Page B7 March 28, 2001 (Jltje ÿtarUanb (Dbeeruer S Classifieds/Bids "Doing Good Things for Oregon!" Bids Due: March 29, 2001 at 11:00 AM Swinerton Builders is requesting sub-bids from certified MBE/WBE/ ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers. Plans and specifications are available for review in our office Visit our WebCenter at Swinerton Builders Currently recruiting for the following positions: Marketing Support Manager, Announcement SOLI 77279 - Creates, communicates and implements marketing/advertising strategies, and manges the, day-to-day operation of 8 8 3030 SW Nloddy Ave. Suite 250 Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone (503) 222-2000 Fax (503) 47& 2700 Contact: Kim Kramer the Marketing Support section. CCB# 11151 W A # WESTW SC042C2 Video Support Supervisor, Announcement #01177283 - Supervises Electronic Technicians in 8 We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, veterans and emerging small business enterpnses. the installation, refurbishment, maintenance and service of Lottery equipment. Legal Assistant, Announcement SOL177281 - Providing administrative support for the I Materials Management Department contracting process. Support Specialist 3, Announcement »OL177284 - Responsible for coordinating the schedule with Retailers & Electronic Technicians to setup Lottery equipment installations, removals and relocations. Sustaining Engineer, Announcement SOL177196 - Providing the highest level of technical expertise to lottery Management and staff relating to electronic/mechanical products and their associated components. Electronic Technician, Announcement #OL177276 - Responsible for the installation, refurbishment, maintenance and service of Lottery equipment. Systems Analyst, Announcement #OL177238 - Participates in the development and maintenance of Lottery computer systems. All the above positions are located in Salem, Oregon. Applications and complete job announcements can also be obtained at any office of the Oregon Employment Department or by calling the Lottery fob Line at (503 ) 540-1328 in Salem. Successful applicants are subject to extensive background check. The Oregon Lottery is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women, Minorities & People with Disabilities are encouraged to apply Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C. Sheet M etal/Husband of Crissy, Dick W eber Your Welding/Dixer Brother would love to see you. M essage (360) 892-8730 Request For Proposals For Renewal And Replacement Account Study And Facilities Master Plan Update For Solid Waste Facilities RFP #01R-8-REM SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland Building 15,h Floor Remodel Receptionist/ Customer Service Rep Nonprofit training and consulting org. seeks FT Receptionist/Custom er Service Rep. S a lary $22,000 - $24,500 plus benefits. Resumes and cover letter to: TACS, 1903 SE Ankeny, Portland, OR 97214. VÇ5J in The Regional Environmental Management (REM) Department of Metro is requesting proposals for the study of the Renewal and Replace­ ment Account and update of the Facilities Master Plan for M etro’s solid waste facilities (RFP #01R-8-REM.) The work will involve review­ ing the adequacy of and determ ining the contribution to the renewal and replacement account for the major capital components of Metro's three solid waste facilities: Metro South Transfer Station, Metro Cen­ tral Transfer Station (including the household hazardous waste facili­ ties located at each transfer station) and the closed St. Johns Land­ fill. In addition, the work will include updating the Master Plan for capital improvements at these facilities. Metro is a regional government serving the Portland metropolitan area, organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the 1992 Metro Charter. Sealed Proposals will be received at the reception desk of REM, attention Glenn Taylor, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Or­ egon 97232, no later than 4:00 p.m ., on Friday, April 6, 2001. De­ tails concerning the project are contained in the request for proposals I (RFP) and background documents. Copies of the RFP and background materials may be obtained by contacting Regional Environmental Man­ agement at (503) 797-1650. Proposals m ust conform to the RFP format and be complete includ­ ing the use of any forms. Metro may accept or reject any or all propos­ als, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substan­ tial right if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation, or marital status. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically en­ courages minority and women-owned businesses to access and par­ ticipate in this and all Metro projects, and services. ,z- Advertise your business in (Tlje ^dortlanb (0bseruer call 288-0033 today - i “** • A ”.t • • <’ S'IÇÎ*5” -J ‘ rr' The Korean American Grocers Association of Oregon Philly Café 445 NE Killingsworth 503-288-9367 Boston Market 726 NE Killingsworth 503-282-6776 Knott St. Grocery 2709 NE 7th 503-284-7490 Cullen’s Corner 4938 N Albina 503-287-0542 Ainsworth Market 5949 NE 30th 503-281-0479 Prescott Corner Market 1460 NE Prescott 503-284-7418 K C Food Market 309 N Killingsworth 503-289-7430 Union Market 3837 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 503-284-6511 Alberta Street Market 915 NE Alberta 503-281-6388 We Appreciate Your Business and Support Thank you