Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2001, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
March 21, 2001
Wtje ^ o rtla n b (©bseruer
n m m u n ity
a 1 e n ò a r
Motivation Wednesday
Tired o f being overw helm ed by seminars
and not practicing what was taught to you?
Oda Research International has found a new
approach. Each week, Dr. John O da will focus
on one ideal that can take your personal and
professional life to the next level. The pro­
gram is for 12 weeks, beginning on W ednes­
day, April 11 at the W ells FargoCenter. After
com pleting the course, you will have more
confidence, selfesteem and better com m uni­
cation skills. Call 503/471 -2954.
Family Fun Night
Families that play together, stay together.
A variety o f activities, arts and crafts, riding
toys, balls and gam es. C hildren m ust be
accom panied by an adult on Fridays, April
1 2 - M ay 25, from 6 :3 0 - 8 p.m .at the Penin­
sula Park C om m unity Center, located at 700
N. Portland Blvd. Call 503/823-3620.
Paintball Fund-Raiser
Join in the Paintball com petition th a t’s
open to all on Sunday, A pril 1 at the Splat
A ction Paintball Park. Proceeds from the
event w ill go tow ards the fight against
illiteracy. For m ore inform ation and to reg­
ister, call Casi or Bud at 503/771-5752.
Weekend Green Tour Guides
Portland Parks & R ecreation needs dedi­
cated people to lead w eekend plant w alks in
city parks betw een A pril 1 and N ovem ber 1.
T hese guides w ill be trained to talk about
the various plants - from trees to sm all
flo w ers - in L au relh u rst, M t. T ab o r,
S ellw ood, D uniw ay, G rant, P eninsula,
South W aterfront, and Forest Parks and at
H oyt A rboretum . A ll tours w ill be held on
Saturdays at 10 a.m . - noon. T raining is
offered. Call 503/823-3601.
Turn Your Teen Around
Learn the seven habits o f highly effec­
tive teens in a seven-w eek course held by
John O da, Ph.D. Y our teenager w ill learn
such things as turning fear into m otivation
and action; take control o f their em otions;
develop a plan o f action that supports their
outcom e, and m uch more. The sessions will
be held at W ells Fargo C enter in Portland,
starting on Tuesday, April 10, from 6 p.m. to
9p.m. Call 503/471-2954.
Community Energy Project
Drip, drip, drip. Is your leaky faucet drip­
ping m oney dow n the drain each m onth?
C om e to a free W ater C onservation W ork­
shop and learn how to detect leaks around
your hom e, repair leaky faucets and toilets,
save up to $100 on you w ater-sew er bill,
learn w ays to reduce you w ater usage and
m uch m ore. The next m eeting w ill be at the
A lbina M inisterial Alliance, located at 1425
NE. Dekum, from 5 :3 0 - 7 p.m. Call 503/284-
Lady Bug Tour Guides
Becom e a naturalist w ith P ortland Parks
& R ecreation and prom ote nature to very
young children and their parents. PP& R is
starting a new program o f L ady Bug W alks
in parks around the city. V olunteers are
needed to lead these w alks and help young­
sters and their parents discover the w on­
ders o f anim als and plants in their neighbor­
hood. Call 503/823-3601 form ore inform a­
tion o r to receive a training schedule.
School Helps~Kids Beat the Odds Oregon
T h e S h erato n P o rtlan d A irp o rt H o tel
w ill b e the site for th is y e a r’s gala fundraiser
fo r th e P o rtlan d O p p o rtu n itie s In d u strial­
ization C en ter/R o sem ary A n d erso n M iddle
b e p u rc h a se d fo r $100. M ore th an 80
p ercen t o f th e rev e n u e from the ev en in g
w ill b e u sed to co m p lete the sc h o o l’s m ath
lab, u p d ate o u r co m p u ter sy stem s, an d
five sch o o ls su ch as P O IC /R A M H S , P o rt­
land M ay o r V era K atz rem a rk e d , “ A lte rn a­
tiv e sc h o o ls are v ital to o u r ed u catio n al
system an d h e lp in g get stu d e n ts b ac k on
an d H ig h S chool.
O n W e d n esd ay , A pril 11, m o re th an 300
o f th e c ity ’s stro n g est y o u th ad v o c ates
w ill g a th e r at 5 p.m . to ce le b ra te 34 y ears
o f s u c c e s s fu l re c o v e ry o f c o m m u n ity
m id d le an d h ig h sch o o l stu d en ts w h o m ay
o th e rw ise h a v e d ro p p ed o ut o f sch o o l an d
lo st im p o rta n t ed u catio n al an d jo b -tra in in g
o p p o rtu n ities.
T h e e v e n in g w ill b eg in w ith n o -h o st
co c k ta ils, a silen t au ctio n , an d th e fu n o f
te stin g y o u r g am in g skills an d lu ck to w in
d o ze n s o f v a lu a b le p rizes in a c a sin o room .
A n ad d itio n al item up for au ctio n is “ C h e f s
N ig h t,” a ch a n c e to h av e o n e o f th ree
o u tsta n d in g lo cal ch efs p rep are a m eal for
u p to 20 g u ests in y o u r hom e.
T h e fo rm al p ro g ram b eg in s at 6 :3 0 p.m .
a n d w ill fea tu re a k ey n o te ad d re ss b y Dr.
Ja m e s G o o d m an , en titled “ W h o se F u tu re
Is It?”
G o o d m an is th e fo rm er p resid e n t o f th e
M o reh o u se S ch o o l o f M e d icin e in A tlan ta,
G a. H e w as p ro fe sso r an d d ean fo r th e
sch o o l o f so cial w o rk at th e U n iv ersity o f
M in n e so ta , an d h as serv ed as th e d ire c to r
o f th e o ffic e o f In tern atio n al T rain in g ,
A g en c y fo r In tern atio n al D ev e lo p m e n t,
fo r th e U .S. S tate D ep artm en t. H is c o n tri­
b u tio n s w ere vital to the d ev e lo p m e n t o f
th e E d u ca tio n a l O p p o rtu n itie s P ro g ram at
th e U n iv ersity o f W ash in g to n .
T u x e d o e d stu d en ts from th e p riv ate,
a c c re d ite d sch o o l w ill serv es as u sh e rs
an d h o ste sse s th ro u g h o u t th e ev en in g . In
ad d itio n to p u rch a sin g a ta b le fo r $ 1,000,
d o n a tio n s c a n b e m ad e at o n e o f fiv e
sp o n so rsh ip lev els, ran g in g from $ 2 5 0 to
u p w ard s o f $ 5 ,0 0 0 . Ind iv id u al tick ets can
POlC/Rosemary Anderton Middle and High
Officer Dr. Samuel E. Kelly.
(P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver )
ex p an d an en ric h m en t p ro g ram w h ich is
so vital to the su c ce ss o f the co m m u n ity -
track .” G iv en o u r p erfo rm an ce in the past
six to seven y ea rs, P O IC /R A M H S has
b ased altern ativ e school.
R ein fo rcin g th e im p o rta n ce o f altem a-
S tory to C ontinue on P age B4
miles, to lay their eggs and because the caterpillars
chop through evergreen needles as well as broa­
dleaf trees and shrubs.
The U.S. Department ofAgnculture estimates
that Asian gypsy moths would cost the North­
west more than $3.5 billion in lost timber and
tourism revenues if they took hold.
The moth caught in a monitoring trap last fall is
the first o f its species to appear in Oregon since
1991, w hen the state sprayed 8,000acres in North
Portland to eradicate it the following year, said
Kathleen Johnson o f the Oregon Department o f
Agriculture. Themothprobablyemergedfroman
egg mass imported from Russ ia or Korea on a ship
that docked in nearby Portland Harbor, she said.
Egg masses can contain nearly 1,000eggs, and the
aerial spraying is intended to kill other moths that
may have arrived at the same time, Johnson said.
Helicopteis would spray the biological agent Btk,
a natural soil bacterium that kills thecaterpillar form
o f most moths and butterflies but nothing else,
three times in late April and early May. Each
application would be one to two weeks apart,
depending on weather. The spraying would cover
a square area from the W illamette River waterfront
just south o f the S t Johns Bridge extending west
into Forest Park. The 910-acre area includes about
30 residences, 13 businesses and 12 industrial
properties, mostly along U.S. 30. according to the
Department ofAgnculture
Studies have found little human health risk o f
Btk spraying, although direct exposure to the
spray can cause temporary skin, eye or respiratory
Lolenzo Poe Jr. and Julia Brim -Edw ards
w ere elected to the Portland School B oard
in a vote-by-m ail election last week.
D eny Jackson also saw victory in the elec­
tion, after being appointed to the board earlier.
Jackson received 25,333 votes over his
o p p o n en t M ary F etsch, w h o received
24,249votes. Brim-Edwards received 34,171
votes o v er the 15,768 cast for her election
opponent, Carrie A dam s.
Poe w as unopposed.
T h e d esignation o f the Portland H ar­
b o r as a Superfund site is d raw ing a
great deal o f attention to the W illam ette
R iver. W ith the high levels o f co n tam i­
n ated sed im en t present in this area, it is
sim ply polluted. Sim ilar co n tam ination
has been found in the riv er’s N ew b erg
pool, ab o v e O regon City.
O ne o f the issues o f greatest c o n ­
cern is the health risk for those th a t eat
resid en t fish.
T h e riv er hosts a w id e v ariety o f
an g lers, from sp o rt fish ers to fo lk s
that fish alm ost every day, an d eat th eir
catch. B ecause o f this, it is critical that
people that fish in these areas u n d er­
stand the risks.
W illam ette R iv erk eep er has ju st p u b ­
lished a new b ro ch u re th at exp lain s the
h ealth risks. T h e group p erfo rm ed its
o w n risk a n a ly sis fo r th e c h e m ic al
group k n o w n as dioxin. T he resu lts
found a m uch h ig h er th an norm al risk
o f can cer for those that eat fish o v er a
long p erio d o f tim e.
“ W hile w e are n ot saying that people
O nce a m onth at Portland State U niver­
sity, expert panelists w ill address issues
relating to health and hum an rights. O n
T hursday, A pril 19, the topic o f discussion
w ill be “ International H ealth Issues: Per­
spectives of2 Portland Organizations.“ Hear
opinions on health and hum an rights from
tw o Portland-based international aid orga­
nizations. T he talk will be given at P S U ’s
U rban C enter, 2nd Floor G allery, SW. M ill
betw een 5'h and 6,h. Call H essie Schm idgall
at 503/236-3269.
19th Annual Protecting
Our Children
School Board
Riverkeeper Gets Word Out on Willamette Risks
Health & Human Rights
Discussion Series
A special invitation is extended to you
by the N ational Indian C hild W elfare A sso­
ciation to attend and participate in the 19"’
Annual “Protecting O ur Children” N ational
A m erican Indian C onference on child
A buse and N eglect, held in A nchorage,
A laska. Early registration is on or before
March 30. Call Kim Just a t503/222-4044, ext.
113orcallT inaB aldom aro,ext. 145.
(A P) - O regon schools are reasonably
safe but m ore needs to be done to red u ce
bullying and harassm ent betw een students.
A tto rn ey G en eral H ardy M yers said in
releasing a report on the issue M onday.
T he report w as done b y the A ttorney
G en eral’s S chool-C om m unity Safety C o a ­
lition, w hich w as form ed follow ing the
M a y 1998 s h o o tin g s at S p r in g f ie ld ’s
Thurston H igh School by student K ip Kinkel.
K inkel shot and killed tw o students and
w ounded 25 others. K inkel, then 15, had
killed his parents at hom e the p revious day.
“ O regon schools as a w hole are am ong the
safest places for students,” M yers said at
a new s conference.
T he biggest challenge schools face “ is
to reduce the am ount o f h arassing beh av ­
ior betw een students. It is this ty p e o f
beh av io r that, i f unchecked, escalates to
v io le n ce .” O ne re c o m m en d a tio n in the
report, creating a toll-free tip h ot line for
reporting suspicious or illegal activity, is
prop o sed b y as b ill sp o n so red b y a law ­
m aker from S pringfield, D em ocratic Rep.
Bill M orrisette. T he line w o u ld be created
in the attorney g en e ral’s office. T hough
students an d parents can call school o ffi­
cials now , M yers said th e re ’s hesitation
am ong stu d e n ts to do th a t fo r fear o f
Pesticide Spray in Forest Park Draws Fire
(AP) - A plan to blanket the country’s largest
urban park with gypsy moth-killing insecticide is
meeting with opposition from local groups con­
cerned that other moths and butterflies would be
put at risk.
“We don’t want the Asian gypsy moth getting
started here, either, but we also don’t want them
going overboard with a big spraying program
when it may not be necessary,” said Sharon
Genasci o f the Northwest District Association’s
Health andEnvironmentCoinmittee. Asian gypsy
moths are more aggressive than a related Euro­
pean species that has populated the eastern United
States. Both species devour foliage and can strip
trees o f their leaves, killing them.
The Asian moth are said to be a bigger danger
because the females can tty farther. as much as 20
Report on
S tory to C ontinue on P age B2
Travis Williams talks about the dangers ofpollution and contaminated fish from the Willamette River.