Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 28, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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M a rch 28, 2001
(Fife ^Jortianò (Öbseruer
U ortlanò
Portland Community
Land Trust
C on ne cting People, Power and
Portland General Electric (PGE),
recently rated by Oregon Business
Magazine as one o f Oregon’s top
1 0 0 em ployers, has an im m edi­
ate full-tim e opening at our Coy­
ote Springs Combined Cycle Com­
bustion Turbine Power P lant lo­
cated in Boardm an. We are ex­
panding our operations to include
a second unit.
Power Plant Technician
In th is position, you w ill operate
plant system s and equipm ent to
ensure reliability and profitability in
a safe, e ffic ie n t, progressive and
responsible manner. All positions
are p a rt o f s e lf-d ire c te d w ork
team s to optimize plant operations
and provide challenges and growth
o pp ortu nities for our employees.
Qualified applicants m ust have 3-
5 years experience in power plant
operations preferably in the areas
o f instru m e ntatio n and controls.
This should include expe rtise in
ca lib ra tion s, sensors, instrum en­
ta tion , logic and solid-state con­
trols and d istribu tive control sys­
tem s. A valid d river's license with
evidence o f safe driving habits is
required. The s ta rtin g rate o f pay
is $ 1 9 .8 0 per hour, increasing to
$ 2 1 .9 2 after qualification to Level
II, which is usually reached in 6-
12 m onths.
To request an application, please
email us at s taffin g Q p g n .co m ,
call us a t ( 5 0 3 ) 4 6 4 - 7 2 5 0 ,
or fa x your req u est to ( 5 0 3 )
4 6 4 - 2 6 7 2 . Please indicate your
nam e, return address and the po­
sition fo r which you are applying.
Applications m u st be com pleted
and returned no later than April 6,
2 0 0 1 . For additional inform ation
on PGE, please v is it our w ebsite
at www.portlandgeneral.com
Outreach A ssistant/M em ber Sup­
AmeriCorps*VISTA position
PCLT is a comm unity-based orga­
nization dedicated to long-term af­
fordable housing and the steward­
ship o f land. PCLT seeks an Out­
reach Assistant to develop a resi­
dent su pp ort program and to co­
ordinate bi-lingual outreach activi­
ties. This position will work with
PCLT s ta ff to identify com m unity
partners, expand current outreach
activities with Spanish language
m aterials/presentations and coor­
dinate with PCLT reside n ts and
m em bers on long-term su pp ort
Requirements: Strong com ­
m unication and com puter skills,
ability to work with people from di­
verse cultural backgrounds and an
interest in affordable housing a n d /
or com m unity organizing helpful.
Bi-lingual (S panish/E nglish) pre­
ferred but not required. Position is
full-tim e and a one-year com m it­
m ent is required. M ust be able to
work evenings and on w eekends
when required. Required training
in Utah, April 23-25. Preferred start
date in Oregon is April 3 0, 2 0 0 1 .
S tart date is negotiable for gradu­
ating students. Applications are
due no later than April 2, 2 0 0 1 .
Interview s w ill be held th e week
o f April 9, 2 0 0 1 in Portland.
Com pensation: Cash stipend
o f $ 3 2 9 every two w eeks. Educa­
tio n a l aw ard o f $ 4 ,7 2 5 , o r a
$ 1 ,2 0 0 cash stipend at com ple­
tion o f service. Medical insurance
and childcare costs provided.
To apply, mail, e-mail or fax re­
sume and cover letter to:
Portland Community Land Trust
VISTA Position
2 6 1 3 NE M artin Luther King Blvd.
Suite B
Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2
Phone (5 0 3 ) 4 9 3 -0 2 9 3
(5 0 3 )4 9 3 -7 3 3 3
Equal O pportunity Employer Com­
m itted to Diversity
We are an equal o pportunity
em ployer valuing diversity in the
No agency referrals, please.
McMenamins Kennedy
Clark County, Washington
Job Opportunities
McMenamins Kennedy School (5736
N.E. 33rd) is now hiring FT Servers for
the Courtyard Restaurant. High vol­
ume, fine dining exp necessary. Flex
schedule (wknd/eve avail). We are
open 3 65 days a year. We offer ex­
cellent benefits! Pick up an applica­
tion at any McMenamins location and
m ail/fax it to: Attn HR. 573 6 NE 33rd
Portland, OR 97211. Fax # (503)
2 8 8 6 5 5 9 . You can also apply online
@ www.mcmenamins.com/Employ-
ment No phone calls please! E.O.E.
We are seeking qualified candidates
to Be part o f our dynamic public
Service organization.
Health Services
Sheriff’s Support Specialist II
Administrative Assistant
$ 1 4 .1 4 - $ 1 8 .0 6 /h r DOQ
Court Assistant I/II
Court Asst. I: $9.71 - $ 1 2 .4 0 /h r
Court Asst. II: $11.25 - $ 1 4 .3 6 /h r
Custody Officer
$ 1 4 .9 9 - $ 1 9 .3 1 /h r DOQ
Internal Performance Auditor
$ 3 .6 3 8 - $ 5 ,4 0 2 /m o DOQ
Credentialing Assistant
CareOregon is a 9 0 em ployee,
team -based, M edicaid managed
care health plan com m itted to the
values o f diversity, em pow erm ent
and open com m unication, located
in downtown Portland.
We are c u rre n tly re c ru itin g fo r
C redentialing A ssista n ts jo in our
N etw ork D evelopm ent Team to
p ro d u c e
c o n tr a c t s
credentialing applications, you will
comm unicate with provider offices
re g a rd in g
c o m p le tio n
credentialing and recredentialing
applications and m aintain a pro­
vider database. One year experi­
ence in health plan credentialing,
m edical s ta ff o ffic e , or human re­
sources o ffice required. One year
experience w ith high-production
word processing; Access or o the r
databases preferred. Excellent oral
and w ritten com m unication skills
and a bility to work in a team envi­
ronm ent w ith diverse groups nec­
Please su b m it cover le tte r and re­
sum e to CareOregon-HR-CA, 5 2 2
SW 5"' Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland,
OR 9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (5 0 3 ) 416-
1 4 6 2 . P osition m ay close at any
tim e.
$ 11 .47 - $ 1 4 .6 5 /h r DOQ
Park Caretaker
$ 8 .0 2 - $ 9 .7 5 /h r DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and Benefits inform ation are
available from :
Clark County Human Resources
1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job Hotline: (3 6 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8
TDD: (36 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2
Equal Opportunity Employer
Social Services / Social Change /
Domestic Violence.
Bradley-Angle House is seeking a
Facilities / M aintenance Coordi­
nator Full Time:
$ 1 0 .8 9 /H o u r plus benefits; Youth
in Transition Program Coordinator
Half Time or Full tim e: $ 1 1 .6 5 /
Hour plus benefits; Shelter Youth
Program Coordinator Full Time
$ 1 1 .6 5 / Hour plus benefits; Shel­
ter Coordinator $ 2 8 ,5 5 8 .4 0 /
year plus b e n efits. Application
packets required and available by
calling 5 0 3 /2 9 6 -8 2 2 5 or at One
Stop, 3 0 3 4 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Clos­
ing date: Monday, April 1 6 ,2 0 0 1
EEO/AA/ Fem inist Employer.
E q u al O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y er
P o rtlan d Parks and R ecreation
seeks individuals to serve as sea­
sonal park rangers. Prim ary re­
spon sib ilitie s are to act as a posi
tive presence, explain and enforce
park rules, work closely w ith po­
lice, park neighbors and park s ta ff
to prom ote clean, green, and safe
p a rks and provide in fo rm a tio n
about park programs to citizens:
Position requires outdoor w ork in
all types o f weather with extensive
w alking . Experience in c o n flic t
resolution, heavy public contact,
problem -solving, security, recre­
ation or emergency se rvice s pre
fe rre d . M u s t p ass s tr ic t b a ck­
ground check, possess current and
valid driver’s license and be able
to be certified in CPR and firs t aid.
Wage is $ 9 .7 5 /h o u r. Training pro­
vide d. S eason ru n s fro m May
th ro u g h O cto b er. A p p lic a tio n s
available at Portland P arks-1120
SW 5tn-Room 1 3 0 2 . For specific
in fo rm a tio n c a ll: 8 2 3 -2 2 2 3 , or
the City o f Portland is an equal
employment opportunity employer.
Women and m inorities are encour­
aged to apply. A pplications m ust
be received by April 2 7.
Route Sales Person
A d v e r tis e in tETje ^ortlanh (Maeruer,
Call -to d a y! 2 Ö Ö -O O 3 3
Order # 1 5 0 1 5 2 8
Job Title
Sales Route Driver
Dot Code
2 9 2 .3 5 3 .0 1 0
$ 1 1 .2 7
per hour
H ours/W eek
Full Time
Clatsop County
M onths/Experience
Min age
REQ: Excellent DMV record, m ini­
mum 6 m onths route sales or cus­
to m e r s e rvice in grocery, pood
delivery or m erchandising.
JOB: Load and deliver bakery prod­
ucts to retail and in stitu tio n a l ac­
counts, retrieve stale products to
retail and in stitu tio n a l accounts,
retrieve stale products and take
HRS: 4 0 + hrs per week, split days
o ff (Sunday and Wednesday) s ta rt
tim e approxim ately 2 :3 0 am.
Diversity Director
Multnomah County
Aging & Disability Services
Research, Evaluation and
Quality Supervisor
Full-time positions available in our
Laboratory Services D epartm ent
(graveyard and swing shifts) either
preparing blood com ponents or
d o in g q u a ra n tin e and labeling.
Training provided fo r fast-paced,
d eta il oriented production work.
Science background and previous
laboratory experience helpful, but
not required. Bilingual candidates
encouraged to apply. Hiring rate
$ 9 .6 1 - 9 .9 6 /h r + s h ift d iffe re n ­
tials. Comprehensive Benefit Pack­
age: m edical, dental, and life in­
surance, great team environment,
strong paid tim e o ff program, and
im m ense s a tisfa ctio n ! Drug te s t
administered. Application required.
Please apply by visiting our website
or in person, or call 503-280-1454
to request an application.
Collect data regarding departm ent
perform ance in order to manage,
direct, coordinate, and evaluate
th e organization perform ance re­
porting system program functions.
S a la r y ra n g e $ 4 9 , 9 2 0 to
$ 6 9 ,8 8 9 . Apply by M arch 3 0 ,
Application m aterials and form al
jo b announcem ents are available
a t: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /
jo b s ;, in person a t 1 1 2 0 SW Fifth
Avenue, 1“ Floor Lobby, or by m ail­
ing a self-addressed stam ped en­
v e lo p e re q u e s tin g a p p lic a tio n
fo rm s to: M ultnom ah County job
inform ation and web site is avail­
able a t M ultnom ah County Librar­
M ultnom ah County is actively re­
cruiting candidates from various
ethnic and cultural backgrounds to
enhance se rvice s to our diverse
Catlin Gabel School is seeking a
diversity d irector fo r the 2 0 0 1 -0 2
Care Coordinator Nurse academ ic year. The director will
reco m m en d and a s s is t in th e
CareOregon is a growing progres­
im plem entation o f ways to pro­
s iv e M e d ic a id m a n a g e d ca re
ote and s u p p o rt diversity a t the
health plan located in downtown
and serve as a resource
Portland. Our excellent b enefits
fo r the head o f school, faculty, di­
include fully paid h e a lth /d e n ta l in­
vision heads on curriculum and
surance and m atched 4 0 1 (k).
other issues o f diversity. This per­
This position will include a wide
son will be called upon to lead dis­
range o f case m anagem ent and
about diversity among all
utilization review responsibilities.
cies o f the School and
A key focus w ill be on addressing
special care needs o f our m em ­
Diversity Council w ill s u p p o rt and
CareOregon is a growing progres­
a s s is t th e director and division
The m ost qualified candidate will
s iv e M e d ic a id m a n a g e d ca re
h e a d s in im p le m e n tin g th e
have a valid Oregon RN license,
health plan located in downtown
S chool’s diversity goals. This ad­
experience in case/utilization man­
P ortland. Our excellent benefits
m inistrative position w ill be com ­
agement, a m inim um o f 3 years
include fully paid hea lth/d e nta l in­
bined with a teaching assignm ent
o f clinical experience, strong oral
surance and m atched 401(k).
th a t is appropriate fo r the candi­
and w ritten com m unication skill
We are recruiting an Accountant
date hired.
and experience w orking w ith di­
to jo in our diverse Accounting/Fi-
Experience as a diversity direc­
verse populations. Valid d river’s
n an cete a m .
diversity training or multicultural
license required. Experience in
Job d u tie s include: process ac­
studies, m ulticultural curriculum
public health is strongly preferred.
counts payable, general ledger,
a ssessm en t is highly desirable.
Salary negotiable. Full and Part
daily d e p o s it preparation, bank
Bachelor’s degree required and at
Time positions available.
reconciliation, and o the r banking
lea st tw o years' teaching experi­
Send a cover letter and resum e to
ence preferred.
CareOregon-HR-CC., 5 2 2 SW 5°'
R equirem ents: Business or Ac­
Catlin Gabel is a coeducational,
Ave., S uite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR
counting degree or 2 years college
independent grade day school. We
9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (50 3 ) 4 16 -1 46 2.
education w ith 2 years accounting
o ffe r a broad curriculum and small
Position may close at a n ytim e .
experience and s tro n g s p re ad ­
classe s designed to educate the
CareOregon is an equal o pportu­
sh ee t s kills. Grant accounting ex­
total person, incorporating the aca­
nity em ployer and does not d is­
perience h e lp fu l. N orm al hiring
dem ic along w ith the a rts , physi­
crim inate on the basis o f race, re­
range $ 1 7 ,7 0 0 -$ 3 2 ,1 5 5 .
cal education, and a strong sense
ligion, color, sex, age, national ori­
Send a cover le tte r and resum e
o f com m unity service. The school
gin, disability, veteran sta tu s, or
to CareOregon-HR-Actg., 5 2 2 SW
enrolls 6 7 0 students in Pre-Kinder­
any other classifica tion protected
5th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland, OR
g arten through tw e lfth grade and
by law.
9 7 2 0 4 , or fax to (50 3) 4 16 -1 46 2.
is com m itted to diversity amongst
Position may close a t a n ytim e .
stu de nts, faculty, and sta ff.
The M u ltn o m a h C ounty H ealth
CareOregon is an equal opportu­
For m ore in fo rm a tio n and to
D epartm ent is currently recruiting
nity em ployer and does n ot d is­
dow nload an application v is it our
fo r the follow ing positions:
crim inate on th e basis o f race, re­
e b s ite a t w w w .c a tlin .e d u /h r/
Information & Referral
ligion, color, sex, age, national ori­
index.htm or call 5 0 3 2 9 7 -1 8 9 4 ,
Specialist - Bilingual Spanish
gin, d isability, veteran sta tu s, or
ext. 3 7 3 to have one m ailed to
Information Systems Specialist 2
any o ther classification protected
by law.
Fiscal Assistant - Bilingual
Clinical Health Assistant -
Bilingual Spanish
Clinic Health Assistant
Office Assistant 2 — Bilingual
Application m ate ria ls and form al
jo b announcem ents are available
a t: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /
jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a
self-addressed stam ped envelope
requesting a pplication form s to:
M ultn o m a h C ounty Hum an Re­
sources D ivision, 1 1 2 0 SW 5th
Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -
0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a c c e s s to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
M ultnom ah County Libraries.
M ultnom ah County Health Depart­
m ent is actively recruiting persons
from various e thn ic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse com m unities. Bilin-
g u a l/b icu ltu ra l candidates are en­
couraged to apply. An Equal Oppor­
tunity employer
Red Cross
3 1 3 1 N. Vancouver Ave.
Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 7
Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 0 -1 4 8 0
An Equal O pportunity Employer
M /F /D /V
Full-time positions available in our
Laboratory Services D epartm ent
(graveyard and swing shifts) either
preparing blood com ponents or
doing quarantine and labeling.
Training provided fo r fast-paces,
detail oriented production work.
Science background and previous
laboratory experience helpful, but
not required. Bilingual candidates
encouraged to apply. Hiring rate
$ 9 .6 1 - 9 .9 6 /h r + s h ift d iffe re n ­
tia ls . C o m p re h e n sive B e n e fit
Package: m edical, dental, and life
insu ra n ce, g re a t te a m e nviron­
m ent, strong paid tim e o ff pro­
gram, and im m ense sa tisfactio n!
Drug te s t adm inistered. Applica­
tion required. Please apply by vis­
iting our w ebsite o r in person, or
call 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -1 4 5 4 to request an
3 1 3 1 N. Vancouver Ave.
P ortland, OR 9 7 2 2 7
Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 0 -1 4 8 0
Email: hijobs@ pdxredx.org
An Equal Opportunity Employer
M /F /D /V
Sub - Bids Requested
Tri-Met, Interstate Max Project Line Section 10-C
Bids Due on or before April 20, 2001
DBE Subcontractor Open House
Thursday April 5, 2001 4:30-6:30
OAME Conference Room
4134 N. Vancouver Avenue, Portland Oregon
Hamilton Construction Company is seeking Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBE) firm s located within the Portland Enterprise Zone, Portland Metro Area and all
other interested subcontractors and suppliers to attend our open house and pick-up
bid packages and submit quotations. Subcontracting bidding opportunities include
but not limited to: paving, painting, concrete flatwork, building construction, street
lighting, traffic signals, sewer, water lines, and trucking.
Hamilton Construction Company
Attn: Bob Sherman
P.0. Box 659
Springfield, OR 97477-0121
Phone - 541-746-2426
Fax - 541-746-7635
Oregon CCB #13877
An Equal Opportunity Employer