Page A3 M arch 28, 2001 ÿtarilanb (ftbseruer Ruling Protects Pregnant Women Against Drug Tests B> L aurie A sseo A ssociated P ress WASHINGTON— Hospitals can­ not test pregnant women for drugs without their consent and turn the results over to police, the Supreme Court ruled last week in a decision that bolstered the Constitution’s pro­ te c tio n a g a in s t u n re a so n a b le searches. The 6-3 decision in the case o f drug-testing by a South Carolina public hospital said such testing vio­ lates the Constitution even though the goal was to prevent women from harming their fetuses by using crack cocaine. Such tests require a search war­ rant or consent, the justices said. They ordered a lower court to deter­ mine w hether the women at the Charleston hospital actually con­ sented to the tests. “While the ultimate goal o f the program may well have been to get the women in question into sub­ stance abuse treatment and off o f drugs, the immediate objective o f the searches was to generate evidence for law enforcement purposes in or­ der to reach that goal,” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the court. When hospitals gather evidence for the purpose o f incriminating their patients, “they have a special obliga­ tion to make sure that the patients are fully informed about their constitu­ tional rights, as standards o f know­ ing waiver require,” Stevens said. Some women were arrested from their hospital beds at the Medical University o f South Carolina, a pub­ lic hospital in Charleston. The women were jailed under the state’s child- endangerment law, but their lawyers contended the policy was counter­ productive and would deter women from seeking prenatal care. Stevens’ opinion was joined by Justices Sandra Day O ’Connor, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy filed a separate opinion also deciding the drug tests were unlawful. Dissenting were C hief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Tho­ mas. Writing for the three, Scalia said doctors are supposed to have the mother and child’s welfare in mind, and “that they have in mind in addi­ tion the provision o f evidence to the police should make no difference.” T he C o n s titu tio n ’s F o u rth Amendment generally requires that searches be authorized by a court warrant or based on reasonable sus­ picion that a crime has been commit­ ted. However, the Supreme Court has allowed drug testing without a w ar­ rant or individual suspicion when the government can demonstrate a dents and railroad workers involved in accidents. W ednesday’s ruling means that drug testing o f pregnant “special need.” Under this reason­ ing, the court has authorized such testing o f public high school stu­ women without their consent to pro­ tect fetuses cannot be considered a “special need.” Sm all classes Real-world instructors k ¿J * Low cost '■* ■ ■ Easy transfer If you think these add up to a great education, you’ve already passed your first test. Team Battles Fraud in Disability Claims Portland Community College Classes s ta r t th e w e e k o f A p r il 2 Videotapes show people who claimed they were disabled doing routine things, such as shopping or building a fence (AP) - A team o f federal and state officials cracking down on disability claim fraud say they saved taxpayers $7.5 million last year. “Anybody w ho’s thinking about faking a disability, our message is simple - think again,” said Bobby Simpson, vocational rehabilitation division administrator for the Oregon Department o f Human Resources. At a news conference Thursday, Simpson showed three videotapes o f people who claimed they were dis­ abled doing routine things, such as shopping or building a fence. One woman who claimed she was confined to a wheelchair was video­ taped loading up her chair with house­ hold items from a pickup truck, and then pulling the chair up the stairs o f a house. A man who claimed he was con­ fined to bed or a wheelchair was taped building a fence, and another man seen hobbling to his doctor’s office with a cane was later taped walking normally into a store to shop and College Thai Fits Your emerging with his purchases no cane in sight. Simpson joined Dennis Lynch, a special agent with the Social Security Administration’s Office o f the Inspec­ tor General, and Charles Gorder, an assistant U.S. attorney forOregon, to announce the joint state-federal team results for last year. Oregon is the first statewide team because federal agents paired with the Oregon State Police, giving them jurisdiction to pursue fraudulent claims across the entire state. Lynch emphasized the vast major­ ity o f disability claims are legitimate, but the relative handful o f fraudulent cases cost millions o f dollars. Lynch said most cases are not prosecuted because the fraudulent claims are denied or halted before they become too costly, but investi­ gators are pushing hard to take major fraud cases to court. Those convicted could face up to 10 years in a federal prison for theft o f government prop­ erty. FREE ADMISSION & CREDIT r eport FannieMae FOUNDATION Showing Amwco 4 AfcwHty Home. BUYING The Doctor's Corner It’s Time to Move On Dear John, I’m 25-year-old female who has been involved with “Ben” for the past nine months. From the start, Ben made it clear that he wasn’t looking for a relationship. On the other hand, I fell in love with him. We saw each other exclusively. Once I admitted my feelings, Ben pulled away from me. We had the “let’s just be friends” conversa­ tion, then he told me he didn’t want me in his life at all. The problem is that when I see him at school or in a public place, Ben is the one who approaches me with kisses or says things that confuse me as to how he really feels. When is it time to walk away, even if your heart doesn’t want to? Is it possible to remain friends in the aftermath? Tired of endings and beginnings in Portland find yourself. Write your thoughts down in a journal with the focus on healing yourself We must fully feel the grief from our losses. Through the process of writing in your journal you can open up hon­ estly and put yourself in a better position for your next relationship. Remember, good endings clear the way for good beginnings. Make Your Life Outstanding! Dear Tired, Thanks for writing. It’s time to smell the coffee and deal with your losses. Ben wants to move on, regard­ less of any kindness that he may show you when you meet in pub­ lic. It seems that he doesn’t feel the same way you feel about him. It’s time to move on and work on dealing with your life. The first thing you need to work on is your boundaries with Ben. The second thing is to work on loving yourself again. It’s best not to date until you By John Oda, Ph.D. or The Portland Observer ■ • . Talk to lending institutions, real estate ____ i . «.«Hit oxnerts. community housing home-buying experts. . 1.888-752-7170 lor detai's ' I Coliseum i Farli 7, S5Ä lie Mae Foundation Trail Blazers John P. Oda, PhD., NLP is a Peak rformance Expert with 13 years ■jerience in the mental health field d a regular featured writer fo r the rtland Observer. I f you have any estions fo r The Doctor's Comer, tail your question to ws(d> Oda Research International pro­ les corporate training, workshops d seminars, alsopresonal andpro- sional coaching. For consulto­ ns call 503-471-2954. I