Page 2 March 28, 2001 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F |îurtfanh (©bserVer E d ito r in C h ie f, P u b lis h e r Charles H. W ashington Editor Larry J . Jackson, Sr. Business Manager Gary A nn Taylor Asst Publisher Michael Leighton Copy Editor Jo y Ramos Creatile Director R obert Parker Focus •>------------------- îütje ÿ tarU atti* © b e e ru e r Dionne Warwick to Perform at Chinook Winds Casino D o n ’t “W alk on B y ” w hen Dionne W arwick brings her fantas­ tic vocal abilities to Chinook Winds Casino on April 6 and 7. Captivating audiences is some­ thing that she has been doing since Burt Bacharach first heard her back in 1960. While attending music col­ lege, she began doing regular ses­ sion work in New York. Once com­ p o se r, a rra n g e r and p ro d u c e r Bacharach heard her, while doing a session for The Drifters, he asked her to sing on demos o f songs he was writing with new partner, Hal David. In 1962, Bacharach & David presented one such demo to Scep­ ter Records: the label president Flo­ rence Greenberg d id n ’t w ant the song but w anted the voice. Dionne began a h it-filled tw elve-year as­ sociation with the New York label. D uring her association with Burt & H al, they racked up thirty hit singles and close to twenty best-selling album s during their first decade o f gold. Tunes like “D o You Know The W ay To San Jose,” “ M essage To M ichael,” “T his G irl’s In Love W ith Y ou,” and “ I ’ll N ever Fall In Love A g a in ” e s ta b lis h e d D io n n e W arw ick as a consum m ate enter­ tainer. K now n as the artist who ‘bridged the gap,’ D ionne’s m u­ sic transcended race, culture and m u sical b o undaries, a soulful blend o f pop, gospel, and R&B. By making her debut perform ance at The O lym pia Theater in Paris in 1963, Dionne also became the first black fem ale pop and soul singer to achieve international stardom As she was establishing h erself as a m ajor force in Am erican con­ tem porary m usic, she was sim ul­ ta n e o u sly w inning over a u d i­ ences th r o u g h o u t E u ro p e through early hits like “A nyone W ho H ad A H eart” and “W alk on By.” She was the first black female perform er to appear before the Q ueen o f England at The Royal ent o f countless awards, Dionne’s C om m and Perform ance in 1968. status as a musical icon and hu­ Since then, she has perform ed be­ manitarian is legendary. D on’t miss your chance to see fore num erous heads o f state the this sensational talent in person at w orld over. She becam e the first Chinook Winds on April 6 and 7. contem porary black fem ale artist The show is at 8 p.m. to p o p u la riz e c la ssic m ovie each night. For them es w ith “A lfie” and more informa­ them e from “The V alley o f tion, call 1- the D olls,” to debut in her 888-M A IN - first movie role, and to win A C T (624- the prestigious award for 6228)orFred ‘Best Contemporary Fe­ MeyerFastixx, male Vocal Performance,’ 1 -8 0 0 -9 9 2 - a feat only previously ac­ TIXX(8499). complished by one o f her own A frican-A m erican she roes, the late Ella Fitzgerald. She has also led the fight for AIDS Research with her various recordings and benefits to fund AIDS research, and partici­ pating in the all-star charity sing“W e Are The W orld” and performing at “Live Warwick Aid” in 1984. The recipi­ 4747 NE M artin L uther Entertainment Guide King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: KENNEDY SCH oqi Iv McMenamins L siib8cription(Sportlaixlobsena:com ads@ D e ad lin e s for su b m itted m ateria l: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be returned if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. become the sole p roperty of the newspaper an d cannot be CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST used in other publications or Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am personal usage w ithout the Sunday: 7am to 11:30am w ritten consent of th e general manager, unless th e client has purchased the com position o f »736 NE »3rd • P o rtlan d , O regon the ad. (3 0 3 ) ¿ 4 9 -3 9 8 3 • n w w .m cm en am in m T k r Portland Oboervw Pioneering nutrition researcher Neal D. Barnard, M.D. will discuss his just-released book “Turn O ff the Fat Genes: The Revolutionary Guide to Taking Charge o f the Genes That Control Your Weight” at a lecture at Portland State University, Smith Memorial Center, Rm. 327-9, Park­ way Commons, 1825 SW. Broad­ way on W ednesday, March 28, 7 p.m. Warner Pacific College Presents Angel Street Sat and Sum, March 30 - April 1 and April 7 -8 Focus welcomes freelance All created display ads Chinese Take-Out Nutrition Expert on Saturday, March 31 Weight Control “Chinese Take-Out” is an inno­ Wednesday, March 28 “A ngel Street,” characterized by D irector Gary Bruner as a “V ic­ torian psychological thriller with ju st the right am ount o f hum or,” will be presented March 30 - April 1 and A pril 7 - 8 in W arner Pacific C ollege’s Very Little Theatre. Per­ form ances each Friday and Satur­ day evening will begin at 7:30p.m. M atinees have been scheduled for 3 p.m. April 1,7, and 8. W arner Pacific C ollege cam pus is located at SE. 68"' and D ivision. Call 503/ 517-1077. vative and imaginative theatre pro­ duction for adults, will be performed at the Deloris Winningstad Theatre located at 1111 SW. Broadway. The show varies with what the audience chooses to “takeout.” Our host takes our order from a menu o f Chinese food names, and then serves the order in the form ofseveral vignettes. It is a brilliant conceptual piece, unique and fully developed. The pieces range from whimsical to bawdy. Call 503/248-0557. Dionne Warwick to Perform at Chinook Winds Casino Friday, April 6 & Saturday, April 7 D o n ’t “ W alk on B y” when Dionne Warwick brings her fantas­ tic vocal abilities to Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City on April 6 and 7, starting at 8 p.m. each night. For more information, or to obtain tickets,call l-888-MAIN-ACT(624- 6228)orFredM eyerFastixx, 1-800- 992-TlXX(8499). The 11th Annual Art