Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 28, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    M arch 28, 2001
Page B4
(Cljp J lo rtla n h ® lw r u e r
1 Metro/Religion
Godspell Music is Bridge Between Cultures
th a t
h e a ls
w o u n d e d h e a r ts ,
m usic that o b lite r­
ates barriers these are lofty
am bitions, indeed. Yet such a
vision o f intern atio n ally re ­
now ned spiritual leader, p a s­
tor, author and now recording
im presario Bishop T.D . Jakes.
“ M usic is such a pow erful
universal language that tra n ­
scends denom inations and cul­
tu re s,” the charism atic Jakes
says. “ One o f my goals has
alw ays been to be a bridge
betw een races and c u ltu res
and denom ination M usic is a
w onderful way to b rid g e the
gaps that exist in our so ciety .”
O ne o f the fru its o f that
vision is The Storm Is O ver,
G ospel. An upliftin g and jo y ­
the debut project from D ex­
ful collection, Storm w as re ­
terity Sounds, J a k e s ’ new ly-
over tw o nights in D e­
form ed jo in t venture w ith EMI
cem ber at Jakes new ly c o n ­
structed 8,000 seat P o tte r’s
H o u s e c h u r c h in D a lla s ,
T exas.
In addition to the critically
a c c la im e d P o t t e r ’ s H o u se
M ass C hoir, the recording fea­
tures such special guests as
g o sp e l p o w e rh o u se D onnie
M cC lurkin and renow ned vo­
calist B ev erly C raw ford.
“T his p articu la r project is
m eant to be a m usical expres­
sio n o f w h a t th e P o tte r ’s
H ouse is all a b o u t,” Jakes as­
serts. “ To a person who has
w atched the P otter H ouse on
TV or read our books, they
w ill hear that m assage put to
m usic.”
T he m essage is an o v e r­
w helm ingly p o sitiv e one, em ­
p hasizing the unity, healing,
and hope found through faith
in J e s u s C h r is t. S te v e
L a w re n c e , A s s o c ia te P ro ­
ducer o f the album and D irec­
to r o f M usic and A rts at The
P o tte r’s H ouse explain: “ O ur
m ain goal and objective is to
reach out to , the w orld and let
them know there is an answ er
in Jesus C h rist.”
Portland Couple Turns To Go For
Inspiration After The Death O f Their Son
N orm an Jay M oore
n O cto b er 25, 1993,
P o rtlan d re sid e n ts
M athew and C indy
H um phrey gave birth to a baby
B ut
S e th
M a rtin
H um phrey w as fatally injured
at birth. On N ovem ber 15, he
died o f respiratory failure.
How does one know w here
to begin to overcom e such a
tragedy? Is there a starting
point on a m ap or som e kind o f
path to reco v ery ? C an one
ever recover? M aybe not com ­
Norman Jay Moore was bom
on August 29,1949 in Portland
Oregon to Richard and Beatrice
M oore. Norman was called
“Boozie” as his nickname by
family members as a little boy.
Norman accepted
Christ at an early age and
was baptized by The Late Rev­
erend O.B.Willaims, pastor o f
Vancouver Avenue First Bap­
tist Church. He attended public
school and graduated form Lin­
coln High School. Norman spe­
cialized and excelled as a house
painter and paper hanger. His
father, Richard; sister, Shirley
Marie and brother Bobby Joe
Moore preceded him in death.
He leaves to mourn his pass­
ing, his mother, Mrs. Beatrice
Moore; wife, Blanca Moore;
daughters, Euline Johnson and
Latoya Moore, brother, Billie
Don Moore; sisters, Myrlin
Spencer and Annette Moore;
aunts Eula. Yarborough and
Annie Bell Bagneris; nieces and
nephews; Jasmine, Carmina,
Malik, Anthony, Troy, Amell,
Tonda, Zack, Ebony, Tia,
Tammy Moore, Bryant and
Tammy Bynum; and a host of
other relatives and friends.
Charles M ack Jenkins
A funeral service was held
for Charles Mack Jenkins on
Saturday, March 24, 2001 at
1:00 p.m. Mr. Jenkins was bom
in Midnight Mississippi on Oc­
tober 8, 1926 and passed away
on March 7, 2001 in Portland,
Oregon o f natural cause at the
age o f 74. Mr. Jenkins was in the
Army, he was em ployed at
Kimbel Glass in Chicago, Illinois
where he retired, but later re­
turned to work as a batching
worker. Survivors o f Charles
Mack Jenkins, Desiree Will­
iams daughter of San Antonio,
TX; Roy Jenkins, brother ofChi-
cago Heights, 111; David Jenkins,
brother o f Chicago Heights, 111;
Bruce Jenkins brother, deceased;
Bruce Jenkins, father deceased;
Minnie Jenkins, mother o f Port­
land, OR; Detroid Jenkins,
brother ofPortland, OR; August
Jenkins, brother deceased. 14
Grandchildren, 17 Great-grand­
children, and 15 Great-great­
Gloria Ann
Hawkins Peterson
G l o r ia A n n H a w k in s
P e terso n died on M arch 26
in D a lla s at the B a y lo r U n i­
versity H ospital o f liver can­
c er co m p lic a tio n s. She was
58. G lo ria , w ho w as a d e ­
vout chu rch w o m an , w ill be
m issed fo r h er n um erous
m in istry co n trib u tio n s. She
w as w idely known and loved
n a tio n a lly and bey o n d for
her in sp ira tio n a l w o m e n ’s
co n fe re n ce sp eak in g , B ible
teaching and her gifted sing­
ing v o ice. H er ch o sen c a ­
reer field o f e n d e a v o r was
ea rly c h ild h o o d e d u catio n ,
e x c e llin g for m any y e a rs in
the in n e r c ity D a lla s P ublic
S ch o o ls. She re c e iv e d her
u n d e rg ra d u a te and g ra d u ­
ate tra in in g at N o rth T exas
S tate U n iv e rsity and T exas
W o m a n ’s U n iv e r s ity re-
s p e c tiv e ly . H e r O re g o n
roots include a degree from
Portland C om m unity C ol­
lege and from 1972-1980
her husband was the senior
p asto r for the B erean B ap­
tis t C hurch. A nativ e o f
W axahachie, T exas, Mrs.
P eterson w as preceded in
death by her parents, G il­
b e r t a n d W illie M ae
H aw kins. She is survived
by her husband; five m ar­
ried children, eleven grand­
ch ild ren and six brothers
and sisters. V isitation is at
C om m unity B ible C hurch
840 W heatland Road in D al­
las, W ednesday 5-8 p.m .
The F uneral S ervices are
T hursday 11 a.m . at F el­
low ship B ible Church N orth
850 L e x in g to n B lv d . in
pletely, but the H um phrey fam ­
ily found the strength to learn
from tragedy; they turned to
In T r e a s u r e in H e a v e n
(av ailab le from IS tB ook L i­
b rary ), M atthew H um phrey
shares an autobiographical a c ­
count o f a young couple who
turns to god for answ ers and
finds the grace and courage to
say goodbye to their child. This
tragedy proves to be a pivotal
p oint for this couple, and in
turn a blessin g from G od in
“ His life w as sh ort, but not
u n e v e n tfu l,” w rites reverend
D avid W einert. “ He helped to
increase the faith o f all o f us.
He m in istered in a w ay that
won the heart o f each one
who o b served him . N o little
child has ever com e from the
F ather, no m atter how b rie f
the stay, who failed to m ake
glad the hearts left behind with
som e tra c e o f h e a v e n . He
leaves us all w ith a te a r in our
eye, but e sp ecially g ran d p a r­
ents, fam ily m em bers and p a r­
ents. Em ily w ill one day u n ­
derstand the loss o f a little
brother she n ev er got to know,
but they w ill be able to spend
eternity to g e th e r.”
M atth ew H u m p h re y w as
born and raised in O regon,
w here he w rites m usic and
sings for his church. He and
his wife, Cindy, have fourchil-
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