M a rc h 28, 2001 ^Jortlanh (©bserucr USPS 959-680 Established 1970 STA FF- E D IT O R P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d it o r Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager Gary Ann Taylor Area Residents Deserve Affordable, Stable Homes munity is preparing for the con­ struction o f a light rail system. These neighborhoods are in various stages o f gentrification and as rents and housing prices rise faster than incomes folks are being forced to leave. This effect is known as housing displacement. It is CAT’s mission to mitigate this displacement. Our plan is to door knock and survey four o f the neighborhoods (4,500 doors) in imminent danger o f displacem ent. W e hope to gather information on the destruc­ tive results o f this gentrification on the residents. We hope to gain factual infor­ mation that will move us beyond what some call “anecdotal sto­ ries” to more scientific informa­ tion to support what we already B y H op H opkins C omml nity A lliance qf T enants I’m working for the Commu­ nity Alliance o f Tenants here in Portland. We are a grassroots tenant-controlled, tenant-mem­ bership organization. Our mission is to educate and empower tenants to demand af­ fordable, stable and safe rental homes. I am coordinating to Tenant Organizing Project which will op­ erate in North and Northeast Port­ land. The neighborhoods where I will be working are the poorest and most highly populated by people o f color in Portland. These neighborhoods are en­ compassed in what has been des­ ignated as an Urban Renewal District and a portion of the com- know. We hope to identify and help develop the leadership already present in the neighborhoods, en­ courage and (with the help o f our project partners) help residents buy their homes, help folks get food if they need it, educate folks (through Renters Rights forums) on how gentrification works and how to resist it, wage a campaign that highlights the racist and classist nature o f gentrification. We know that one project or one organization will not change all o f this, however, some o f what I explained are both short-term and long-term goals o f this proj ect. Thanks for the help! Hop Hopkins Community Alliance ofTenants 503-460-9702 (work) Jo Ann Bowman Secures New Party Endorsement A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C opy E d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 N E M a r tin L u th e r K in g, Jr. B lvd. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 lines, organizing and agitating for justice for all. Her campaign will draw on a large pool o f volunteers who trust her dedication and ex­ perience,” says Cecil Prescod, Portland New Party chair. Calling herself a “voice for the voiceless”, Jo Ann Bowman is recognized for her high profile opposition to police abuse, man­ datory minimum sentencing and overrepresentation o f minorities Portland New Party members voted unanimously last week to target volunteers and funds to Jo A nn B ow m an’s race for the M ultnomah County Chair. Bowman, D-Portland, served three terms as State Representa­ tive from District 19 and eight years as Staff Assistant to County Chair Bev Stein. Her opponent is form er County Com m issioner Diane Linn. A tireless advocate for the poor and minorities, Bowman is well known and highly regarded by community activists. “Jo Ann is always on the front in the criminal justice system. She serves as first vice presi­ dent o f the local NAACP, on the Workers Rights Board o f Jobs with Justice and as a board mem­ ber o f the Environmental Justice Action Group. Bowman’s government back­ ground is seen as a good fit for the C ounty C h air p o sitio n . W h eth er a d v o c a tin g for Multnomah County at the state legislature or with the governor’s office, developing the County’s Living Wage and Benefit Project, or negotiating County Sheriff to City Police transfers, Bowman has a track record o f collabora­ tive accomplishments within and between governments. Jo Ann Bowman was a found­ ing member o f the New Party in 1997 and the first elected official to sign up with the fledgling politi- 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-m ail n ew s@ p o rtlan d o b serve r.co m sutMcdptton@porttandobeerverxom a d s @ p o rtlan d o b se rv er.co m P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon ThePortland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w illbe retumedifaccom- panied by aselfaddressed envelope. All created design display ads be­ com e the sole property o f the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage with­ out the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 TH E PO R TLA N D OB- SERV ER. ALL RIGHTS RE­ Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum SERVED, REPRODUCTION IN VVHOLEORINPARIWrniOlT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The PortlandO bserver-O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-isa member o f the National Newspaper Association—Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association* Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. I 1225 N Thundertoirtl W ay Tel (503) 235-8311 Relax in our riverfront Restaurant and sample our Northwestern fare, or dance the night away to live entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge . Either way you're sure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. cal formation. Growing out o f the Rainbow Coalition, the NP is an indepen­ dent organization building power for low and moderate income com­ munities. Other NP endorsed of­ ficials include Serena Cruz, Mar­ garet Carter, Avel Gordly, Frank Shields, Geri Washington, Rex Burkholder, Lolenzo Poe, Marc Abrams, and Derry Jackson. ■ ■■M l • • ■ MM t’s a home run and it’s sailing- straight through your windshield. NOW WHO’S GOING TO COME THROUGH FOR YOU? A talented Little League batter hits the ball all the way out of the park... and straight through you! windshield! Taking care of claims like this is what American Family Insurance is all about. 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