Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    P ag e B2
M a r c h 2 1 ,2 0 0 1
£bv ^lortkmò (ftbeeruvr
iE Business
Gets Word Out
Helping people buy or sell
Real Estate!
Demolition Starts at Grocery Site
C ontinued from front page M etro
who eat these fish w ill get cancer,
there is clearly an increased risk from
long-term consum ption ofthese fish,”
said Travis W illiams, executive direc­
tor for Riverkeeper. O ther health risks
associated with fish consum ption in­
clude developmental disorders and
immune deficiencies.
The fish found most contam inated
include include crappie, sm allm outh
bass, carp, large-scale sucker, and oth­
ers as well. The contam inants ofgreat-
est concern are dioxins, PCBs, the pes­
ticides aldrin, dieldrin, D D E , and m er­
cury. “W e feel that there has been far
too little effort by our public agencies
to get this message out to the com m u­
nity,” said W illiams.
“To som e degree, they d o n ’t have
funding to provide for this kind o f
outreach. W e feel, that as a non-profit
organization that serves the com m u­
nity, this is the least w e can do.”There
are a few things that can be done to
reduce the risks. For example, ifpeople
choose to continue eating at-risk fish,
it is suggested that you eat fewer fish,
eat smaller portions and discard the
fatty parts. It is the fat that collects the
contaminants and passes them on to
those that eat it. “I think one o fthe most
important things that w e can convey is
that the W illamette River is a public
resource. N obody ow ns it, though at
times it m ay seem like som e try to hold
title to the river. This is sim ply your
river and there is no excuse to put up
with fish so contam inated that there is
a risk o f cancer,” said W illiams.
W illamette Riverkeeper maintains
its ow n patrol boat that it will use to get
the m essage out to folks on the lower
river, and above O regon City as well.
I f you w ould like m ore information
about this report, you can contact
W illamette Riverkeeper at (503) 223-
6 4 1 8 o r v is it th e ir w e b s ite at
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Taco Bell Found Guilty o f
Violating Oregon Wage Laws
(A P ) - T h o u san d s o f T aco B ell
w orkers in O regon have w on a class-
ac tio n la w su it th a t accu sed th e re s­
ta u ra n t ch ain o f illeg a l la b o r p ra c ­
tices th a t in c lu d ed sh av in g tim e
card s.
P aul B reed , an atto rn ey re p re ­
sen tin g the w o rk e rs, sa id T aco B ell
m ust pay b ac k w ages to all e m p lo y ­
ees in v o lv e d in th e suit.
A m o n g the illeg a l p rac tice s, he
said in a new s release, w as claim ing
th at em p lo y ee s w ere tak in g b reak s
w hen they w ere not, ro u tin ely sh a v ­
ing 5 to 10 m in u tes o f f tim e cards so
it w o u ld n o t b e n o tic e d b y w o rk e rs
b u t w o u ld save th e co m p an y se v ­
eral h o u rs o f p ay d u rin g ea ch p a y ­
ro ll p erio d .
“ T aco B ell w as fo u n d g u ilty o f
sy stem a tic ally en g ag in g in the ille­
gal alteration o f pay reco rd s,” B reed
said. “ I ’m not ta lk in g ac co u n tin g
errors here. T aco B ell took tim e and
w ag es from th e ir w o rk ers w ith o u t
th e ir k n o w led g e ,” he said.
T h ere w as no im m ed ia te co m ­
m en t from a T aco B ell sp o k e s­
w o m an at co m p an y h ea d q u arters
in Irvine, Calif.
M ore than 14,000 Taco Bell w ork­
ers an d fo rm er em p lo y ees in O r­
eg o n w ere e lig ib le to file claim s
b efo re the en d o f M arch 2 0 0 0 in the
c la ss-a c tio n la w su it o v e r u n p aid
o v e r tim e , in c lu d in g r e s ta u r a n t
“ clea n in g p a rtie s."
A sim ila r law su it in W a sh in g to n
state settled in 1997 resulted in $2.75
m illio n in p ay m en ts to m o re th an
2 ,100 cu rren t and fo rm er w orkers.
Taco Bell, Pizza H ut an d K FC are
p art o f T rico n G lo b al R e sta u ra n ts
Inc., a fo rm e r P ep siC o su b sid ia ry
L o u is v ille ,
K y.
T he to ll-free n u m b er for claim s e li­
g ib ility in E n g lish an d S p an ish is 1-
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