Page 4 (Fife Ihntkm i' (Obavrvvr March 28, 2001 the Fat Genes in Print ,urn BY AFFORDABLE LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 FULL LOCKSMITH -SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR CARPET CLEANING 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP MARTIN CLEANING ML f SERVICE | C A R P E T C L E A N IN G | 2 A rea M inim um 1 Small Hall Free P re-S p ray T raffic A reas • S tairs $ 1 .5 0 each U PH O L ST E R Y C L E A N IN G | • • • • • Sofa (u n d e r 6 ft.) $69 Sofa (over 6 ft.) $79 Sectional $79 Loveseat $49 R ecliner $39 CARPET • Dining C h airs • O ttom an TURN OFF THE FAT GENES NEAL BARNARD. M.D. ■RHB AUTHOR W IT H MENUS ¡A D D ITIO N A L SER V IC ES | • A uto*Boat*RV C leaning • D eodorizing • D irt R esistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet O d o r T re a tm e n t • Spot & Stain Removal B y N ancy P eacock B antam T rade P aperback « 2001 U sin g th e sa m e g ifte d storytelling skills and original voice that marked her debut novel, Nancy Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area Loveseat or Chair COUPON j $69 MOVIES NIGHTLY $49 WEEKEND MATINEES E n jo y c o m fy c h a ir s , p iz z a a n d b e v e ra g e s a t th e sh o w Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 90 BY T H A T F IG H T J E N N IF E R P A IN RAYMOND Peacock has created a haunting drama o f two families - one black, one white - and the house that has bound their lives for more than a hundred years. COUPON 1 Small Hall Free Sofa (under 6 ft) OF FO O D S R E C IP E S N EW SE R V IC E • L eath er C leaning $25 j UPHOLSTERY AND Home Across the Road $20 $20 2 A rea M inim um i N EAL BARN ARD. M.D, H armony B ooks : 2001 Breakthrough genetic research indicates that genes are not just on/off switches for characteristics we can’t control (like gender or eye color). Some genes, includ­ ing those that shape our bodies, actually adapt to outside influences. In “Turn O ff the Fat Genes,” Dr. Neal Barnard draws on this cutting-edge research to create a revolutionary new program for activating thin genes and suppressing fat genes, a dramatic tool for sculpting away excess pounds to reveal the healthy, vital body that nature intended. In “Turn O ff the Fat Genes,” Dr. Barnard begins by explaining the dynamics o f nutrition and its impact on genetics. Once you understand how the genes that ' control your shape can be influenced, the next step is positive intervention. The heart ofD r. Barnard’s book is a three-week gene-control program (complete with menus and recipes) specifically designed to influence the five key genes that determine: (1) which foods you prefer, (2) the strength o f your appetite, (3) whether your calories are burned or stored as fat, (4) how fast you bum calores, and (5) your m uscular type and ability to exercise. Dr. Barnard’s program enables all o f us to enjoy the same virtually effortless weight control as the naturally thin people we have always admired. THE REVO LUTIO NARY GUIDE TO TAKING CHARGE OF THE SENES THAT CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT Commercial and Residential Services W? 9 CALI. FOR APPOINTMENTS 503-281-3949 F o r S c h e d u le in f o r m a t io n c a ll: 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 e x t.8 8 3 3 5736 N E 33rd • Portland, OrcRon \v w w.mcmen a in i ns.ct>m “Home Across the Road” begins in 1971 as China Redd is waiting to die in the big old house called Roseberry “which stood as empty as she felt herself to be.” In 1861, the white Redds were the owners o f the Roseberry plantation.and the black Redds were among the slave fami­ lies who worked it. China Redd has outlived the last o f the white Redds and she is determined to set the record straight about both families and the house that has bound their fate for over a hundred years. It is a family saga filled with tales o f theft, snobbery, and betrayal. “To be honest with you, the ra­ cial issue was not the driving force for me when writing this,” said Pea­ cock. “I wanted to use this book to illustrate the profound human need for storytelling.” A nd it is the | storytelling skills found in “Home Across the Road,” which confirm Nancy Peacock’s reputation as one ofthe nation’s talented up-and-com­ ing novelists.