death for youth betw een the ages o f 15 and 24. In C lark C ounty, w ithin the last six m onths there have been 7 deaths by suicide and a significant n u m ­ b er o f attem pts reported at hospital em erg en cy room s, crisis services an d elsew here. “ W e c a n ’t pretend this problem d o e sn ’t exist or that it w ill ju st go a w a y ,” said P ride-m ore. “ W h en we look at o u r local statistics, they are clearly a w ak e-u p call to take actio n .” For m ore inform ation or to e x ­ press interest in serv ing on the task force, p lease call M ichael Piper, director o f C lark C o u n ty ’s D ep art­ ment o f C o m m u n ity S ervices and C o rrectio n s,’at 360-397-2130. H is e - m a il ad d re ss is M ike. P ip e r@ c o .d a rk . w a. us. United Way Bolsters Campaign Staff u n ited Way o f the C olum bia Willamette has announced the ad dition of Karundi Serumaga-Young as campaign manager for the Portland-metro area and Rachel Grillo as a campaign man­ ager for Washington County. Serumaga-Young was an account manger with the United Way of Chicago. She has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and design from Columbia College, Chicago and lives in Beaverton. Grillo was a development officer with the United Way of Miami. She has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Florida State Uni­ versity, and lives in Southeast Portland. United Way is the largest health and hu­ man service fundraiser in Oregon and South­ west Washington, raising more than $21 mil­ lion last y ear th roughout M ultnom ah, Clackamas and Washington counties in Or­ egon and Clark County in Washington. Karundi Sderumaga- Young Conflict Mediators B uckm an E lem entary and da Vinci Arts Middle School present the 11th Annual Art Show and Sell, April 6-7 at Buckman El­ ementary School, 320 S.E. 16th. You’re invited to come see the works of more than 100 local artists who have joined together to help raise funds for arts education. Artwork is priced to fit both budgets and binges. Tickets for the opening try. Entries should be m ailed to H M H, 1800 S. W. First Ave., Suite 250, Port­ land. O R 97201, A ttention: O regon Fryer Recipe C ontest. Recipes m ust be postm arked no later than June 1. Recipes becom e the property o f the O regon F ry erC om m ission and m ay be used for prom otional purposes Hansen. Tri-M et general manager “And it provides a unique solution to th e s u rro u n d in g n e ig h b o rh o o d , which was concerned about traffic congestion and parking problem s." The new event fare w as created through the cooperation o f Tri-M et, the City o f Portland, the neighbor­ hood and Portland Fam ily E ntertain­ ment. It will be tried on a tw o-year basis on all tickets sold for PGE Park events. The city will reim burse Tri-Met for the cost o f this program . For trip- planning assistance, see www.tri- or call 503-238-RID E w eek­ days from 7:30a.m . to 5:30p.m . Friday evening reception, 5 - 7 p.m., are $5 at the door. Saturday’s 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. show is free. The event also offers a K id’s Art Activity Area Friday evening and Sat­ urday, Noon - 3 p.m. Friday evening highlights include live jazz, a silent auc­ tion of donated artwork and refreshm ents. S aturday’s activities include choir and dance com pany p e rfo r­ mances by Buckman and da Vinci students. Rachel Grillo AFTER FIRE OPEN HOUSE D is p la c e m e n t f your rent goes up $100, will you be able to stay in the neigh­ borhood? The Kerns Neighborhood in tackling the issue o f resi­ dential displacement with its G e n trific a tio n A ction Project on Tuesday, April 3rd from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at DaVinci Middle School, 2508 NE Everett. Area residents are invited to share your experiences I “O ne o f the m ost rew arding volun­ teer opportunities a citizen can have is participating in C om m unity D is­ pute R esolutions C enter. It is the essence o f com m unity spirit,” said Beaverton M ay Bob Drake. Finding creative solutions, em ­ pow ering people in conflict, and b a­ sic com m unication are w hat m edia­ tion is all about. It allow s the indi­ viduals involved in a dispute to re­ solve the problem s w ith the assis­ tance o f a trained, neutral m ediator. W ith m ediation, the people w ith the problem s choose the solution. Wanted: Your Best Chicken Recipe D o n ’t keep that favorite chicken recipe a secret. S hare it w ith other O regonians and you could w in $ 100 and a y ea r’s supply o f chicken. T he O regon F ryerC om m ission is seeking the very best recipes using O regon grow n chicken in its annual recipe contest. Each year the contest draw s hun­ dreds o f great recipes from around the state. Recipes w ill be judged on originality, appearance, simplicity and taste. All recipes m ust use a broiler- fryer chicken and should serve four to eight. G rilling recipes also w ill be accepted. The first place w inner w ill receive $ 100 and a y ea r’s supply o f chicken. The second place w inner will receive $75 and the third place w inner w ill receive $50. To be considered, entries m ust be legibly w ritten or typed on an 8 '/ix l 1 inch sheet o f paper and m ust include the co o k ’s nam e, address and tele­ phone num ber. C ooks m ay enter as m any recipes as they w ish, but each recipe m ust be subm itted on a sepa­ rate sheet o f paper. A label, found on all p a c k a g e s o f O re g o n g ro w n chicken, m ust accom pany each en­ T ri-M et’s Board o f D irectors has approved an innovative incentive to nde transit to PG E Park (formerly C i vie Stadium ) with a new , dual-purpose event pass. Starting in A pril, all PGE Park tickets will serve double duty on the event date as all-day passes for T ri-M et M A X and buses. Som eone attending a PGE Park event on a w eekday evening, for ex­ am ple. can use the event ticket to ride T ri-M et to w ork in the m orning, then nd e to the event and back hom e again. “ Including a transit pass in the ticket m akes riding Tri-M et an even more attractive option for people heading to events at the park,” said Fred Buckman Arts Sale N e i g h b o r h o o d F ig h t s Recruited H elp resolve disputes before they have a chance to escalate. The City o f B eaverton is recruit­ ing local citizens w ith an interest in com m unity service, conflict resolu­ tion, and crim e prevention to help fellow com m unity m em bers resolve disputes. T he city provides volunteers train­ ing and experience in conflict resolu­ tion and m ediation. Interested indi­ viduals can call 503-526-2523 for an application. T he application dead­ line is M arch 30, and training begins in M ay. PGE Park Events Are a Ticket to Ride Tri-Met and strategies to stop the displacem ent o f people from our communities. “It is time for us to join together and take control in creating a community with a place for us all,” organiz­ ers said. A light d in n er and childcare will be provided. Transportation can also be arranged. For more infor­ mation, call Samantha at 503-232-0010, extension 25. Tue-Fri 10 am-4 pm Sat-Mon and after 4:30 by appointment only Corner of Russell and MLK above the Albina Coffee House •Receive 15% off any order o f $30 or more And •Receive an additional 10% off any order placed within 30 days Walk-in always welcome, 10% discount to all Non-profit organizations, 0AM E & LeTip Member discounts, Call for more information or current location 333 NE Russell, Suite 201 Portland, OR 97212 Tel: 503-493-3391 ALWAYS AT SAFEWAY! 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