Wednesday March 28, 2001 '© Î je ^ { tr ib u tò The (© b a erb er Serving Portland and its culturally diverse com m unities V olum e X X X I N u m b er 13 Dionne Warwick A look at P ortland and its entertain m ent Also Inside: In April at Chinook Winds Casino Page 2 1 1 2 ’s Reveals Their Music Maturity Page 2 The Focus Entertainment Guide Page 3 In P rin t ÌHI ItMtttfttMrr i t »• »9 Mtt'C TWM tu •»» n tt t w c«»itil n w •»¡»<* TURN OFF THE To perform At Chiocci) Winds FAT GENES ft NEAL BARNARD, M.D. P age 4