M arch 21, 2001 Portland _ 1 _ Page B3 ^Jorlíanb (Bbeeruer _ M etro/Sports AFTER FIRE OPEN HOUSE Woods a Winner Again After Dramatic Finish O R L A N D O , F la.(A P ) - Say W oods was a w inner again g o o d b y e to th e slum p. S unday in the B ay H ill In v i­ W h atev er questions anyone tational, relying on fortunate had about w hat w as w rong w ith b o u n c e o f f a s p e c ta to r ’s T ig er W oods w ere answ ered neck and a sp ec ta cu lar shot Sunday w hen he hit 5-iron from to the 18th green for a one- 195 yards o f f a dead patch o f s tro k e v ic to ry o v e r P h il tram p led g rass, the ball p ierc­ M ickelson. ing th rough the w ind as it c a r­ T he putt w a sn ’t easy , but ried o v er th e w a te r and stopped M ickelson had no doubt that 15 feet from the hole. W oods w ould m ake it “ju s t Tiger Woods scores his first victory o f the “ I f I blow it at all, it’s in the because he norm ally do es year. w a te r,” W oods said. “ I hit that th a t.” shot so flush. W o o d s le t o u t a r o a r a n d Indeed, the w orld o f T ig er T he putt b ro k e gently to the pu n ch ed his fist th ree tim es in W oods w as back to norm al. rig h t and d ro pped for b ird ie as the air. W oods closed w ith a 3 -u n d er 69 and b ecam e o nly th e second p lay er to repeat as B ay Hill ch am pion. M ore im portantly, it w as his first v icto ry o f the year in seven to u rn am en ts, the long­ est he ev er has gone w ithout w in n in g to start a season. T he tim in g w a sn ’t back ei­ ther, w ith th e M asters ju s t three w eeks aw ay. “ I t ’s alw a y s n ice to w in ,” W oods said. “ It w as not a pretty round o f golf, but I got the ball in th e hole. I w as ab le to get som e w o n d e rfu l b re a k s d o w n the s tre tc h .” ¡LL Tue-Fri 10 am-4 pm Sat-Mon and after 4:30 by appointment only Corner of Russell and MLK above the Albina Coffee House •Receive 15% off any order o f $30 or more And »Receive an additional 10% off any order placed within 30 days Walk-in always welcome, 10% discount to all Non-profit organizations, OAME & LeTip Member discounts, Call for more information or current location 333 NE Russell, Suite 201 Portland, OR 97212 Tel: 503-493-3391 Lauri@ ldpgraphicdesign.net Expiration Date 03/23/01 Spurs Knock Blazers Down a Notch (A P) — SAN A N T O N IO — S o m e th in g has go n e te rrib ly wrong for the Portland Trail Blaz­ ers. W ith a 98-85 loss to the San A ntonio Spurs on M onday night, P ortland dropped another notch in the W estern C onference stand­ ings, to sixth place. C onfidence am ong m em bers o f the N B A ’s h ighest-paid team has dropped, too. Ju st three w eeks ago, they led the conference. “W e ’ve alw ays been able to get the big shot, get the big d e ­ fensive stop, get ev erything that w e n e e d ,” s a id D am on Stoudam ire, w ho had six points. “W e’re not getting that right now. W e’re not getting that stop w hen we need it. W e’re not getting that bucket w hen w e need it. It’s frustrating, but nobody is going to feel sorry for us at this point. t W hatever we got to do, we got to do.” The Spurs, m eanw hile, con­ tinued a late-season charge. Led by D erek A nderson with 28 points and Tim D uncan, who scored 20 points and tied his career high w ith 23 rebounds, the c o n fere n ce-le ad in g Spurs w on for the 10th tim e in 11 gam es. It w as their second vic­ tory over the B lazers in that span. San A ntonio scored 14 co n ­ secutive points to lead 24-10, including 3 -pointers by A nder­ son and T erry Porter and a three- point play by Sam aki W alker. W ith P ortland center A rvydas S abonis out for m ost o f the gam e after a fall and S cottie Pippen in foul trouble, the B lazers couldn’t overcom e w hat grew to a 17- p oint gap. T hey never cut the deficit to less than nine. “W e are playing very co n fi­ dently right now ,” D uncan said. “ W e know w hat to do and w e ’re doing it.” For the B lazers, it was the start o f a three-gam e road trip that continues T uesday night at D allas and T hursday night at U tah. “ W e have to fight for our lives and keep our p o sitio n ,” Stoudam ire said. “W e c a n ’td ro p any low er. T hings are sn o w b all­ ing right now. “ I know things can change throughout a season, but never in m y w ildest dream s w ould I have im agined that we w ould be in the position that we are in right now. W e’ll be in seventh by the end o f the w eek the w ay w e ’re playing right now .” Som e o f the B laze rs’ problem s have been pinned on R asheed W allace, w ho despite leading the team in scoring has picked up 37 technical fouls this season, one short o f the N B A record he set last year. On M onday night, W allace had 20 points. R eserve Steve Smith led Portland with 23 points, in­ cluding four 3-pointers. “ I t ’s p r e tty to u g h ,” said Pippen, who had six points, seven assists and seven rebounds. “We ju st have to continue to fight through it. I really d o n ’t have an answ er for it. W e ju st need to play h ard er— defend, ju st do the little things and stop team s from dom inating. R ight now, w e ’re not doing that. The first h alf show ed that.” Sabonis left the gam e early in the second quarter with ice on his left ankle after falling while trying to grab a rebound. The 7- foor-3 center, who earlier this m onth was ham pered by a sore right foot, scored four points in seven m inutes. American-Indian Mascots Will Stay At Two Universities By CANDICE CHOI D iversity I nc . com The demand that Am erican-In­ dian mascots be replaced because o f their names has been drowned out by the decision o f two univer­ sities to stick with tradition. One school, the University o f North Dakota, made its decision after a known collector o f Nazi mem ora­ bilia threatened to withdraw his $85 million donation for a new stadium. Meanwhile, the University o f Il­ linois’ board o f trustees expressed overwhelming support forkeeping its controversial m ascot, C hief Illiniwek. “I believe the value o f this tradi­ tion far outweighs any objections that have been raised against the chief,” said Susan Gravenhorst, trustee for UI. Meanwhile, trustee Tom Lamont said the term “racism” was an inap­ propriate term to use in the dia­ logue. “This is a very ugly and mean-spirited term that in this con- (left) gives President Clinton a Fighting Sioux jersey during the team's visit to the White House Thursday, Nov. 30, 2000. The Fighting Sioux won last season's NCAA Division I championship. (AP P hoto ) text serves only to polarize those o f differing opinions,” Lamont said. “Far from being racist, the repre­ sentation o f the chief reflects so positively on Native Americans that IWf FAffM STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES k. ■ I simply do not understand the basis for this term .” UI is not the only school troubled by its American-Indian mascot. “This is an issue that has been debated for more than 70 years at the University o f North Da­ kota,” said W illiam Isaacson, p re sid e n t o f N orth D a k o ta ’s Board o f Higher Education. Determined to bring the issue to rest, UND President Charles Kupchella formed a commission last year and promised to have a decision by December. ERNEST J. HILL, JR. FREE CELL PHONE” FREE CHARGER FREE VOICEMAIL FREE DIGITAL PAGING FREE CALLER ID FREE DELIVERY 110# FREE HinilteS NO CREDIT REQUIRED NO ACTIVATION FEE NO TURNDOWNS 'Account set-up $5.00, Refundable Deposit of $125 required. 1400 min free with $69 99 Plan "F re e Digital Phone requires 2 -y ea r commitment Must be at least 18 years and have own SSN. A v a il a b l e O n l y A t : Sim ply Cellular & Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd, Suite 100B Open Mon-Fri 10am-6pm • Come See Us Today: In Portland; Toll Free: 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97211 Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP f i 0 ... .... 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Public figures, in­ cluding the governor and state legislature, stepped forward to support the Fighting Sioux name. D e sp ite th e fa n fa re , the com m ission’s highly anticipated conclusion was stillborn; citing that both sides had valid argu­ ments, Kupchella failed to make his ex p ected recom m endation o p p o sin g th e F ig h tin g Sioux name. Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503, 286-1146 H O M E O FFICES: B LO O M IN G TO N , IL1INOIS [very««« «uaiifie$| 89.1 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residential Services % CALI. FOR APPOINTMENTS 503-281-3949